Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission
Implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay Commission
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,
P.G. and Pension
Department of Personnel
& Training
New Delhi, the 1st
September, 2016.
The Chief Secretaries of
All States/Union
Sub: Implementation of
Government's decision on the recommendation of the Seventh Central Pay
Commission- Revision of provisions regulating pension / gratuity / commutation
of pension / family pension / disability pension / exgratia
lump-sum-compensation, etc-reg.
I am directed to say that
in pursuance of Government's decision on the recommendations of the Seventh
Central Pay Commission, the Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare by
its OM No. 38/37/2016- P&PW (A)(i),(ii) and Resolution dated 4th August
2016 (copies enclosed) has issued the necessary detailed order for
implementation of Government's decision on the recommendation of the Seventh
Central Pay Commission- Revision of provisions regulating
pension/gratuity/commutation of pension/family pension/disability
pension/ex-gratia lump-sum-compensation etc. under the CCS (Pension) Rules,
1972 and Commutation of Pension under CCS (Commutation of Pension) Rules 1981,
Extraordinary Pension)
Rules 1939 etc.
2. The applicability of
the provisions of aforesaid Office Memorandums of the Department of Pension
& Pensioners Welfare to the members of All India Services has been
considered. It has been decided that the provisions contained in the aforesaid
Office Memorandum issued
by the Department of Pension & Pensioners shall be equally applicable
Mutatis-Mutandis to members of All India Service governed by the ATS (DCRB)
Rules, 1958.
Encl : as above.
Yours faithfully,
(Kavitha Padmanaban)
amount of additional
pension will be Shown distinctly in the pension payment order, For example, in
case where a pensioner is more than BO years of age and his pension is
Rs.10,000 pm, the pension will be shown as (i) Basic pension=Rs.10,000 and
(ii)Additional pension
Rs.2,000 pm. The pension on his attaining the age of 85 years will be shown as
(i).Basic Pension
=-Rs.10,000 and (ii) additional pension = Rs.3,000 pm.
6.1 The rates for payment
of death gratuity shall be revised as under:
Length of Qualifying service
Rate of Death Gratuity
Less than one year
2 times of monthly emoluments
One year or more but less than 5 years
6 times of monthly emoluments
5 years or more but less than 11 years
12 times of monthly emoluments
11 years or more but less than 20 years
20 times of monthly emoluments
20 years or more
Half month’s emoluments for every completed six monthly period
of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments
Accordingly. Rule 50(1)(b) of MS (Pension) Rules, '1972 shall
stand modified to this extent.
6.2 The-maximum limit of
Retirement gratuity and death gratuity shall be Rs, .20 The ceiling on gratuity
will increase by 25% whenever the dearness allowance rises by 50% of the basic
pay. Accordingly, first proviso under Rule 50(1)(b) of CCS (Pension)
1972 shall stand modified to this extent.