Why we are
participating in the 2nd September 2016 strike
are aware that National Trade Union Centers of our Country have given a clarion
call for workers to participate in the 2nd September strike on 12 point Charter of
Demands. The strike matters were discussed among the FNPO affiliated General
Secretaries personally and debated on a marathon hours and consensus was
reached to participate in the 2nd Sep 2016.
Strike taking into consideration of anti-labour attitude of the Government.
Mainly FNPO General Secretaries discussed issues relating to 7th CPC and its implications which affect the
Central Government employees in the long run. Though the Government agree to
appoint three committees on minimum wages, allowances and new Pension Scheme,
we cannot presume the favorable recommendations of the committees at this
Unilateral amendments
to the Labour laws by the present Government will affect the trade union
movement of the country. If we are away from the strike, we will be blamed by
the future generations.
By participating in
the one day strike can we change the scenario of the nation was also discussed
by the General Secretaries at length. Finally we decided non-participation in
the strike will affect the organization. The results are not important but
organization is important. That is why we are participating in the strike.
Some of the unions
are in the habit of participating in the one day strike to keep up their entity
in their political arena and to achieve personal political ambitions.
Though we belong to
INTUC, we have no political ambitions to improve our position in future. We are
worried about the labour movement in general and welfare of Postal employees in
particular. The postal Department is already functioning with huge shortage of
staff and the Department is planning to outsource our permanent jobs through
private agencies. This has already been implemented in the many international
countries. Now the India Post started outsourcing vigorously. This will affect
future employment to the citizens permanently. If we do not participate in the
strike, we will become dishonest to the trade union movement.
There are many issues
which we cannot express openly . But the FNPO is firm participating in the
strike only to protect the labour movement in the country and not binding for
any pressure.
We appeal to all our
Divisional / Circle Secretaries to organize one day strike on 2-9-2016 successfully
and make this strike a thundering success.

Postman/MG DR Examination
will be held on separate dates
for the AP and Telangana Circles.