“Forward ever, backward never: onwards with Breaking Through”


8th 8th CPC demanded  by UP MP

Our 24th AIC open session held at Haridwar, Uttarkhand under the chairmanship of Shri.Ashok Singh,CHQ President. Chief Guest Shri.Sandeep Dikshit,Ex Member of Parliament,New Delhi.,Smt Anita Sharma, Chairmen, Haridwar Nagar Nigam, Shri Sivaji Vasireddy, SG FNPO,  Shri. Nissar Mujawar, GS P4, Shri M.K.Sharma, GS R4 , N.K.Tyagi, GS R3, Shri B.Shiva kumar,Ex SG FNPO, Shri T.N.Rahate, Ex SG FNPO, addressed the session. 

All Circle Secretaries were attended along with their 400 delegates and equal number of visitors from the all over country in the open session