Phase of programme
JCA decided to continue its struggle programme in connection with the demands
viz., Grant of revised ceiling of Bonus @Rs.7000- to GDS w.e.f 2014-15 and
Payment of arrears to Casual/Part-Time/Contingent employees from 01-01-2006.:
Indefinite hunger fast in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi from 3rd November 2016 by all Secretaries General, General Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO.
Indefinite hunger fast in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi from 3rd November 2016 by all Secretaries General, General Secretaries of NFPE & FNPO.
9th & 10th November 2016 -- Two
days strike
Nationwide Postal Strike will
be organized by
FNPO affiliated unions CHQ office bearers, Circle Secretaries, Branch / Divisional Secretaries of NUGDS
are requested to mobilize the cadre by conducting regional meetings /
conventions, Circulate the information through pamphlets, SMS & all other
sources etc., and make all sincere efforts to success the Postal JCA agitations
on our justified demands.