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7th CPC benefit: Taking Leave on 01.01.2016 जिस दिन आएंगे ऑफिस, तभी से होगी वेतन में बढ़ोतरी

Some Blogs/Sites have published the article that taking leave on 01.01.2016 will effect the getting benefit of 7th CPC from the date of its implementation.  These articles are based on two sources first the Hindi news published by Patrika News mentioned below and the second is the letter(WAN message) issued under the signature of P C Chinhara, Assistant Director (Pers-V), Sashatra Seema Bal(SSB), whcih is circulated in social media.  It is also mentioned that the report of 7th CPC not says anything like this.

The letter (received through email) issued by SSB suggest the employees to be present on 01.01.2016 and the rule stated in this letter seems related to the fixation of pay on accrual of increment or on promotion. The letter in the from of WAN message of SSB is attached below for our readers.  This letter is not available on the official website of SSB, so the authentication of the said letter is in question :-

 The above message states:-

“ Implementation of Pay Commission Report.  As you aware that 7th Pay commission has already submitted their report to Govt of India and same is likely to be accepted soon after observing due formalities. The commission recommends that the date of effect should be 01-01-2016. Rules provides that if a Government servant is away on leave or is availing joining time as on 1st of January 2016 the increased pay will be effected only from the date of which such employee resumes duty and not from the first of January 2016. All Force personnels informed accordingly.”

The news article of Patrika News, which is claiming that the 7th CPC report stipulates the delay pay fixation of implementation of 7th CPC due to leave,  is reproduced below:-

जिस दिन आएंगे ऑफिस, तभी से होगी वेतन में बढ़ोतरी
नई दिल्ली। जस्टिस एके माथुर की अध्यक्षता वाले सातवें वेतन आयोग ने केंद्र सरकार को अपनी सिफारिशें सौंप दी हैं। इस पर सरकार ने अमल करना भी शुरू कर दिया है। आयोग ने सिफारिश की है कि 1 जनवरी 2016 से सरकारी कर्मचारियों को आयोग की सिफारिशों के अनुसार बढ़ा हुआ वेतन दिया जाए।
यह भी कहा कि अगर कोई कर्मचारी 1 जनवरी 2016 को किसी कारणवश या छुट्टी की वजह से ऑफिस नहीं आता है, तो आयोग की सिफारिशों के मुताबिक बढ़ा हुआ वेतन एक तारीख से नहीं दिया जाए। हर सरकारी कर्मचारी को बढ़ा हुआ वेतनमान उस दिन से मिलेगा, जिस दिन से वो साल 2016 में ऑफिस ज्वाइन करेगा।
कम से कम वेतन 18 हजार महीना
63% बढ़ेंगे भत्ते।
16% मूल वेतन में वृद्धि।
03% सालाना वेतन वृद्धि।
18 हजार न्यूनतम मासिक वेतन।
2.5 लाख अधिकतम मासिक वेतन यानी केबिनेट सचिव को इतना वेतन मिलेगा, बाकी शीर्ष अफसरों का वेतन 2.25 लाख होगा।
10 लाख से बढ़ाकर 20 लाख हो ग्रैच्युटी। डीए 50 फीसदी बढे़ तो ग्रैच्युटी 25 फीसदी बढे़।
7.5 लाख से 25 लाख तक का घर खरीदने के लिए बिना ब्याज एडवांस।
पैरामिलिट्री के जवान या अफसर की ड्यूटी के दौरान मौत पर शहीद का दर्जा मिले।
एक सैलरी, एक पोस्ट का नियम लागू हो।
52 तरह के भत्ते खत्म हों। पे बैंड और ग्रेड पे खत्म हो।
ग्रुप ए अफसरों को आईएएस के बराबर वेतन मिले।

Chapter 5 - Revised Pay Structure of the 7th CPC is related  to this and the various paras pointed below, not confirming the claim of Patrika News

  • Para 5.1.28 & 5.1.29 - Pay Fixation in the New Pay Structure
  • Para 5.1.42&43 - Date of Effect

Full Chapter 5.1 of 7th CPC Report Pay Structure (Civilian Employees) [Click here to view] is avlaible on staffnews.in

The another chapter/para Pay fixation 11.22.53 which states something about implementation of 7th CPC report on sort out the anomalies of entry pay of direct recruitee and promottee in 6th CPC is co-incidentally related to SSB and the extract of this para reproduced below:-

Pay fixation
11.22.53 SSB has informed that as per the recommendations of the VI CPC, the pay as on 01.01.2006 was fixed 1.86 times the pay drawn in the pre-revised pay scale. This has resulted in anomaly with reference to Entry Pay for direct recruits appointed on or after 01.01.2006. For example, the entry pay in the GP 2000 is ₹6,460/-, whereas an official drawing pay of ₹3,455 in the pre-revised pay scale of ₹3200-85-4900 has been fixed at ₹6,430/- with GP 2000 (as per fitment table) i.e., an official even after getting 03 increments in the pre-revised pay scale fixed at a lower stage than an official who joined on or after 01.01.2006. To remove this anomaly, SSB has proposed that pay as on 01.01.2006 may be fixed 1.86 times the pay drawn in the pre-revised pay scale subject to minimum of entry pay recommended for each grade pay. 
11.22.54 The Commission is already seized of the issue and the procedure for fixation of pay has been dealt with in this report in the Chapter 5.1. However, it may be noted that all the recommendations of the Pay Commission will have prospective effect only and to that extent any anomalous situation arising out of the pay fixation formula of the VI CPC cannot be rectified by this Commission from retrospective date.
In last what is the fact and employees what will do on 01.01.2016 join office or take leave? The recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission regarding the salaries and perks for the Central Government employees will come into effect from January 1, 2016 onwards. Many are curious to find out the connection between the date of implementation of 7th CPC and reporting to work on the day.

Since the 7th CPC Report not stated about this hence the order of Govt. on implementation of 7th CPC recommendation will clear all the rules of new pay fixation of 7th CPC.  It is suggested similarly from others:-

Normally, the date of joining work, date of getting the promotion, date of receiving the increments, transfer date, and retirement dates are very important for a Central Government employee. In the average service period of a Central Government employee, he/she is likely to witness two or three Pay Commissions. Keeping this in mind, it would be better to not absent oneself on January 1, 2016.

“All Central Government employees are advised to report to work on January 1, 2016 (Friday).”
“This is especially so for those who are on long leave. It will help them avoid a lot of problems in future.”
“If 01.01.2016 is announced as a holiday, it will be better to report to work the next day.”
If the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission are going to be implemented from 01.01.2016 onwards, then the employees will have to come to work that day to accept these recommendations. If he/she is absent on the day, then the day they return to work will be treated as the day they had accepted the new recommendations.
If an employee not to report on the date of implementation of recommendations of new pay commission, this could delay the benefits of the 7th Pay Commission. This could also cause financial losses too due to pay revision as per the recommendations of new pay commission.