A Curtain Raiser on Postal Savings Banks
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
A Curtain Raiser on Postal Savings
Banks Forum
The Minister for Communications & IT and Law and Justice
World Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad will inaugurate the Postal Savings Banks Forum
in New Delhi tomorrow This year’s forum is being organised by World Savings and
Retail Banking Institute (WSBI) jointly with the National Savings Organisation
(Ministry of Finance) and the Department of Posts.
The theme of this year’s Postal Savings Banks Forum will be
“The rising force of postal banking in the retail banking market”.
The role of postal operators in the world of retail banking
is often overlooked. Post Offices worldwide hold 1.6 billion savings and
deposit accounts. This is second only to commercial banks, which hold about 2.5
billion accounts. Thus, post offices are critical to the pursuit of financial
inclusion, which is recognised today as a vital pre-requisite to socio-economic
The Universal Postal Union estimates that several hundred
million people, often without an account, use the Post to make and receive
basic payment transactions such as domestic and international transfers,
government payments and utility payments. Postal operators, in all their
activities, have always relied on a business model based on large volumes and
low costs. Combined with the universal service obligation through which the
State gives the mandate to the Post to serve the entire population, these
specific features make the Post a worthwhile ally in the fight against
financial exclusion.
Financial inclusion brought about through the postal network
is called postal financial inclusion. India has about 1.55 lakh post offices,
which is more than the combined branch strength of commercial banks (about 1
lakh). The number of savings accounts held in post offices in India is about 31
crore, which is more than that of any commercial bank in the country. The
postal network possesses excellent cash management abilities and is trusted for
its governance practices. Thus India seems to have the right mix of ingredients
to deliver concrete results in postal financial inclusion. Hence the WSBI
Postal Savings Bank Forum is of considerable interest to the Banking Sector in
The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)
has issued 70 crore Aadhaar numbers as on 28th October 2014.
As on date, nine states including Andhra Pradesh,
Kerala, Delhi, Himachal Pradesh, have crossed 90 percent Aadhaar coverage,
while sixteen states have Aadhaar coverage of over 70 percent. UIDAI is also
conducting Aadhaar enrolments in the newly assigned states of Uttar Pradesh,
Bihar, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh, at a fast pace. These four states with a
combined population of about 34 crore, were added earlier this year to UIDAI’s
mandate by the government. Till date, Aadhaar numbers have been issued to 8.93
crore residents in these states, which is 26% of the target population.
Over 25,000 Aadhaar enrolment kits are
operational across the country, including both camp mode and Permanent
Enrolment Centres, with a total output of approximately 10 lakh enrolments per
day. UIDAI has already geared up its processing capabilities to achieve the
targets and has the capacity to process around 15 lakh enrolment packets every
day. Enrolments are expected to pick up further once the festival season is
Sub: Early Closure of Offices on 30th October,
2014 in connection with the “Run for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by the
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India
In connection with the arrangements for the “Run
for Unity” flag off at Vijay Chowk by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on
31st October, 2014, it has been decided that the Government offices located in
the buildings indicated in the Annexure I to this O.M would be dosed early at
14:00 hrs. on 30th October, 2014 (Thursday) and will remain closed till 09.30
AM on 31st October, 2014 (Friday).
2. The buildings indicated in the Annexure II to
this O.M would be closed early at 14:00 hrs. on 30th October, 2014 (Thursday)
and will remain closed till 08.00 AM on 31st October, 2014.
3. Government offices located in Rashtrapati
Bhawan and Parliament House would remain closed from 10.00 PM on 30th October,
2014 (Thursday) till 9.30 AM on 31st October, 2014 (Friday).
4. Hindi version will follow.
(Ashok Kumar)
National Convention of the National Council JCM Staff Side
for interim Relief and Merger of DA
Side, National Council JCM has uploaded its letter in its website
www.ncjcmstaffside.com inviting all its Constituent Organisations
of National Council(JCM) to attend National Convention to finalise
the future course of Action on the issue of 50% DA Merger and Interim Relief.
The copy of the letter is given below ..
Council (Staff Side)
Joint Consultative Machinery for central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New DelhI — 110001
E Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmaii.com
Joint Consultative Machinery for central Government Employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New DelhI — 110001
E Mail : nc.jcm.np@gmaii.com
October 25, 2014
Constituent Organisations,
National Council(JCM)
National Council(JCM)
Holding of National Convention of the National Council{JCM)(Staff Side)
As you are aware, the Staff Side,
JCM National Council had, as desired by the 7th CPC, submitted a
separate memorandum on lnterim Relief and Merger of DA, copy of which had also
been sent to the Finance Ministry. During the Informal Discussions the Staff
Side had with the Pay Commission, they had assured us to take up the issue with
the Government seeking amendment to the Terms of Reference to enable them
to act upon our memorandum. We have received reply from the Finance Ministry, which
is indicative of a refusal of both the demands. The NDA Government has
adopted the same plea made by the UPA II Government to reject our demands. The
7th CPC have so far not communicated to us, the decision they have taken on our
the steps so far taken by the BJP Government, it is unambiguous that they would
be pursuing the neo-liberal economic policies with much more intensity than
even the UPA Government. Having got a clear majority in the Parliament, they
would be able to push through necessary legislations to pursue reforms. The
outsourcing of Railway functions, privatization of Defence manufacturing Units,
increased FDI inflow in various core sectors of economy, dismantling of the
administrative price mechanism, de-nationalization efforts in the Banking,
Insurance and Coal Sectors and above all the adherence to New Contributory
Pension Scheme are some of the bold anti worker steps taken by the new
matter of fact approach and urgency which was visible in the initial days of
the 7th CPC appears to have vanished. It is a matter of pride for all of us
that we could submit our final memorandum on common issues to the Commission
within the stipulated time frame. We are also happy to note that almost all
service organizations of Central Government employees have endorsed our
formulations on the wage structure and other service benefits. It is also a
fact that all these organizations have submitted their memoranda on
department-specific issues before 3P July, 2014. Despite having received such
large number of memoranda, the 7thCPC has so far not commenced taking oral
evidence giving an indubitable impression that the Commission might not be able
to submit its report within the stipulated time of 18 months.
these issues came up for the consideration of the members of the Staff side
when they met a few days back. The unanimous opinion was to pursue the issues
through organizational methods. Accordingly, it was decided Lo hold a National
Convention, eliciting the participation of the representatives of all Service
organizations participating in the JCM to discuss the emerging situation and
decide upon future course of action. Incidentally, we must mention that the JCM
conceived as a negotiating forum has been made ineffective by the Government
over the years by not convening its meetings periodically.
National Convention will be held at MPCU Shah Auditorium, Sree Gurjarathi
Samai, Rai Niwas Road, Civil Lines(Opposite Civil Lines Metro Station), Delhi,
on 11th December, 2014. The Convention will commence at 12 Noon and will be
concluded by 4.00 PM. 740 delegates will participate in the convention, of
which 370 shall be Railway men(AIRF and NFIR), 150 will be Defiance Civilian
employees (AIDEF and INDWF) and the rest 220 will be represented by other
Central Government employees (Confederation of Central Government employees and
workers). The participating organizations will issue separate circular letter
indicating the number of delegates of each Branch/Unit, Divisions/Zones, Circles/States,
and affiliates may deploy to the Convention.
Staff side will meet again to finalize the draft declaration to be placed
before the Convention for discussion and adoption. The date and venue of the
meeting will be intimated in due course.
Comradely yours
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary(Staff Side)
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
Secretary(Staff Side)
Regularization of Casual Labour with Temporary Status-Proposals from
F.No.49014/3/2014- Estt(C)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated 16th October2014
Dated 16th October2014
Subject: Regularization of Casual Labour with Temporary Status(CL-TS)-Proposals from Ministries/Departments on -regarding.
undersigned is directed to say that Casual Laborers (Grant of Temporary Status
& Regularization). Scheme of Government of India, 1993, circulated vide DOPT
0M No. 51016/2/90-Estt(C) dated 10.09.1993 stipulated conditions for grant of
temporary status and regularization of services to the persons recruited on
daily wage basis in the Central Government Offices as on 10.09.1993. It was
held in the Mohan Pal Case SLP (Civil) No. 2224/2000 that the Scheme of 1-9-93
is not an ongoing Scheme and the temporary status can be conferred on the
casual labourers under that Scheme only if they were in employment on the date
of the commencement of the scheme and they should have rendered continuous
service of at Least one year i.e. at least 240 days in a year or 206 days (in
case of officcs having 5 days a week). The Scheme inter-alia provided for
regularization of CL-TS against Group ‘D’ posts.
2. Following the acceptance of the recommendation
of the 6 CPC, all Group D posts have been upgraded to Group C posts.
Recruitment to erstwhile Group ‘D’ posts placed in Group ‘C’, PB-I, Grade Pay
1800/- (non-technical as MT Staff) is now made only through Staff Selection
Commission and minimum educational qualification for appointment is
Matriculation or ITI pass. Regularisation of CL-TS therefore cannot be
done by the Ministries/ Departments on their own and requires relaxation of
para-8 of the Appendix to the O,M. dated 10.09.1993.
3. This Department vide O.M No.
49011/31/2008-Esn(C) dated 17th February.2009 had requested all Ministries/
Department to provide information relating to CL-TS on their rolls. Information
relating to 231 CL-TS was received from 29 Ministries / Departments which were
processed. Since then this Department has been receiving proposals piece-meal
from different Departments.
4. Department of Expenditure have now advised
this Department that in order to avoid piece meal examination of such
proposals, a consolidated proposal for regularization of all such remaining
CL-TS who were on the rolls of the Ministries/Departments on l0.09.l993 and yet
could not be regularized may be forwarded to them for further
consideration/examination. Therefore, all Ministries/Departments are requested
to review the position at their establishments and send a consolidated
proposals for regularization of services of such remaining CL-TS on their rolls
(including attached/subordinate and autonomous bodies), if any, latest by 30.11
.2014 to this Department in the enclosed format. It may be ensured that
complete information in respect of the Ministry/Department and its
Attached/Subordinate Offices is sent. The information may also be sent by
e-mail(in MS Word) at dse@nic.in.
7th pay Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Commission’s visit to Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
The Commission, headed by its Chairman, Justice Shri A. K. Mathur, proposes to
visit Shimla, Himachal Pradesh from 12th to 13th November, 2014. The Commission
would like to invite various entities/associations/federations representing
any/all categories of employees covered by the terms of reference of the
Commission to present their views.
Your request for a
meeting with the Commission may be sent through e-mail to the Secretary, 7th
Central Pay Commission at secy-7cpc@nic.in. The memorandum already submitted by
the requesting entity may also be sent as an attachment with this e-mail.
The last date for receiving request for meeting is 7th Nov. 2014 (1700 hours).
1. Percentage of women in the Government Service and age limit for entering the Govt service
The Minister of State in the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions was requested to answer the following questions regarding status women employees in Central government services. Singh Shri Bhola M.P (Question No.4934) has raised the following questions in Parliament.
The percentage of women in the Government service and the increase in
percentage during the last three years;
Whether the Government has taken/ contemplating to take any policy decision to
encourage women to join Government service and if so, the details thereof;
Whether in several competitive examinations, the maximum age limit for general
candidates is 27 years and if so, the details thereof;
Whether there is a need for increasing the maximum age limit for women for
entry in the Government service; and
If so, the details thereof and the measures taken in this regard?
his reply to the above questions the Minister of State in the Ministry of
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and Minister of State in the Prime
Minister’s Office Shri .DR. JITENDRA SINGH submitted the following answer in
Lok Sabha on 13.08.2014
Details of percentage of women in Government service over the years, as per the
Census of Central Government Employees, 2012, released by Directorate General
Employment & Training are at Table-1 in the Annexure.
In order to encourage the women to join Government service, they are provided
some special facilities as under:
maternity leave (ii) child care leave (iii) child adoption leave (iv) special
allowance to women with disability (v) provision of crèche facility (vi)
posting of husband and wife at the same station (vii) special priority in
allotment of residential accommodation (viii) provision for protection of women
from acts of sexual harassment (ix) age relaxation for appointment to widows,
divorced woman and woman judicially separated from their husbands and who are
not remarried (x) special dispensation for woman officers of All India Services
of North East cadre (xi) change of Cadre in case of marriage of All India
Service Officer and (xii) exemption from payment of fee for examinations
conducted by the Union Public Service Commission and Staff Selection
as per the recommendations of the 62nd Department Related Parliamentary
Standing Committee, publicity to encourage women to prefer/ join Government
Service is being given.
The upper age limit for general candidates for entry in the Government Service
is as at Table-2 of the Annexure.
& (e): There is a provision for age relaxation for appointment in
Government service for Widows, divorced Women and Women judicially separated
from husbands and not re- married, upto 35 years for posts of Group C filled
through Staff Selection Commission/ Employment Exchange (upto 40 years for
members of Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes).
Total No. of
No. of Women
employees (in lakhs )
Age Limits
Posts having Grade Pay more than
Grade Pay Rs.7600/-
Preferably below 50 years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.7600
50 years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.6600
40 Years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.5400
35 Years
Posts having Grade Pay Rs.4200,
4600 and 4800
30 Years
Posts having GP Rs. 1800,
1900, 2000, 2400 and 2800
Between 18 and 25 years
Note: The upper age limit for
recruitment by the method of Direct Open Competitive Examination to the Central
Civil Services and Civil posts specified in the relevant Service/ recruitment
rules shall be increased by two years.
Source : LokSabha.nic.in
2. Government employee can't seek promotion after refusing it: Supreme Court
NEW DELHI: A government
employee, whose promotion
is canceled owing to his refusal to accept it, cannot ask for it at a later
stage, the Supreme
Court has said.
The apex court set aside the order of the Madhya Pradesh High Court which
had directed the state government to restore the promotion of one of its
employees whose promotion was cancelled after he turned down the offer as he
did not want to get transfered to some other place.

"As we find that it is the respondent himself who is responsible for
cancellation of the promotion order as he did not join the promoted post, the
impugned order of the high court is clearly erroneous and against the
law," a bench headed by Justice J Chelameswar said.
The court passed the order on an appeal filed by Madhya Pradesh government
challenging the high court order.
The government had submitted that the high court failed to consider that
Ramanand Pandey himself sent back the promotion order and continued on his post
and approached the court after two years when it cancelled his promotion.
It said that at the time of promotion, Pandey was posted in Bhind district
where he remained for almost 15 years and his intention was to stay at that
place only.
The apex court, after hearing both sides, quashed the high court order.
"It is clear that he wanted to remain in Bhind district, where he had
continued since 1990, as he was ready to go on leave instead of joining the
place of transfer. Moreover, for more than two years from the date of
cancellation of the order of promotion, the respondent kept totally mum and
maintained stoic silence.
"There was not even a semblance of protest as to why his promotion
order was cancelled or that he wanted to join the promotion post after the
alleged inquiry into the so-called complaint was over. He filed the writ petition on
October 24, 2008, i.e. almost two years after cancellation of his promotion
order," it said.