Abolition of Group B, C and D posts of Annual Direct Recruitment Plans for the year 2005 to 2008 under Optimisation of Direct Recruitment vacancies.
Instructions to stop irregular Rule-37 transfers- DOP Directorate Order No.141-141/2013-SPB-II(pt) dated 13.12.2016

7th Pay Commission: Committee on Allowances likely to present its report today
7th Pay Commission: Committee on Allowances likely to present its report today
The Committee on Allowances, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa, was given time till February 22 to present its report.
It has been nearly eight months since the Narendra Modi government cleared the recommendations of the Seventh Pay Commission.
After a long wait, the Committee on Allowances is likely to submit its report to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Monday.
The committee, headed by Finance Secretary Ashok Lavasa, was given time till February 22 to table its report.
The revised allowances are likely to be effective from April 1.The house rent allowance (HRA), which forms a crucial part of government employees' salary, is expected to be fixed at 30 per cent of the basic pay for employees in metros which have a population of 50 lakh and above.
Minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee-III to suggest measures for streamlining implementation of the National Pension System with employees’ Associations held on 10.02.2017 at Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee-III to suggest measures for streamlining implementation of the National Pension System with employees’ Associations held on 10.02.2017 at Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
No.57/1/2016-P&PW (B)
Government Of India
Ministry Of Personnel, P.G.and Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
New Delhi, dated the 16th February, 2017
Subject: Minutes of the meeting of the sub-committee III to suggest measures for streamlining implementation of the National Pension System (NPS) held on 10.02.2017-reg.
The minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee-III to suggest measures for streamlining implementation of the National Pension System (NPS) held under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary (Pension) with Staff side of JCM on 10.02.2017 at Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi is hereby forwarded for information and further necessary action.
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Minutes of the meeting of the Sub-Committee-III to suggest measures for streamlining implementation of the National Pension System with employees’ Associations held on 10.02.2017 at Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
A meeting of the Sub-Committee-III to suggest measures for streamlining the implementation of the National Pension System (NPS) was held under the Chairmanship of Ms. Vandana Sharma, Additional Secretary (Pension) with Staff Side of JCM on 10.02.2017 at 3.00 p.m.,at Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi. The following were present:
Official Side
1. Shri Harjit Singh, Director, Deptt. Of Pension & Pensioners Welfare.
2. Shri Sanjiv Kumar, Deputy Secretary, Department of Personnel & Training,
3. Shri Vivek Ashish, Under Secretary, Department of Expenditure,
JCM (Staff Side)
4. Shri Shiva Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side (JCM),
5. Shri M.S. Raja, Member, National Council (JCM), All India Audit & Accounts Association
6. Shri C. Srikumar, General Secretary/AIDEF, Member National Council, JCM
7. Shri Guman Singh, President, NFIR
8. Shri M. Raghavaiah, Leader(JCM Staff Side) & General Secretary, NFIR
9. Shri K.K. N. Kutty, President, Confederation of CG employees & Workers.
2. Additional Secretary (Pension) welcomed all the participants and briefed the Staff Side of JCM about the various issues allocated to the Sub-Committee-III. She invited suggestions from the participants on these issues.
3. The Staff Side handed over a communication dated 10.2.2017 containing their views on the various issues allocated to the Sub Committees. The Staff Side agreed that there is an urgent need to frame rules on the service matters of the NPS employees. Additional Secretary (Pension) assured the staff side that their views would be duly considered while framing rules in this regard.
4. Staff Side of the JCM emphasized that the Government employees should be excluded from the purview of NPS. In case, it was not possible to exempt the Government employees from the NPS, a minimum pension @ 50% of the last pay drawn or average emoluments of the last 10 months, whichever is more beneficial to the employees (along with dearness relief) may be ensured to all NPS employees on their retirement.
5. The Staff side was informed that in the event of invalidation / disability or death of the NPS employee, Pension / Family Pension as per the rates applicable under CCS (Pension) Rules is available to the NPS employees / their families. As regards the minimum guaranteed pension on retirement of the NPS employees, the views of the Staff Side of JCM would be conveyed to the Committee set up for streamlining implementation of the National Pension System.
6.The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.