The outcome of the 5th meeting of the committee on Allowances constituted to examine the recommendations of the 7th CPC regarding allowances .
On 03/11/2016 the meeting was conducted under the Chair of Fiance secretary & secretary (expenditure). During the meeting India Post Chairman, Postal board, Member (P), DDG (Esst.) , DDG (P)&Director (Esst.) are present. From the staff side, 3 Federations Secretaries Generals have participated.
The Department of Posts submitted a proposal that the need for retaining the following allowances. .
1) Fixed Monetary Compensation to Postmen @Rs 300 per day for an additional full beat and Rs 150 per day for sharing of beat (half beat) and further proposed to increase by 25% every time when DA reaches 50%
2) Special Allowance to PO&RMS Accountants. The allowance is required to be continued as this special allowance has been sanctioned in lieu of Higher pay scale. If abolished one increment is to be allowed on promotion which costs more to the Department. Therefore, it is proposed to grant special allowance equivalent to one increment, which will be kept separately and not to be added to the basic pay. Other conditions applicable to present allowance will remain in force.(ie if this allowance is drawn for 3 years, it will be added to basic pay while pay fixation on promotion.
3) Cycle allowance to Postmen: Must be retained while doubling the amount to Rs 180 p.m. and further increase by 25%every time the DA increases by 50%
4) Cash handling and Treasury allowance: The cash Handling allowance should be retained and need to doubleed and further increase by 25% every time the DA increase by 50%
5) Fixed Medical allowance: The FMA may be allowed @ Rs 2000/ per month enhancing from Rs 500 p.m. being paid at present.
6) Headquarter allowance: Proposes to retain the Headquarters allowance at the uniform rate of 10% of the basic pay subject to the ceiling of Rs 9000/ per month.
7) Overtime Allowance: It is proposed Rs 100 per hour and further increase by 25% every time the DA increase by 50%
After a long discussion on the revision of above allowances, the Fiance secretary wants the quantum of the Fund required by the Department of Post to meet the Expenditure. Our departmental officers who are present at the meeting agreed to give fund details shortly.
Let us hope Fiance Ministry will agree our Department proposal.
Dearness Allowance to C.G employees- M.O.F Order.
Dearness Allowance to C.G employees- M.O.F Order.