March to Parliament” on 4th December 2014
to participants which is sent to ALL affiliated unions General secretaries and
Circle secretaries on 17/11/2014
Dear Colleagues,
are aware that the Postal JCA has decided to go ahead with the programme which
we planned earlier. The Department of Posts does not respect our sentiments.
Every demand which we raised in the charter of Demands is either rejected or
delayed indefinitely by the Department. Taking into consideration of the
present condition, the Postal JCA has decided to go ahead with our original
programme, “March to Parliament”
on 4th December 2014.
following places/locations have been arranged for staying purpose for
participants in the programme.
1. Sanatan Dharam Sabha
Shiv Mandir
2283, Ashok
Faiz Road,
Karol Bagh,
New Delhi
110 005.
CH 17-18,
Atul Grove Road,
New Delhi
110 001.
both the above places, our Federation will provide bedding for the
Ø The
Federation is unable to provide any kind of food to the participants.
Ø Participants
may make their own arrangements in respect of food. Further we are unable to
provide hot water to participants during their stay.
Ø In December,the climate in Delhi will be of
severe cold. Therefore participants are requested to bring necessary clothing
so as to bear the cold.
Ø The
March to Parliament will start at 10 a.m. from Jantar Matar.
All the participants of FNPO affiliated
unions are requested to come to MTNL Quarters at Atul Grove Road at 9.30 a.m.
FNPO procession will start from Atul Grove Road to Jantar Mantar and join with
NFPE participants. From there we will proceed to parliament. Participants are
requested to bear any inconvenience caused during their stay in Delhi. We are
unable to provide proper accommodation to the participants at Delhi due to
paucity of funds with the Federation. However we provide accommodation which is
not lesser than that of NFPE participants. The places of stay mentioned above
will be available from 3rd December to 5th December2014 up to 10 a.m. Therefore
participants are advised to reach Delhi on 3rd December and leave by 5th December 10 a.m. The participants
belonging to Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh are requested to come
on the morning of 4th December.
intention to hold “March to Parliament” is to show our strength as well as our
anguish and protest against the Department / Government. Therefore all
participants should bear the inconvenience during the stay in Delhi .FNPO hopes
and trusts the participants will raise to the occasion.
Yours Fraternally,
DOPT Instruction regarding timely review of suspension
F. No. 11012/17/2013-Esti.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment Division
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
Establishment Division
North Block, New Delhi — 110001
Dated November 18th 2014
Dated November 18th 2014
Subject: Central Civil Service (Classification, Control and
Appeal) Rules, 1965 — Instruction regarding timely review of suspension
Rule 10 of the Central Civil Services (Classification,
Control and Appeal) Rules, 1965, deals with the provisions of suspension. As
per the rule, a Government servant may be placed under suspension, in the
following circumstances:
(a) where a disciplinary proceeding against him is
contemplated or is pending; or
(b) where, in the opinion of the authority aforesaid, he has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the State; or
(c) where a case against him in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation, inquiry or trial:
(b) where, in the opinion of the authority aforesaid, he has engaged himself in activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the State; or
(c) where a case against him in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation, inquiry or trial:
2. A Disciplinary Authority may also consider it appropriate
to place a Government servant under suspension in the following circumstances.
These are only intended for guidance and should not be taken as mandatory:-
(i) Cases where continuance in office of the Government
servant will prejudice the investigation, trial or any inquiry (e.g.
apprehended tampering with witnesses or documents);
(ii) where the continuance in office of the Government servant is likely to seriously subvert discipline in the office in which the public servant is working;
(iii) where the continuance in office of the Government servant will be against the wider public interest [other than those covered by (i) and (ii)] such as there is public scandal and it is necessary to place the Government servant under suspension to demonstrate the policy of the Government to deal strictly with officers involved in such scandals, particularly corruption;
(iv) where allegations have been made against the Government servant and preliminary inquiry has revealed that a prima facie case is made out which would justify his prosecution or is being proceeded against in departmental proceedings, and where the proceedings are likely to end in his conviction and/or dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service.
(ii) where the continuance in office of the Government servant is likely to seriously subvert discipline in the office in which the public servant is working;
(iii) where the continuance in office of the Government servant will be against the wider public interest [other than those covered by (i) and (ii)] such as there is public scandal and it is necessary to place the Government servant under suspension to demonstrate the policy of the Government to deal strictly with officers involved in such scandals, particularly corruption;
(iv) where allegations have been made against the Government servant and preliminary inquiry has revealed that a prima facie case is made out which would justify his prosecution or is being proceeded against in departmental proceedings, and where the proceedings are likely to end in his conviction and/or dismissal, removal or compulsory retirement from service.
3. In the first three circumstances the Disciplinary
Authority may exercise his discretion to place a Government servant under
suspension even when the case is under investigation and before a prima facie
case has been established. Suspension may be desirable in the circumstances
indicated below:-
(i) any offence or conduct involving moral turpitude;
(ii) corruption, embezzlement or misappropriation of Government money, possession of disproportionate assets, misuse of official powers for personal gain;
(iii) serious negligence and dereliction of duty resulting in considerable loss to Government
(iv) desertion of duty;
(v) refusal or deliberate failure to carry out written orders of superior officers In respect of the types of misdemeanor specified in sub-clauses (iii) and
(v) discretion has to be exercised with care.
(ii) corruption, embezzlement or misappropriation of Government money, possession of disproportionate assets, misuse of official powers for personal gain;
(iii) serious negligence and dereliction of duty resulting in considerable loss to Government
(iv) desertion of duty;
(v) refusal or deliberate failure to carry out written orders of superior officers In respect of the types of misdemeanor specified in sub-clauses (iii) and
(v) discretion has to be exercised with care.
3. Rules 10(6) and 10(7) of the CCS (CCA) Rules, 1965, deal
with review of the suspension cases. The provision for review within ninety day
is applicable to all types of suspensions. However, in cases of continued
detention, the review becomes a mere formality with no consequences as a
Government servant in such a situation has to continue to be under deemed
suspension. A review of suspension is not necessary in such cases.
4. It has been brought to the notice of this Department that
in cases of prolonged suspension period, the courts have pointed out that the
suspension cannot be continued for long and that inspite of the instructions of
DoP&T, the Disciplinary Authorities are not finalizing the disciplinary
proceedings within the stipulated time. Also, in such cases the Government is
unnecessarily paying subsistence allowance without extracting any work and if,
on the culmination of the disciplinary proceedings, the charged officer is
exonerated from the charges, the Government has to unnecessarily pay the full
salary and treat the period of suspension as on duty etc.. It is, therefore,
desirable that timely review of suspension is conducted in a just and proper
manner and that the disciplinary proceedings are finalized expeditiously.
5. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to bring the
existing instructions on timely review of suspension and expeditious completion
of disciplinary proceedings to the notice all concerned under their control.
1. Special
benefits in cases of death and disability in service
No.45/3/2008 – P&PW (F)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated 20, November, 2014
Subject: Special benefits in cases of death and
disability in service – Revision of Disability Pension/Family pension of
Pre-2006 disability pensioners/Family Pensioners – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that the pension
of pensioners/family pensioners who were drawing pension/family pension as on
1.1.2006 under the CCS(EOP) Rules was to be revised in accordance with
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare OM NO.38/37/2008-P&P&W(A)
dated 1.9.2008. Accordingly, instructions were issued vide this Department OM
of even number dated 30th September 2010 for extension of benefits of modified
parity to past pensioners’ for revision of disability pension/family pension
covered under CCS(EOP) Rules.
Further, orders were issued vide this Department’s
OM No.38/37/2008-P&PW(A) dated 28th January, 2013 for further stepping up
of normal pension/family pension to 50%/30% of the sum of minimum pay in the
pay band and grade pay corresponding to the pre-revised pay scales from which
the pensioner had retired, as arrived at with reference to the fitment table
annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure OM NO.1/1/2008-IC
dated 30th August 2008. The question of extending this benefit to pre-2006
disability pensioner/family pensioner covered under the Central Civil Services
(Extraordinary Pension) Rules has been under the consideration of the
Government. It has now been decided that the pension/family pension of pre-2006
disability pensioners/family pensioners covered under CCS(EOP) Rules would be
further stepped up as under:-
I. Family Pension for
Categories B & C
(a) Where the deceased Government servant was not
holding a pensionable post: 40% of minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade
Pay (in the case of below HAG scale)! minimum Basic pay in the revised Scale of
Pay (in the case of HAG and above) applicable from 1.1.2006 corresponding to
the scale of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with reference to
the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of
Expenditure, OM No. 1/1!2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008 subject to a minimum of
(b) Where the deceased Government servant was
holding a pensionable post: 60% of minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade
Pay (in the case of below HAG scale )/ minimum Basic Pay in the revised Scale
of Pay (in case of HAG and above) applicable from 1.1.2006, corresponding to
the scale of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with reference to the fitment
tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No.
1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008 subject to a minimum of Rs.7.000/-
In case where the widow dies or remarries, the
children shall be paid family pension at the rates mentioned at (a) or (b)
above, as applicable, and the same rate shall also apply to
fatherless/motherless children. In both cases, family pension shall be paid to
children for the period during which they would have been eligible for family
pension under the CCS (Pension) Rules. Dependent parents/brothers/sisters etc.
shall be paid family pension one-half the rate applicable to widows/fatherless
or motherless children.
Family Pension under Categories D & E
Family pension shall be calculated as the minimum of
Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay and minimum Basic Pay in the revised Scale
of Pay (in case of HAG and above) applicable from 1.1.2006, corresponding to
the scale of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with reference to the
fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure,
OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008.
(a) If the Government servant is not survived by his
widow but is survived by child/children only, all children together shall be
eligible for family pension at the rate of 60% of minimum of Pay in the Pay
Band plus Grade Pay and minimum Basic Pay in the revised Scale of Pay( in case
of HAG and above) applicable from 1.1.2006, corresponding to the scale of pay
last held by the employee as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables
annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No.
1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008 subject to a minimum of Rs. 7000/-
(b) When the Government servant dies as a bachelor
or as a widower without children, dependent pension will be admissible to
parent without reference to pecuniary circumstances, at the rate of 75% of
minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay and minimum Basic Pay in the
revised scale of pay(in case of HAG and above) applicable from 1.1.2006,
corresponding to the scale of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with
reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department
of Expenditure, OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008, if both parents are
alive, and at the rate of 60% if only one of them is alive.
Disability Pension for Categories B & C
(a) Disability pension would comprise of a service
element equal to 50% of minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay (in the
case of below HAG scale)/minimum Basic Pay in the revised Scale (in case of HAG
and above) applicable from 1-1-2006, corresponding to the scale of pay last
held by the employee as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed
to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated
30th August, 2008, to be reduced proportionately, if the employee did not have
required qualifying service for full pension, plus disability element equal to
30% of the same basic pay, for 100% disability.
(b) For disability less than 100%, disability
element shall be reduced proportionately. In cases of disability pension where
permanent disability is not less than 60%, the disability pension (i.e. total
of service element plus disability element) shall not be less than 60% of the
minimum of pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay ( below HAG scale) or the
minimum basic pay in the revised Scale of pay (in case of HAG and above)
corresponding to the scale of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with
reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department
of Expenditure, OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated so” August, 2008, subject to a minimum
of Rs. 7000/- per
Disability Pension for Category D
(a) Disability pension would comprise of a service
element equal to 50% of minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay ( in the
case of below HAG scale)/minimum Basic Pay in the revised Scale of Pay (in case
of HAG and above) applicable from 1.1.2006, corresponding to the scale of pay
last held by the employee as arrived at with reference to the fitment tables
annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No.
1/1/2008-IC dated so” August, 2008, subject to proportionate reduction in case
his qualifying service up to the deemed date of retirement falls short of full
qualifying service and disability element equal to 30% of the same minimum of
Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay (in the case of below HAG scale)/minimum
Basic Pay in the revised Scale of Pay ( in the case of HAG and above) as
arrived at with reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of
Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008
subject to the condition that the aggregate of service and disability element
shall not be less than 80% of the minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade
Pay/minimum Basic Pay, in case of HAG and above, applicable from 1.1.2006,
corresponding to the scale of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with
reference to the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department
of Expenditure, OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated so” August, 2008 for 100% disability.
(b) For lower percentage of the disability,
proportionate reduction would be made in disability element as provided in OM
dated 3.2.2000 as amended vide O.M. No.45/3/2008-P&PW (F) dated 18.11.2008.
V. Disability Pension for Cases under Category E
(a) Disability pension would comprise of a service
element equal to 50% of minimum of Pay in the Pay Band plus Grade Pay (in the
case of below HAG scale or the minimum Basic pay in the revised Scale of pay
(in case of HAG and above) applicable from 1-1-2006, corresponding to the scale
of pay last held by the employee as arrived at with reference to the fitment
tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure, OM No.
1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008 subject to proportionate reduction in case
his qualifying service upto deemed date of retirement falls short of full
qualifying service and disability element equal to the same minimum of pay in
the Pay Band plus Grade Pay ( in the cases of below HAG scale) or the minimum
Basic Pay in the revised Scale of Pay (in case of HAG and above) corresponding
to the scale of pay last held by the employee, as arrived at with reference to
the fitment tables annexed to the Ministry of Finance, Department of
Expenditure, OM No. 1/1/2008-IC dated 30th August, 2008 for 100% disability.
(b) For lower percentage of the disability,
proportionate reduction would be made in disability element as provided in OM
dated 3.2.2000 as amended vide O.M. NO.45/3/2008-P&PW (F) dated 18.11.2008.
3. In the case of Disability pension/Family pension
calculated as per para 4.1 of OM NO.38/37/2008-P&PW(A) dated 1.9.2008 is
higher than the disability pension/family pension calculated in the manner
indicated above, the same (higher consolidated disability pension/family
pension) will continue to be treated as basic disability pension/family
4. These orders shall take effect from 24.9.2012.
There will be no change in the amount of revision disability pension/family
pension paid during the period 1.1.2006 to 23.9.2012, and, therefore, no
arrears will be payable on account of these orders for that period.
5. All other terms and conditions in the O.M. dated
3.2. 2000, as amended vide O.M. No.45/3/2008-P&PW (F) dated 18.11. 2008 and
30.09.2010 shall remain unchanged.
6. This issues with the concurrence of the Ministry
of Finance, Department of Expenditure, vide their 10 No.481/EV/2014 dated
7. In so far as persons belonging to the Indian
Audit & Accounts Department, these orders issue after consultation with the
Comptroller & Auditor General of India.
8. All Ministries/Departments are requested to bring
the contents of these orders to the notice of Controller of Accounts/Pay and
Accounts Officers and Attached and subordinate Offices under them on a top
priority basis. All pension disbursing officers are also advised to prominently
display these orders on their notice boards for the benefits of disability
pensioners/family pensioners.
8. Hindi version will follow.
(Tripti P Ghosh)
(Tripti P Ghosh)
Source: www.persmin.gov.in
2). Grant of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) to the
Central Government Pensioners residing in areas not covered under CGHS.
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan MARKET
New Delhi-110 003, Dated the 19th November, 2014.

New Delhi-110 003, Dated the 19th November, 2014.
Subject: Grant of Fixed
Medical Allowance (FMA) to the Central Government Pensioners residing in areas
not covered under CGHS.
The undersigned is
directed to say that at present Fixed Medical Allowance is granted to the
Central Government pensioners/family pensioners residing in areas not covered
under Central Government HEALTH
administered by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and corresponding
health schemes administered by other Ministries/Departments for their retired
employees for meeting expenditure on their day-to-day medical expenses that do
not require hospitalization. Orders were issued vide this Department’s O.M. of
even no. dated 26.05.2010 for enhancement of the amount of Fixed Medical
Allowance from Rs. 100/- to Rs. 300/-p.m. w.e.f. 1.092008.

2. The demand for
further enhancement of FMA has been under consideration of the Government for
some time past. Sanction of the President is hereby conveyed for enhancement of
the amount of Fixed Medical Allowance from Rs.300/- to Rs.500/- per month. The
other conditions for grant of Fixed Medical Allowance shall continue to be as
contained in this Departments’ OMs No.45/57/97-P&PW(C) dated 19.12.97,
24.8.98, 30.12.98 and 18.8.99.
3. These orders will
take effect from date of issue of this OM.
4. These orders are
issued with the concurrence of the Ministry of Finance (Deptt. of Expenditure)
vide their ID. Note No 588l/E.V/2014 dated 22.10.2014 and in consultation with
the Comptroller and Auditor General of India vide their UO No. 174
Staff(Rules)/02-2011 dated 12.11.2014.
5. Hindi version will
(Harjit Singh)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Enabled Bio-metric Attendance System before 26-1-2015
No: 11013/9/2014- Estt (A-III)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances,& Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances,& Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, dated 21st November
Sub: Introduction of AADHAR Enabled Bio-metric
Attendance System
It has been decided to use an AADHAR Enabled
Bio-metric Attendance System (AEBAS) in all offices of the Central Government,
including attached/ sub-ordinate Offices, in India. The system will be
installed in the offices located in Delhi/ New Delhi by 31st December 2014. In
other places this may be installed by 26th January 2015
2. The equipment will be procured by the Ministries/
Departments as per specifications of DeitY on DGS&D Rate Contract from
vendors. The expenditure will be met by the
Ministries/ Departments concerned under their O.E. The manual system of
attendance may be phased out accordingly.
3. The Department of Electronics and Information
Technology (DeitY) will provide the technical guidance for installing the
system. The equipment already procured by DeitY have a built in AMC of three
years. The Ministries/ departments may ensure that the equipment being procured
by them have similar provision.
4. Biometric attendance system is only an enabling
platform. There is no change in the instructions relating to office hours, late
attendance etc. which will continue to apply. As per extant instructions,
(contained in DoPT O.M. No: 28034/8/75- Estt-A dated 04-07-1975;
No:28034/10/75-Estt-A dated 27-08-1975; No: 28034/3/82 —Estt-A dated
05-03-1982) half—a-day’s Casual Leave should be debited for each day of late
attendance, but late attendance upto an hour, on not more than two occasions in
a month, and for justifiable reasons may be condoned by the competent
authority. In addition to debiting Casual Leave (or Earned Leave, when no CL is
available). Disciplinary action may also be taken against government servants
who are habitually late. Early leaving is also to be treated in the same manner
as late coming.
5. These orders come into force with immediate
6. All Ministries/ Departments are requested to
bring this to the notice of all concerned.
(J.A aidyanathan)
Director (Establishment)
Director (Establishment)