“Forward ever, backward never: onwards with Breaking Through”


Retirement felicitation of S.Gurnam Singh, ex C/S PB Circle, retired as SRO Chandigarh Click here to view

Retirement of Smt Sunetra Sarang Madam, CHQ President and Circle Secretary, Admin Union of MH & Goa Circle.Click here to view


2000 Denomination  Banknotes- withdrawal from circulation -Review


Consumer Price Index for Industrial Workers (2016=100) - August, 2023Read more

Revision of interest rates for Small Savings Schemes – reg.

Promotion of Government servants through LDCE against whom disciplinary / criminal prosecution are pending.Read more


NUR-C cwc meeting held at Kolkata 

Click above link to view photos

Photos from UNI's World Congress and Women's World Conference are online

Last month, more than 1,200 trade union leaders from over 100 countries came together in Philadelphia to build a stronger global labour movement and set UNI’s course for the next four years.

Now you can relive the excitement with downloadable, shareable albums from Philly.



The approval of the Competent Authority is hereby conveyed for the GDS Rule-3 transfer (September-2023 Schedule) of the following


Click the link to view PDF / List

Andra Predesh Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/AndhraPradesh_Allotment_List1.pdf

Assam Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Assam_Allotment_List1.pdf

Bihar Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Bihar_Allotment_List1.pdf

Chattisgarh Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Chattisgarh_Allotment_List1.pdf

Delhi Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Delhi_Allotment_List1.pdf

Gujarath Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Gujarat_Allotment_List1.pdf

Haryana Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Haryana_Allotment_List1.pdf

Himachal Pradesh : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/HimachalPradesh_Allotment_List1.pdf

Jammu Kashmir : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/JammuKashmir_Allotment_List1.pdf

Jarkhand Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Jharkhand_Allotment_List1.pdf

Karnataka Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Karnataka_Allotment_List1.pdf

Kerala Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Kerala_Allotment_List1.pdf

Madhya Pradesh : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/MadhyaPradesh_Allotment_List1.pdf

Maharashtra Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Maharashtra_Allotment_List1.pdf

North East Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/NorthEastern_Allotment_List1.pdf

Odisha Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Odisha_Allotment_List1.pdf

Punjab Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Punjab_Allotment_List1.pdf

Rajasthan Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Rajasthan_Allotment_List1.pdf

Tamilnadu Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Tamilnadu_Allotment_List1.pdf

Telangana Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Telangana_Allotment_List1.pdf

Uttarakhand Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/Uttarakhand_Allotment_List1.pdf

UttarPradesh Circle : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/UttarPradesh_Allotment_List1.pdf

West Bengal : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/Allotment/C4L1/WestBengal_Allotment_List1.pdf

Source : https://rule3.cept.gov.in/

Mandatory Capturing of mobile number of sender and addressee at the time of booking of accountable mail



Deployment of RICT devices and roll out of DARPAN app in Branch Post Offices under IT 2.0-reg

 Facilitation of Digital Life certificate through Face Authentication for Super Senior Pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October every year

No. 1(2)/2023-P&PW(H)-8869
भारत सरकार
कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत और पेंशन मंत्रालय
पेंशन और पेंशनभेागी कल्‍याण विभाग

8वीं मंजिल ‘बी’ विंग, जनपथ भवन,
जनपथ, नई दिल्‍ली-110001
दिनांक: 25 सितम्‍बर, 2023


Sub: Facilitation of Digital Life certificate through Face Authentication for Super Senior Pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October every year- reg.

The undersigned is directed to refer to Department of Pension and Pensioners’ Welfare’s OM No. 1/20/2018-P&PW(E) dated 18/7/2019 (copy enclosed) regarding provisions of submission of life certificate for super senior pensioners aged 80 years and above from lst October to every year.

2. In view of the Digital Life Certificate through Face Authentication Technology, it is now possible that each and every citizen can submit Digital life certificate either from home using android smartphone or bank branch.

3. It is suggested that all Banks may utilize the various platforms for creating awareness of the convenience of obtaining a Life Certificate by using the Face Authentication Technology. The following steps may be taken by the Banks:-

  1. SMS/ emails/ Whats App message may be sent to the pensioner with link of SOP of Face Authentication to empower the Super Senior Pensioner to submit their Life Certificate through Face Authentication Technology through their Android phone. (Youtube link of SOP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MT4z_dDfdFY Hindi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JbWZJkmPB0&t=11s).
  2. Banks may circulate the SOP on DLC through Face Authentication (copy enclosed) through email to concerned officials of Banks to enable them to get familiar with the usage of this technology.
  3. Facilitate bed-ridden/hospitalized pensioners for submission of life certificate of by deputing Doorstep banking executives.
  4. Banks may run widely publicize the methodology for submitting DLC by pasting information posters in branches/ATMs.

4. Necessary instructions may be issued to all the Bank branches to make suitable arrangements for submission of Life Certificate by the super senior pensioners/family pensioners aged 80 years and above from 1st October of every year.

Encl: (1) OM No. 1/20/2018-P&PW(E) dated 18/7/2019
(2) SOP on Face Authentication.

Encl: (1) OM No. 1/20/2018-P&PW(E) dated 18/7/2019
(2) SOP on Face Authentication.

(रुचिर मित्‍तल)
निदेशक (पीडब्‍लू.)

All Pension Disbursing Banks/ Authorities through mail.

Copy to:
1. Secretary, All Ministries/ Departments.
2. Controller General of Defence Accounts.
3. Controller General of Accounts
4. Chief Controller of Pension, Ministry of Finance Department of
Expenditure, Bhikaji Cama Place, Rama Krishna Puram, New Delhi.
5. Pensioners’ Welfare Associations


Unified DARPAN Android App will be rolled out in 1000 BOs (Branch Post Offices) on 25.09.2023.


The PTC Mysuru has just introduced two brand-new courses called ” Unified Darpan Android Application Prarambh ” &” Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta ” on the Unified Darpan Android Application. This initiative comes right after the Department of Posts made an announcement that the advanced Darpan Tablet is going to replace the older RICT device.

In light of this significant change, PTC Mysuru has taken the step to offer these two specialized courses on the Dak Karmayogi platform. The primary aim of these courses is to equip individuals with up-to-date knowledge regarding the functionalities and operational procedures of the new Darpan Tablet and the Unified Darpan Android Application.

As part of the course named Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta , each Branch Office will receive a package containing a Tablet, Keyboard, and Bluetooth Thermal Printer. The entire workflow will be facilitated by the innovative Unified Darpan Android Application, which has been specifically developed for the Android platform. This move is poised to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the tasks performed within the postal system.

Question & Answers: Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training

Note: Few Answers Are Incorrect for Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training 

Click hear to view

UDA 02.01 – Utilities

Q1. Using this option user can reprint BODA of Previous Dates

BODA Reports

Q2. This step is mandatory to commence work in CBS App

Day Begin

Q3. This step is mandatory to generate BODA

Day End

Q4. Option Used in BO to request special cash from Account Office

Special Remittance

Q5. Using this Option BPM will incorporate total figures of IPPB Transactions in Darpan Unified APP


UDA02.02 – Mail Operations Overview

Q1. Option available to transmit bag data to CSI Server after closing bag

Bag Despatch

Q2. BPM Has to invoice all articles after receipt of bag. True or False


Q3. BPM will receive bag received from Account Office Using this Module


Q4. Abstract Report is available in this module


Q5. Sub Modules available under Mail Operations app

Booking, Delivery and Baging

Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

 UDA02.03 – Booking Module- Regd-Parcel-Speed Post Booking

Q1. In eMO booking screen what is the amount to be entered

MO Value only

Q2. Sender city and state will be automatically filled at the time of Article booking with reference to ———

Pincode of Sender

Q3. Senders Mobile Number is mandatory to Book Speed Post in Darpan App


Q4. Scanning of Article number barcode is mandatory to book a article

No. User can enter Article number manually

Q5. Option used to book International Articles in Booking app

No Option Available

UDA02.04 – Booking Module- Electronic Money Order

Q1. If eMO addressed to PM Relief Fund. It is to be booked as

Service EMO

Q2. User has to enter eMO comission amount at the time of eMO Booking


Q3. No of Copies of receipt generated in eMO Booking


Q4. Capturing of Payee Mobile number mandatory at the time of eMO Booking


Q5. Maximum MO Value that can be booked in BO


Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

 UDA02.05 – Booking Module-Product Sale,Biller,Search Cancel Duplicate

Q1. This Mandatory field BPM has to enter manually for accepting biller transaction

Biller ID

Q2. Option Available to cancel Wrongly Booked Biller Transactions


Q3. Option used to show the Stamp Sale in Branch Post Office

Product Sale

Q4. How many times BPM can print duplicate receipts

Any number of time on same day

Q5. Whether Previous days transactions can be cancel in Darpan App


UDA02.06 – Booking Module-Reports

Q1. Whether we can take printout of detailed transaction report in Darpan

No. It is visible in screen. But we can take the print of only consolidated transaction report

Q2. Report of transactions performed through IPPB QR code available in this report

Digital Report

Q3. Total Stock of Stamps in BO available in this report

Inventory Report

Q4. We can generate transaction report of Darpan using date rage


Q5. Before day end BPM has to confirm his cash balance using this report

Cash Balance report

Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

 UDA02.07 – Delivery Module

Q1. User can check Deposit Articles in BO using this report

Abstract Report

Q2. BPM can invoice eMOs received today on next day


Q3. At the time of showing delivery of articles device capturing the location


Q4. Using this option user can show multiple articles as delivered in single stretch

Bulk Delivery

Q5. Previous days deposit articles to be invoice in Delivery module using this option

Invoice Articles

UDA02.08 – Bagging Module

Q1. BPM can receive bag by scanning all articles if bag data not received virtually1


Q2. If less cash received in bag than cash noted in BO Slip. What is the action to be perform by BPM

BPM has to enter actual cash received.

Q3. At the time of Account Bag receiving step what is the procedure to acknoledge documents received from Account Office

BPM has to select all documents shown in bag opening screen

Q4. If any article found short at the time of bag opening. System will throw one message. Then BPM has to click on this tab to show short receipt


Q5. BPM has to scan these articles at the time of bag close

Booked articles, Returned Articles and Redirected Articles

Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

UDA03.01 – Darpan CBS App Overview

Q1. Cash Transactions perfromed in CBS App will have the transaction ID
prefixed with


Q2. Using mini statement BPM can get the details of following schemes

SB and SSA

Q3. If Widthdrawal amount is greater than 20000 BPM has to request widhdrawal to AO using this option

High Value Widthdrawal

Q4. BPM Can receive deposit for any account standing at any post office


Q5. BPM will get the list of all POSB transactions performed in a particular day using this option.

Daily Transaction Report

 UDA03.02 – Darpan CBS App Account Opening

Q1. BPM can open Account by taking this type of initial deposit

Cash Only

Q2. Unique reference number generated at the time of Account Opening will have this prefix


Q3. After Account opening in device BPM will get Account Number

It will generate. But not printing in PR Receipt (W)

Q4. Accounts of following schemes can be open using CBS App


Q5. CIF ID is mandatory to open account in device


Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

UDA03.03 – Darpan CBS APP- Cash Deposit, Cash Withdrawal and High Value Withdrawal

Q1. BPM will show the payment of high widthdrawal after approval from AO using this option under High Value Withdrawal tab


Q2. BPM can request high value withdrawal using this option under High Value Widthdrawal tab

New Request

Q3. BPM Will accept Cash Deposit for following schemes using this option


Q4. Option available to identify the depositor at the time of withdrawal through Adhaar Biometric if Signature not matching


Q5. Using Cash Widthdrawal option BPM can give Withdrawal from following schemes

SB Only

 UDA03.04 – CBS APP-Mini Statement, Daily Transaction Report, Account Enquiry, Transactions Status

Q1. If the transaction is Pending in CBS app then status of trasanction will be


Q2. If the transaction failed in CBS app then status of trasanction will be


Q3. If any transaction is pending BPM can update same on next day. Whether it is correct

NO. Day end is not possible if any transaction is in pending status

Q4. Using mini statement user can get maximum number of ——– recent transactions


Q5. Using New Account Enquiry BPM will get the status of account with

Either RICT Unique reference number and Account Open Date

Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

UDA05.01 – Darpan PLI App Overview

Q1. Using this option BPM can update pending transactions

Transaction Update

Q2. Using this option BPM will get the details of any PLI/RPLI Policy

Policy Search

Q3. For doing PLI RPLI Transactions user details should be mapped in this portal

Utility Portal

Q4. Using this option BPM will issue the receipt for New proposals

Proposal Indexing

Q5. BPM Will get quote for new Proposal using this option

New Business Quotes

UDA05.02 – Darpan PLI APP- New Business Quotes and New Business Indexing

Q1. To get new business quote BPM has to enter following Details

Gender/DOB of Proponent/Product Name/Sum Assured/Maturity Age

Q2. At the time of Initial Premium Collection BPM has to enter this as reference

Proposal Number

Q3. After generating one quote if BPM wants to get another quote he has to click on this option

Re Calculate

Q4. Once after completion of Proposal indexing , proposal number will be generated and it is having prefix———


Q5. Fee Applicable to give printout of New Proposal Quote to customer

No Fee

Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training Question & Answers by Gdsresults.org

Q1. Without Policy Number BPM can search the details of Policy with reference to Name of Insurant


Q2. Print Duplicate Receipt option available in this main tab

Premium Collection

Q3. User can get duplicate receipt for last ———- transactions in Darpan App


Q4. In Premium collection screen BPM has to enter this field to know total money to be collected from Customer

No of Installments

Q5. Once Premium Collected Wrongly what is the action to be perform by BPM to correct it

BPM has to report to AO. Then through DO request should be sent to Nodal CPC identified by Circle

UDA05.04 – Darpan PLI APP- Quote Generation and Service Request Indexing

Q1. Once BPM indexed Loan Service Index. Postmaster of the office has to index once again

No Need. It will flow to McCamish

Q2. BPM can Service Index for Loan from AEA Policies

There is no Loan Facility available for AEA

Q3. Fee Applicable to give the print out of Surrender Quote to Customer

No Fee

Q4. Once one Quote is Generated If BPM wants to generate another quote he has to click on this option


Q5. This is mandatory to index service index

Policy Number

 UDA05.05 – Darpan PLI APP- Reports and Status Request, Transaction update, Disbursement Status

Q1. If one transaction is in Pending Status , BPM can take another Transaction for same policy


Q2. Using this option BPM will come to know whether loan indexed is approved in PLI CPC or not

Status Request

Q3. BPM has to take print out of this report to get total number of Service Indexing did in that BO in a Day

Daily Indexing Report

Q4. BPM has to generate this report to get Summary of Daily Collection for PLI / RPLI Policies.

Daily Summary Report

Q5. BPM has to take print out of this report to get total Insurance transactions performed in a day

Day End Collection Report


For final quiz answers please follow the above-mentioned answers because the same questions will be shuffled in the final quiz.


Don’t forget to submit feedback after completing Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training & download the final certificate for attending Unified Darpan Android Application Dakshta Training.

Please share this with your colleagues & join our telegram channel for future updates. Also, read :

Unified Darpan Android Application Prarambh Training Question Answers | Dak Karmayogi




Clarification / guidelines regarding deduction of TDS on payment of PLI/RPLI policies, as applicable, under section 194DA of IT Act’ 1961. — reg. 

Click above link to view details.

Delegation of Financial Powers to GM, CEPT and HOC' CEPT.Read more

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme-L980 - Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.07.2023 to 30.09.2023. 

Click above link to view details. 

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the conduct of Limited Departmental Competitive Examinations (LDCE) / Competitive Examination - Amendment regarding


Clarification / Guidlines regarding deduction of TDS on payment of PLI / RPLI policies - dtd 22.09.2023


  • Annexure - TDS
  • Revision of consultation/visiting &/injection fee of Authorized Medical Attendants (AMAs) under CS (MA) Rules, 1944 - regarding. 


    Transfer request of PA(SBCO) officials who have opted for PA(PO) cadre - reg


On 21.9.23 at 10.30 FNPO delegation met with DG Posts and discussed the following issues and the outcome is very positive. 

1.Opposed the PPP policy proposed by CPMG Assam for RMS parcel hubs. 
2. Demanded for review about CRC process for compassionate appointments. 
3. Reviews of RPLi and PLi incentive policy
4. Reconstitution of RJCMs by all circles
5. IP result will publish in October first week
6. Nearly 10 CPMGs will take charge soon. 
7. Very soon JTS promotion order will issue
8. Next week rule 38 orders will be communicated
9. One time relaxation for HSG promotions second time submitted to upsc for approval
10. NPH Guwahati relocation in city limits demanded. .
11. Periodical Meeting will be held before 20.10.23.

Key Highlights from the NCJCM Standing Committee Meeting on September 20, 2023.

Outcome of the issues discussed in the Standing Committee meeting of the National Council – JCM held on 20/09/2023 under the Chairperson ship of Secretary (P) DOPT.

Outcome of the NCJCM Standing Committee Meeting held on 20.9.2023 


As already informed to you the meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council – JCM was held on 20/09/2023 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P) DOPT. At the outset after the introductory remarks made by the Chairperson and before taking up the agenda points Staff Side raised the following important issues:-

Scrap NPS and Restore OPS

1) More than 20 lakh Central Government Employees are in NPS. A huge rally on the 10th of August 2023 was held at Ramleela Maidan New Delhi in which more than 3 lakhs of Central & State Government Employees participated demanding for Scrapping of the No Guarantee NPS and to restore the Defined and Guaranteed Old Pension Scheme. The Staff Side once again reiterates its demand that the NPS should be scrapped and the Old Pension Scheme should be restored at the earliest.

2) The office of the Staff Side is receiving innumerable representations on issues which can be sorted out at the Departmental Level itself. Since the Departmental Councils are not functioning and meetings are not taking place, all the issues are referred to our office and we are forced to bring all those issues to your notice. It is therefore essential that the Departmental Council – JCMs should meet regularly in accordance with the JCM scheme and regular meetings at the Departmental Level should be held with the Staff Side so that the National Council – JCM can concentrate on the common issues of Central Government employees.

This is a serious matter and hence DOPT may take up the matter with all the Secretaries of the various Ministries and Departments to ensure that the JCM functions effectively in accordance with the spirit of the JCM Scheme.

3) The Meeting of the National Council – JCM is also overdue. The last meeting of the National Council – JCM was held through video conference during 21/06/2021. We request the Cabinet Secretary through you that he may convene the meeting of the National Council JCM at the earliest.

4) Despite High Court orders upheld by Supreme Court for grant of 3 MACP nd in GP Rs 4600 to the Master craftsman of MOD who were given 2 ACP in the Grade pay of Rs.4200, the DOPT have advised the MOD to withdraw the same. All the concerned employees have retired long back and as per DOPT instructions there cannot be any recovery and as per CCS Pension Rules, Pension once fixed cannot be revised downwards other than on penalties moreover the DOPT Instructions to Defence Ministry amounts to contempt of Court.

Therefore DOPT may Direct MOD not to take any precipitative action in this regard. A copy of letter written by the AIDEF is this regard is being handed over to Secretary DOPT. The same may please be considered favorably.

Stop Recovery from Retired Employees

5) Another matter of serious concerned is the non-implementation of the DOPT O M dated 02/03/2016 on the subject of recoveries of wrongful / excess payments by the employers impermissible in Law. According to this instruction any excess payment made to the employees due to the mistake of the administration and not because of any false claim by the employees the concerned department should process the case for waiver of recovery and get the approval of Department of expenditure. However in many field units / offices instead of following these guidelines recoveries of huge amount from the employees and retiring employees are being effected.

Therefore DOPT may issue strict instructions to all the departments to follow the DOPT O M date 02/03/2016 and not to recover any amount from the employees and retiring employees in accordance with the DOPT OM.

Conversion of NPS employees to Old Pension Scheme

6) Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare have issue orders on 03/03/2023 for conversion of NPS employees to Old Pension Scheme if they were recruited on or after 01/01/2004 on the basis of the notification / Advertisement issued before 22/12/2003. Due to a confusion with regard to Notification and Advertisement the benefit of Old Pension Scheme is not being extended to the concerned employees. This needs to be clarified by the Department of Pension or DOPT.

It is proposed that the Notification letter issued by the concerned Ministry / Department / Field Units for recruitment of certain number of vacancies in different categories should be taken as the date of Notification since in many cases the advertisement by the DAVP in the employment News etc are delayed by months together. Moreover there are many issues which needs to be clarified since the field units are not implementing the Department of Pension order dated 03/03/2023. A separate meeting with the Staff Side may please be convened in this regard.

7) The Staff Side is repeatedly representing for releasing the 18 months frozen DA / DR arrears to the Central Government employees & Pensioners. However till date a favorable decision is not taken by the Government. It is therefore requested that Government may reconsider the decision & released DA/ DR Arrears due for 18 months as a Diwali gift.

8) Posts lying vacant in all the Central Government Departments should be filled up to stop outsourcing and contract etc.

Outcome of the NCJCM Standing Committee Meeting held on 20.9.2023

Thereafter the following Agenda Points were taken up for discussion.

1) Extension of CGHS facilities to the Civilian Employees of left out Industrial Establishment under Western Command of Navy Mumbai.


After discussion representative / senior officer from NHQ stated that the NHQ fully agree with the demand of the Staff Side and stated they have already recommended the case to Ministry of Health& Family Welfare. Additional Secretary Assured that Health Ministry will consider the demand of the Staff Side and the recommendations of NHQ will issue necessary instructions in consultation with Department of Expenditure if required.

2. Empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS in all the CGHS governed cities / towns.


Ministry of Health have already taken a decision to empanel private Health Care Organization of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy etc under CGHS if they apply for the same. Moreover Private day care therapy centers under Ayush is established at Delhi on a trial basis. After 6 months Ministry of Health will review the position and there after decision will be taken for extending the benefits for other cities / towns

3.To retain the status of more than 70,000 Defence Civilian Employees who are on deemed deputation with the newly created 7 Ordnance Factory Corporations as Central Government Employees / Defence Civilian Employees till their Superannuation.


The Staff Side informed about the harassment being faced by the employees of Ordnance Factories Post Corporatization. In violation of the Cabinet decision and the commitment given by the Government before the Hon’ble High Court, the 7 Corporations are tinkering with the service conditions of the employees like changing the working hours, implementing incentive scheme by replacing piece work system, not implementing he settlement reached between AIDEF and DDP in the presence of CLC on the formation of IR Machineries in the Corporations, Non Grant of Compassionate Appointments, and the DDPs apathy towards the employees, not holding of the meetings with the Federation etc.

Moreover now the Government have decided to merge Corporations and reduce to 4 Corporations. This has further created fear and apprehensions in the minds of the employees. We have decided to issue contempt of Court Notice to the Government and the Corporations for violation of the assurance given in the High Court. We demanded that the Government instead of extending the deemed deputation should issue a notification for retaining the status of employees as Central Government Employees / Defence Civilian employees till their retirement.

Responding to the views expressed by the Staff Side JS (LS ) from DDP informed that the corporations are making the HR Policies and option will be asked from the employees whether they would like to join the Corporations or they would like to remain as Government Employees.

Secretary DOPT directed JS (LS) DDP that the concerns expressed by the staff Side are serious and the same should be communicated to the Defence Secretary and meetings should be held with the Staff Side to settle the issues represented by them.

4) Provision to book two rooms through e-Sampada Portal in CPWD Guest Houses / Holiday Homes


The demand will be examined by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

5) Restoration of historic Pay-Parity between Income Tax Inspector and analogous posts in Department of Revenue and Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Gr.-I of IB:


After discussion Secretary (P) desired that Department of Revenue should hold separate meeting with the Staff Side and explore the possibility of resolving the issue.

6) Revision of Deposit linked Insurance Scheme under the GPF for Central Government Employees


We objected and protested against the decision taken by the Department of Expenditure to reject the demand. After discussion it was decided that the Department of Expenditure would reconsider its decision and the proposal of DOP&PW to increase the Deposit Linked Insurance from GPF to Rs. 5 Lakh

7) Revision of calculation Ceiling Limit of PLB and Ad hoc Bonus for the Central Government Employees


Bonus ceiling will be revised only if the Bonus Act is amended by the Labour Ministry. After discussion it was decided that a reference will be
made to the Labour Ministry in this regard.

8) Restoration of festival advance to the Central Government Employees


After discussion Special Secretary Department of Expenditure stated the Government may consider for granting Rs 20,000 as festival advance to be recovered in 10 installments. The staff Side demanded the amount may be increased to Rs. 50,000. The Department of Expenditure will take a final decision in this regard.

9) Stepping up of pay of seniors promoted prior to 31.12.2015 getting lesser basic pay than the juniors promoted after 01.01.2016


The Staff Side stated that since the Department of Expenditure have approved stepping up of pay on the above circumstances to the Armed Forces personnel there is no justification on the part of the Government to deny the same benefits to the Civilian Central Government employees. After discussion Special Secretary Department of Expenditure agreed to consider the demand.

10) Extending the benefit of option to Central Government Employees to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale from a date! beneficial to the employees and also for extending revised option for the employees who were given entry pay benefit on promotion in the 6th CPC Pay Scale to switch over to 6th CPC Pay Scale w.e.f.01.01.2006.


After discussion Special Secretary Department of Expenditure th th agreed to consider the option period for switching over to 7 CPC up to 25 July 2017 from the date of promotion / MACP etc. As regards issuing a general Government order for extending option to the entry pay th beneficiaries on promotion to switch over to 6 CPC w.e.f. 01/01/2006 would be considered in consultation with the Government Department.

11) Subversion of JCM norms with misuse of CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993


The Staff Side demanded that the withdrawal of the recognition granted to the NFPE and AIPEU (Gr. C) should be reconsider and the recognition should be granted back. When the official side stated that the matter is sub-judice then the Staff Side is ready to withdraw the Court case if the Government agrees to restore the recognition. As regards the position in ISRO not recognizing the majority Association and dissolving of the JCM would be referred to ISRO to find out the position and thereafter the matter will be further discussed.

12) Necessary clarification to ensure that the service Associations which are governed by the CCS (RSA) Rule 1993, are kept out of the purview of Rule 15 (1) (c).


The Staff Side insisted the DOPT should issue clarification that the DOPT instructions that no Government employee should hold elected office for more than 2 terms / 5 years is not applicable to service associations recognized under RSA Rules 1993 and to the cooperative societies which are register under the Government of India Cooperative Societies Act or under the respective State Government Cooperative Society Act. We also stated that employees are being illegally issued Show Cause Notices for initiating disciplinary action in the Navy on the above pretext.

Therefore the matter may be treated urgently and necessary clarification should be issued to avoid punitive actions against the office bearers of the Associations and elected Directors of the Cooperative Societies. Secretary DOPT assured that the entire matter would be reconsidered and necessary instructions would be issued.

13) Extension of LTC-80 one time relaxation in the case of employees who availed LTC to Andaman & Nicobar Island (A&N) by purchasing air tickets from other than authorized agents


After discussion Secretary DOPT agreed to reconsider the demand of the Staff Side and assured a decision would be taken at the earliest.
While concluding the meeting the Staff Side requested Special Secretary Expenditure to issue Government orders for grant of Notional Increment to the th st employees retiring / retired on 30 of June and 31 of December. Special Secretary informed that the matter is under serious consideration and a decision would be taken soon.

As regards the Action Taken Reports on the Agenda Points of the previous meetings and the Arbitration Awards a separate meeting would be held with th the Staff Side after 10 of October 2023.

FG/Security bond to be furnished by the Gramin Dak Sevaks - reg


Clarification on operation of Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA) in the cases of gender transformation of girl child - dtd 18/09/2023





Implementation of direct credit/disbursement of PLI RPLI Agent Incentive into POSB Account - Dte Lr. dated 18.09.2023


62nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) to be held on 20.09.2023 (Wednesday) at 12 noon under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P)

Shiva Gopal Mishra

Ph.: 23382286
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery
for Central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail : nc.jcm.np[at]gmail.com


August 30, 2023


All Members of the Standing Committee
of National Council – JCM,


It is to inform you that the meeting of the Standing Committee of the National Council JCM is scheduled to be held on 20th September 2023, (Wednesday) at 12.00 noon at North Block New Delhi. Vide DOPT letter F. No. 3/2/2023-1CA dated 29th August 2023 (copy enclosed).

It has therefore been decided that the Staff Side meeting will be held on same day i.e. 20th September 2023 at 9.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. in the O/c National Council (Staff Side) JCM, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, to internal discussion.

You are requested to please make it convenient to attend the said meeting on the date and time referred to above.

Yours fraternally,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

F.No. 3/2/2023-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment JCA Division

North Block, New Delhi
Dated; 29.08.2023


1. Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff-Side National Council, JCM, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi-110001
2. All Staff side Members of Standing Committee (as per list attached)

Subject: 62nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) to be held on 20.09.2023 (Wednesday) at 12 noon under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P).


The undersigned is directed to say that the 62nd meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) is scheduled to be held on 20th September 2023 (Wednesday), at 12.00 noon in Room No. 119, North Block, New Delhi under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P) to discuss the agenda items received from Secretary, Staff Side (NC-JCM) and ATR an 13 items of last Standing Committee meeting held on 22.9.2022.

2. You are requested to kindly make it convenient to attend the meeting.

Yours faithfully,

(Gandharv Kumar Sandilya)
Under Secretary(JCA)



Standing Committee Meeting of the National Council JCM – Agenda points for discussion and settlement includes MACP, Notional Increment, FMA, Bonus, Festival Advance, Stepping up of Pay etc. 

Standing Committee Meeting of the National Council JCM – Agenda points for discussion and settlement includes MACP, Notional Increment, FMA, Bonus, Festival Advance, Stepping up of Pay etc.


Shiva Gopal Mishra

National Council (Staff Side)
Sint Consultative Machinery
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
E-Mail : nc.jcm.np[at]gmail.com

No.NC-JCM-2022/ SC

July 24, 2023

The Dy. Secretary-JCA,
Member Secretary – JCM
Department of Personnel & Training,
North Block,
New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Sub: Forwarding of agenda points for discussion and settlement in the next Standing Committee Meeting of the National Council JCM.


In continuation of this office letter of even number dated 19/06/2023 addressed to Secretary (P), Department of Personnel and Training, we are hereby submitting the enclosed 13 agenda points for the ensuing Standing Committee Meeting of the NC JCM. Apart from this, 13 Agenda’s we also would like to discuss the following issues (enclose in Annexure) which we have discussed in the last Standing Committee Meeting of the NC JCM held on 22/09/2022. We will be also forwarding additional fresh agenda points within a week as and when received from the Staff Side.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,

(Shiva Gopal Mishra)

Encl:- as above


Item No. 14/SC/22:-

Payment of FMA to Pensioners of the National Institute of Ayurveda and bring the employees of the institutes within the ambit of CCS (MA) Rules.

Item No. 28/SC/22:-

Restoration of facilities and concession withdrawn by Railways to Senior Citizens.

Item No. 11/SC/22:-

Pension to be exempted from the purview of income taxation.

Item No. 24/SC/22:-

Disability pension of war heroes to be exempted from Income tax.

Item No. 3/19/SC:-

Revision of the benefit of Deposit Linked Insurance Coverage from GPF.

Item No. 29/19/SC:-

Enhancement Of Bonus Ceiling Limit Of Casual Labourers Consequent On enhancement Of Bonus Calculation Ceiling Of Central Govt Employees

Item No. 17/SC/22:-

Modification for grievance redressal mechanism.

Item No. 21/21/SC:-

Implementation of Govt. decision on 7th CPC recommendations on Risk Allowance to the Central Govt. Employees including Defence Civilian Employees

Item No. 6/SC/22:

Restoration of the commuted portion of pension after 12 years

Item No. 8/SC/22:-

MACP to be made effective from 1.12006 in implementation of the judgment of the Supreme Court

Item No. 9/SC/22:-

Grant of one notional increment for those who retired on superannuation on 30th June,

Item No. 10/SC/22:-

Applicability of the 7th CPC. Pay revision benefit for those retired on 31.12.2015.

Item No. 23/SC/22:-

To specify time frame for the completion of disciplinary cases in the case of pensioners.

Agenda Item No. 1:

Restoration of historic Pay-Parity between Income Tax Inspector and analogous posts in Department of Revenue and Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Gr.-I of IB:

A historic pay parity had earlier been maintained between Income Tax Inspector (ITI)/ Inspector (Central Excise)/Preventive Officer/ Examiner in the Department of Revenue (DoR) and the Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Grade-I of IB (formerly Inspector of IB). The 5th CPC recommendations restored inter alia the horizontal parity, disturbed in the interim, by placing Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Grade-II of IB to the replacement scale of Rs.1,640 – Rs.2,900, i.e. making them on par with ITI and analogous posts of the Department of Revenue. But the Government of India, while implementing the recommendations, placed Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Gr.-I of IB in the pay scale of Rs.6,500 – Rs.10,500, whereas ITI and others in DoR were awarded with the pay scale of Rs.5,500 – Rs.9,000. However, the pay anomaly was set right by the order of the Implementation Cell, Department of Expenditure from F.No.6/37/98-IC dated 21.04.2004, when ITI and analogous posts in DoR too were upgraded to the (at par) pay scale of Rs.6,500-Rs.10,500. The 6th CPC again disturbed the horizontal parity by awarding the pay scale of Grade Pay Rs. 4,600 in Pay Band-2I to Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Gr-I of IB. But the anomaly was soon set right by the Implementation Committee of the Department of Expenditure vide its OM from F. No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 13.11.2009 granting parity in the pay scales of ITI and analogous posts in the DoR by upgrading to the Grade Pay to Rs.4600 from Rs.4,200.

However, 7th CPC once again disturbed the re-established parity, apparently mis-appreciating the spirit of 5 CPC’s observations and recommendations, which was also accepted by the Government of India. Therefore, when ITI and analogous posts in DoR were awarded the replacement scale at Pay Level 7, Inspector of CBI/ ACIO Gr.-I of IB were upgraded to Pay Level 8. The issue of Anomaly was placed before the Departmental Anomaly Committee, which was accepted and decided to forward the proposals to the Department of Expenditure (DoE). However, Deptt of Revenue didn’t accept the recommendation of Anomaly committee as well as didn’t find merit in the proposals of CBDT and CBIC and never forwarded the same to DoE. But DoR too clearly mis-appreciated the spirit of the observations and recommendations of SCPC and failed to take note that the DoE had already accepted the horizontal pay-parity between these two groups while upgrading the pay scale of DoR employees on 21.04.2004. Moreover, there have been no significant changes of duties for both the groups since then. Hence, DoR employees have clearly been denied justice and the historic horizontal pay-parity needs to be restored before we move to the next CPC regime.


Agenda Item No. 2 :

Subversion of JCM norms with misuse of CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993

The JCM has been functioning since 1966 for maintaining harmonious relation between Government of India and its Employees. Efforts were made to continuously improve the position. At the end of the day, it is found that this mechanism contributed immensely for the betterment of the employees. But recently employees of different Departments witnessed unfortunate attempts to dismantle the system, mostly by uncalled for misuses of some provisions of CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993. There are so many organizations facing the problems regarding recognition as per CCS (RSA) Rules 1993.

Some of the organizations like National Federation of Postal Association (NFPE) and All India Postal Employees Union (Group C) organization, the representative of highest number of employees have been derecognized for a charge, which was duly clarified by the Federation based on logic and genuine documents. The withdrawal of recognition is not only unjustified but also motivated. Withdrawal of the recognition of a major employee’s organization of Central Govt. Department will definitely hamper the industrial relations and harmony of that department, which is not in the interest of the employees-employer relationship. The arbitrary order regarding derecognition is required to be withdrawn and the recognition of both the organization may be restored back.

The organization like ISRO earned global reputation with the active cooperation of the employees. The JCM mechanism served well in this organization since long. Recently JCM mechanism has been replaced by Grievance Redressal Mechanism by the department. This is gross irregularity and infringement of Constitutional Right to form Association. Reversion to a lawful mechanism i.e. recognition of employees organization may be restored.


Agenda No.3

Necessary clarification to ensure that the service Associations which are governed by the CCS (RSA) Rule 1993, are kept out of the purview of Rule 15 (1) (c).

The provisions of DoPT clarifications for holding elective office under Rule 15 (1) (c) of CCS (Conduct) Rules are erroneously being applied on the different associations governed by the CCS (RSA) Rule 1993. The Rule 15 of CCS (Conduct) Rules is with regard to private trade and employment and Rule 15 (1) (c) talks about “hold an elective office or canvass for a candidate or candidates for an elective office, in any body, whether incorporated or not”. There is a proviso to Rule- 15 which, as mentioned above, refers to private trade or employment and hence, the office bearers of the service associations are in no way coming under its ambit. The service Associations are governed by CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, where they have to adhere to the provisions of their Constitution as approved by their respective departments. A fine reading of Rule 15 of CCS (Conduct) Rule 1964 and the DoPT instructions thereon leaves no ambiguity that the proviso thereto is in respect of private bodies and holding elective office in such bodies and not applicable to Service Associations and employees of Cooperative Societies / Banks/Consumer Stores etc.

In this regard kindly refer to DOPT O M F.N.11013/11/2007-Estt. (A) Dated 13/11/2007 where in it is clearly stated with regard to the restrictions on tenure/ number of Terms of holding office in a cooperative society in accordance with the relevant Cooperative Acts and bye-laws of the Cooperative Societies. In the Cooperative Societies Act there is no such provision for restricting the tenure /number of terms for holding elected office. Similarly the service Associations are recognized Under CCS (RSA) Rules 1993, in which there is no restriction on tenure / number of terms. Therefore the position taken by the Department of Atomic Energy in this regard is incorrect.

In the light of the above, it is requested to issue necessary clarification to ensure that the service Associations which are governed by the CCS (RSA) Rule 1993, are kept out of the purview of Rule 15 (1) (c) of CCS(Conduct) Rules and the employees Cooperative Societies / Banks / Consumer Stores which are governed by Central & State Government Acts and Rules framed by Central and respective State Government.


Item No. 4

Revision of Deposit linked Insurance Scheme under the GPF for Central Government Employees

The above issue was under discussion in the Standing Committee Meetings of the National Council – JCM. The Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme limit is periodically increased whenever the ministry of Labour and employment increases the limit of DLIS in the EPF Scheme. The Ministry of labour has enhanced the benefit to Rs.600,000/- for the depositors in the EPF Scheme. At present the DLIS benefit available to the GPF subscribers is only Rs. 60,000/- therefore the Staff Side in the Meetings of the Standing Committee held on 07/03/2019 raised this issue and in the meeting we were informed that the Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare have recommended the matter to the Department of Expenditure and that the matter is under consideration in the Department of Expenditure. We were expecting the government orders for increasing the DLIS benefit from Rs. 60,000 to 600,000 for the GPF subscribers. However the Staff Side is shocked to note that the Department of Expenditure have rejected the same. This is not justified since this insurance benefit is a social security coverage given to the family of deceased employees who are subscribers of GPF. Therefore this needs to be reconsider by the Department of Expenditure.


Item No. 5

Revision of calculation Ceiling Limit of PLB and Ad hoc Bonus for the Central Government Employees

The Last revision of the enhancement of the calculation ceiling for the purpose of payment of PLB and adhoc Bonus was revised during the year 2014-15 vide Department of Expenditure OM dated 29/08/2016. The ceiling was raised from Rs.3500 to Rs.7000/-. It is now almost 10 years after the revision of the calculation ceiling limit of PLB and adhoc bonus. After the implementation of 7th CPC pay scales w.e.f 01.01.2016, the minimum basic pay of Central Government Employees is Rs. 18000/-. Therefore there is no justification in keeping the ceiling limit of payment of Bonus ( PLB & Adhoc Bonus) as Rs. 7000/-. It needs to be revised and enhanced. It is therefore demanded that the calculation ceiling limit of PLB and Adhoc Bonus may be revised in consultation with the Staff Side. We reiterate that the Bonus for 30 days should be one month basic pay of the employees.

Item No. 6

Restoration of festival advance to the Central Government Employees

Kindly refer to the decision taken in the Standing Committee meeting Held on 07/03/2019 and 26/02/2021 where in the demand of restoration interest free advances recommended by the 7th CPC. After discussion it was mutually agreed that the Govt. will consider the issue of Restoration of Festival Advance to the Central Government Employees. In the meeting held 0n 26.02.2021 Secretary (P) stated that there is no restriction on what to do of the amount of advance, but there is restriction on how to disburse it. It was further decided that the matter may be discussed by the Staff Side with the then AS (Pers) DOE separately. It is regretted to inform that so far no discussion with the Staff Side has taken place on the subject matter. It is therefore demanded that one month basic pay of the employees may be given as interest free festival advance to be recovered in ten monthly instalments.


Item No.7

Stepping up of pay of seniors promoted prior to 31.12.2015 getting lesser basic pay than the juniors promoted after 01.01.2016

After the implementation of Ministry of Finance / Department of Expenditure OM dated 31st July, 2018 wherein it is clarified “that in case an employee is promoted or granted financial upgradation including upgradation under the MACP scheme on ist January or ist July, where the pay is fixed in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made in accordance with the Rule 13 of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2016, the first increment in the Level applicable to the post on which promotion is made shall accrue on the following 1st July or 1st January, as the case may be, provided a period of 6 months’ qualifying service is strictly fulfilled. The next increment thereafter shall, however, accrue only after completion of one year”.

Due to the above benefit of granting the 1st increment within 6 months after promotion it has been observed that an anomaly was caused to the senior employees in the same category promoted prior to 31st December, 2015 is getting lesser Basic Pay than those who are promoted on or after 01.01.2016 due to the benefit availed by the junior in accordance with the Department of Expenditure OM dated 31.07.2018. Similar anomaly has happened in the case of Service Personnel in the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defence / Department of Military Affairs has taken up the matter with Defence Finance and Ministry of Finance and the MOD vide Letter referred above dated 26.09.2022 have now issued the clarification for stepping up of the pay of the senior at par with the junior as under :-

(a) DNI is an inherent part of pay as duly clarified by Ministry of Finance, while defining equal pay vide Ministry of Finance Letter 1(14)-III/89 dated 16th June, 1989.

(b) Accordingly, Ministry of Finance has applied the same rule in the extant anomaly noticed in VII CPC. It has now been clarified that after 01st January, 2016, in case a junior who is drawing less / same pay as a senior, starts drawing more Basic Pay after six/ months of his promotion due to DNI provision extended in VII CPC, pay of such senior shall be stepped up, equal to junior’s pay w.e.f. 01st January, or O1st July as the case may be.

The above benefit of stepping up of pay the senior employees who are promoted prior to 31.12.2015, at par with the junior’s promoted after 01.01.2016 has not been extended to the Central Government Employees. This is a discrimination, since any instruction related to Pay Commission Anomalies are equally applicable to the Civilian Employees also. Therefore, it is requested that the DOPT and Department of Expenditure may kindly arrange to issue instructions as already issued to the Service Personnel for stepping up of pay of the seniors who were promoted prior to 31.12.2015 at par with the junior’s promoted after 01.01.2016.


Item No. 8

Extending the benefit of option to Central Government Employees to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale from a date! beneficial to the employees and also for extending revised option for the employees who were given entry pay benefit on promotion in the 6th CPC Pay Scale to switch over to 6th CPC Pay Scale w.e.f. 01.01.2006.

At the outset we are thankful to the Department of Expenditure for issuing an Instruction dated 04.07.2023 allowing another opportunity to Government employees to exercise / re-exercise option for pay fixation as allowed under O.M. dated 28.11.2019 within a period of three months from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum. However, the following two issues represented by the Secretary / Staff Side of the National Council (JCM) is remaining unsettled despite our repeated request in the meetings of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM).

1) Granting of one more option to switch over to 7th CPC Pay Scale from a date subsequent to 25th of July, 2016 (Ref. Minutes of National Anomaly Committee Meeting held on Tuesday, 17th July, 2018 circulated vide DOP&T OM No. 11/2/-JCA-1 (Pt.) dated 31st of January, 2019). Kindly refer also to Secretary / Staff Side / National Council (JCM) Letter No. NC-JCM-2017/Fin dated 05th of March, 2019.

2) Grant of revision of option after grant of Entry Pay to the promotes in accordance with Department of Expenditure OM No. 8-23/2017- E.III dated 28th of September, 2018. Kindly refer to Secretary / National Council (JCM) Letter No. NC-JCM-2022/Fin. (Opt) dated 23rd of June, 2022.

Since, the above two major issues are not yet settled, the employees are agitated and some of them are planning for litigation in the matter. As these two demands are genuine and there is no much financial implication in both the cases it is requested that the Department of Expenditure may kindly consider our request favourably and arrange to issue necessary instructions for extending the benefit of option as a onetime measure so that a major outstanding issues pending in the National Council (JCM) stands resolved.


Item No. 9

Extension of LTC-80 one time relaxation in the case of employees who availed LTC to Andaman & Nicobar Island (A&N) by purchasing air tickets from other than authorized agents

The Staff Side has been repeatedly demanding that a onetime relaxation as given to LTC – 80 journey performed by Central Government Employees to NER States and J&K State may be extended to the Central Government employees who have availed LTC-80 and have travelled to A&N Islands by purchasing Air Tickets from other than authorized Agents. This the Staff Side has demanded as a onetime measure. However it is unfortunate that the Department of Personnel & Training has not agreed our demand. Having given one time relaxation in the case of NER States and J&K States and denying the same benefit to the employees who traveled to A&N Islands by availing LTC -80 and purchased Air ticket from other than authorized agents is not justified. Since the one time
relaxation is not given huge amount with penal interest from the employees including from the retiring employees are being effected. This has subjected to the employees to undue hardship. Since the Air fare will be restricted to the actual LTC-80 fare on the day of travelling by the employee, the remaining amount of Ticket fare will be refunded by the employees. Moreover since this is only a one time measure DOPT may kindly consider the request of the Staff Side in its true perspective and arrange to issue orders for one time relaxation of LTC-80 to the employees who have travelled A&N Islands at per with the employees who travelled to NER states and J&K state.


Item No. 10

Empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS in all the CGHS governed cities / towns.

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide OM referred at 1 above have issued instructions for empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS in Delhi / NCR Region. Subsequently, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare vide OM referred at 2 above has extended the empanelment of the Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS in Delhi for a further period of one year. However, the same benefit has not been extended in the other CGHS governed cities and towns.

This office has been receiving representations from all over the country for extending the CGHS empanelment of Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy in all the CGHS governed cities and towns. This demand is justified since the Government policy is to encourage the indigenous medical system of Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani and Siddha, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare may kindly arrange to empanel Private Day Care Therapy Centers for Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy, Unani and Siddha and necessary Orders for empanelment of CGHS recognized hospitals / day care Centres for the above indigenous system of medicines may please be issued.


Item No. 11

Extension of CGHS facilities to the Civilian Employees of left out Industrial Establishment under Western Command of Navy Mumbai.

The Staff side of the National Council (JCM) have represented to Ministry of Health & F.W. for extending the coverage of CGHS facilities to the Defence Civilian Employees posted in the various Naval Industrial Establishments under the Western Naval Command Mumbai. The Ministry of Health have already extended the benefit to the Industrial Establishment in the Naval Dockyard Mumbai under the control of Western Naval Command. Therefore denying the same benefit for the employees working in other Industrial Establishments in Mumbai under the Western Naval Command is not justified. It is understood that after our representation to Ministry of Health, the matter is under active consideration at Ministry of Health / CGHS. However till date Ministry of Health have not issued any instruction in this regard. Since the Naval Civilian Employees of Mumbai are pressing hard, it is requested that you may kindly appreciate the situation and arrange to issue necessary instructions in this regard to the CGHS Authorities of Mumbai and to Ministry of Defence at the earliest for extending the coverage of CGHS Facility to the Defence Civilian Employees posted in the Industrial Establishments under Western Naval Command Mumbai.


Item No. 12

Provision to book two rooms through e-Sampada Portal in CPWD Guest Houses / Holiday Homes

The Central Government Employees are booking rooms in CPWD Gust Houses / Central Government Holiday Homes through e Sampada Portal. As of now the employees are allow to book only one room (most of the rooms in CPWD Guest Houses are Two Bed Rooms only). Employees those who are travelling with their Parents and Children’s are enable to manage in one room. Therefore employees are forced to book the 2 room through their colleagues which is costing three times than the ordinary rent. Therefore the existing system may be review and an employee should be allowed to book two rooms in CPWD Guest Houses / Holiday Homes through e-Sampada which will help in accommodating the family members of the employees.


Item No. 13

Item No. 13 : to retain the status of more than 70,000 Defence Civilian Employees who are on deemed deputation with the newly created 7 Ordnance Factory Corporations as Central Government Employees / Defence Civilian Employees till their Superannuation.

The Government of India in violation of all the previous written assurances given to the Recognized Federations of Defence Civilian Employees have unilaterally taken a decision to splinter the more than 222 years old Indian Ordnance Factories in to 7 Corporations. Accordingly the Cabinet have taken decision to convert the Ordnance Factory Board into 7 Corporations / DPSU’s with effect from 01.10.2021. All the then existing more than 78,000 Defence Civilian Employees of Ordnance Factories were forcibly posted on deemed deputation for a period of 2 years i.e. upto 30.09.2023 in the newly formed 7 DPSU’s. The Cabinet while deciding the same have also taken a decision that during the period of deemed deputation all the Defence Civilian Employees of Ordnance Factories will continue to remain as Central Government Employees / Defence Civilian Employees and all their service conditions and benefits would be protected. The All India Defence Employees Federation have challenged the Governments decision in the Madras High Court. The Government of India in its counter affidavit have assured the following before the Hon’ble High Court:

‘Para 55 A and B : It is humbly reiterated that employees will continue to be Central Government employees on deemed deputation to the new corporations unless they themselves opt to get permanently absorbed in these new corporations Hence, there is no violation of any fundamental right or Article of the Constitution including Article 14 and Article 311.

Para 47 : Unless the OFB employees chose to opt for permanent absorption in the new DPSU’s, they would continue as Central Government servants and their pay scales, allowances, leave, medical facilities, Career progression and other service conditions will also continue to be governed the extant rules, regulations and orders, as are applicable to the Central Government servants.

Para 48 : The employees will continue to be Central Government employees while on deemed deputation to the corporations and until they themselves opt to get permanently absorbed in the new corporations. Hence, it is denied that the article  14 of the Constitution is violated.”

The above issue was also discussed in the 48th Meeting of National Council JCM held on 26/06/2021 and after discussion the Chairman desired that the Ministry of Defence will regularly discuss the matter of all Service related matters of the employees with the Staff Side and employees interest would be protected. The Federations have already represented to the Ministry of Defence to issue a notification for retaining the employees of Ordnance Factories who are on deemed deputation in the newly created 7 DPSU’s as Central Government Employees / Defence Civilian Employees till their Superannuation / Retirement from service as assured by the Government in the Hon’ble High Court of Madras.

The deemed deputation period is going to come to an end on 30.09.2023. Till date the Ministry of Defence have not issued any notification in this regard despite repeated representations by the recognized Federations. It is therefore requested that DOP&T may kindly arrange to issue necessary instructions to the MoD for publishing notification for retaining the status of the employees of Ordnance Factories as Central Government Employees / Defence Civilian Employees till their Superannuation / Retirement from service as assured by the Government in the Hon’ble High Court of Madras.
