UNI Apro Post & Logistics\\
UNI Apro Post & Logistics
1 POSTAL NEWS No 82-2022
Formulated by UNI Apro Post and Logistics Sector
1.The Postmaster General tells USPS employees to keep upcoming workforce changes ‘in perspective’. October 14, 2022.
2.Royal Mail Strike Six – bigger pickets, angrier members, company plan rejected. October 14, 2022.
3.Posten Norge rolls out 1,500 Swipbox locker locations. October 13, 2022.
4.NZ Post opens new Wellington 'super depot'. October 11, 2022.
5.FedEx Express readies major European facilities with charging infrastructure to support electrification at scale. October 11, 2022.
1.The Postmaster General tells USPS employees to keep upcoming workforce changes ‘in perspective’ October 14, 2022
As USPS prepares to roll out its plan to consolidate some operations away from post offices and into larger facilities, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has delivered a message to employees to think of the efficiencies for the agency ahead of their own inconveniences. He also stressed that employees will report to nicer buildings with improved equipment, making their work days more pleasant overall.
“I realized that change is never easy, so I don’t want to minimize it,” DeJoy said in a recent video message for all employees. “However, I do ask you to put the changes that might impact you in perspective since I can assure you that the changes we are proposing are vitally necessary, and will significantly improve the long term prospects for the Postal Service as a great American institution.” The changes, expected to begin at a select few pilot facilities this month, will mean letter carriers no longer go to their local facility to pick up mail for their route, instead traveling farther distances after starting at a consolidated location. The impacted post offices will still conduct their retail operations, but a lot of the back-end functions will be stripped away and relocated. Many clerks will have to relocate to new facilities and some postmasters could be out of a job or forced to find a new one.
“For some of you, this might mean you have to travel a little further to get to work,” DeJoy said. “But when you get there, you will have nicer facilities and better equipment, and you will be personally contributing to the transformation of the United States Postal Service.”
Source : https://postaltimes.com/postalnews/the-postmaster-general-tells-usps-employees-tokeep-upcoming-workforce-changes-in-perspective/
2.Royal Mail Strike Six – bigger pickets, angrier members, company plan rejected October 14, 2022. As the UK’s largest industrial dispute rumbles on, strikers’ determination hardens and pressure grows on discredited bosses.
Some 110,000 postal workers walked out on strike for the sixth time yesterday from units all over the country, in a massive rejection of the latest attacks on terms and conditions by senior Royal Mail leaders – attacks which appear to be rebounding spectacularly on those company chiefs. Every one of the union’s 10 divisions reported bigger pickets, stronger support for the action and a renewed determination to prevail over the destructive agenda being pursued by CEO Simon Thompson and his regime. After a massively successful day for the CWU, a dispute which had been finely poised is now showing signs of starting to swing firmly in favour of the workforce. And as the 2022 calendar moves on towards the crucial pressure period of the year, during which the union’s strategy will step up from ‘all-out’ to ‘rolling’ action, confidence and belief that this attack can be overcome are gradually increasing. The emerging mood of optimism, however, is tempered by awareness of the critical need to maintain the admirable picket-line discipline that has been a key feature of the action so far – and to continue mobilising the core strength of our magnificent membership right across the UK.
From our national leadership all the way through our divisional, branch, area and local structures, the key messages coming loud and clear are of a unity and a fighting spirit stronger than ever before – facing up to, challenging, and seeking to overcome an attack on this union and our members the like of which, and the scale of which is equally unprecedented.
Our leader, leading from the front, winning the argument and inspiring members General secretary Dave Ward demanded a government inquiry into the “gross mismanagement” of Royal Mail by its current leaders, as he dismantled their flimsy propaganda and exposed their “asset-stripping agenda” on nationwide TV and radio yesterday morning. Speaking to Sky News presenter Kay Burley from a lively south London picket line, Dave said that it was “very difficult to negotiate any settlement to this dispute” because the agenda being pursued by the people at the top of the company would “destroy this business and destroy the jobs of our members.” There was “no prospect” of the CWU agreeing to proposals to employ new starters on 20 per cent lower pay rates with a three-hour longer working week, while “managing out” long-serving employees on existing terms and conditions, he explained. “For businesses and for the public, what they want to do is end daily deliveries. And in relation to parcels, while the CWU wants to capture parcel growth, they want to hive that off into a separate business with self-employed owner-drivers. This is not modernisation. This is asset-stripping and levelling down of the worst sort.”
Our general secretary was, once again, scathing in his response to CEO Simon Thompson’s repeated statement that he is losing a million pounds every day and said: “Let’s have a Government inquiry” into what is being claimed. “Because what we know as a fact is that they made £758m last year, when we had an agreement on change. And that agreement was instrumental in bringing the company through the pandemic. Postal workers did a fantastic job and we changed at the same time and they made money. “But, in a matter of three or four months, they’re now saying that they’re losing a million pounds a day. Well, if that’s true, the people who are running this business should be sacked for gross mismanagement.” Speaking with LBC’s Lisa Aziz later, Dave went through these key points in greater detail, repeating his call for a government probe into the conduct of the company leadership and then publicly challenging Mr Thompson to defend his behaviour in front of the nation, saying: “Let’s have that out in the open. Let’s debate this live on your programme with the CEO of the company. I’m up for that at any point.” With regard to the strike, Dave vowed: “We’re not going to give in on this. There’s too much at stake.” He reminded LBC listeners that CWU members had voted by 98 per cent on a 77 per cent turnout for strike action, adding: “More people voted for this strike than voted for Liz Truss to be Prime Minister. “This is a serious dispute and I think the public will continue to support us.”
London & Anglia – ‘solid, angry and not fooled by company spin’
CWU divisional rep for London, Mark Palfrey, was with Dave at the Pensbury Place site this morning and he told CWU News that “there was a great attendance and we also had five MPs along supporting us as well. I went over to Mount Pleasant after that and members are totally behind their union, with bigger pickets all over. “From conversations I had with members today and feedback from other London reps, these terms and conditions changes have really got people angry – angrier than they were before over pay,” he continued. Mark recalls how, back in 2009, London members took 20 days of sustained industrial action in the prelude to the nationwide strikes of that year and he makes the point that the agenda of the company today is more significant than was the case then, describing “the sheer scale of this attack and its potential impact on our members” as a key reason for the strong support that is being witnessed in this dispute. “Our member know that the company at this moment is being run by people who are not in it for the long haul – but our members are in it for the long haul. Our “They’re worried, angry and all saying they’ll support the union and how important all this is to them. If I had to sum up the feeling from members today it’d be ‘We’re in it until we win it’.”members are not fooled by management spin. London is solid.” Barry Jennings, Anglia divisional rep, visited lines at Bury St Edmonds, Thetford and Hatfield, including the Northern Home Counties site and parcels hub and reported: “I’ve been to those places today and there’s nothing moving. I’ve never seen such strong support for the union – stronger than 2009 and 2007.” Members form all circumstances and age groups were worried and concerned at what Mr Thompson and his regime want to do to them, Barry continued, citing: “Young parents who won’t be able to pick up their children from school any more under the new duty patterns hour and older, longer-serving workers who’ve been with the company for decades asking about these new performance targets. “They’re worried, angry and all saying they’ll support the union and how important all this is to them. If I had to sum up the feeling from members today it’d be ‘We’re in it until we win it’.”
North East, North West/North Wales – ‘digging in for whatever it takes’
Day Number Six has been a good day, according to North Wales/North West divisional rep Ian Taylor, who reported that “we’ve even got non-CWU members joining the strike up here.” So strong is the feeling against Royal Mail senior management’s current agenda, he explained, that there are instances of workers who had refused for several years to join the CWU had also refused to cross picket lines and had respected the strike. “This is within the context of the dialing-down of their terms and conditions,” Ian pointed out, adding “everyone is recognising the impact this would have on them. “We’re digging in and sticking together and from what I’m seeing and hearing – and I’ve been in Ashton, Oldham and Manchester today and had reports in from all around the division – members are supporting the strike and doing whatever it takes,” he added, saying: “I’m convinced it’s a dispute that will see results and that the union will deliver the agreement we need to see.” From the North East, Bob Maguire told us: “I’ve never ever witnessed the solidarity and support on these picket line in all my years in the business – going back to the 1980s. The strength of feeling from young members with families saying they can’t survive, that they need this pay rise and they can’t accept these changes.” Today I’ve been to Houghton-leSpring, Darlington and Richmond and there were very well-attended picket lines at all three. I told them it was their strength that got our leadership back into the negotiations. And they said they want a good deal, absolutely adamant with us that the business has got to back off from its current plan. People get that the business changed its name to rip up agreements, sell off and asset-strip the company and move towards an Amazon-style model.
Scotland & Northern Ireland – ‘camaraderie and unity like never before’
From north of the border, Tam Dewar says that “units where there wasn’t a picket line when the strikes started have had them on this time – I’m talking about smaller, more rural communities like Annan in Dumfries and Galloway or island communities. Support is getting stronger. The smaller places have had pickets on, flying their flags. “And there’s been tremendous backing from the public bringing coffees, pies and chips out to our pickets – I’ve been around Ayrshire, to Largs, Saltcoats and Irvine, my hometown and it’s been great today.” “I have to give credit to our area reps doing regular gate meetings all around Scotland – it’s been this that has kept the support going and that’s what’s making our picket lines stronger,” adds the divisional rep. Tam says that his “personal hunch” is that there will be a deal based on a return to the principles of the Pathway to Change agreement but that, in order to get the right resolution, “we’ve got to keep the pressure on.” Over the Irish Sea, Fra Martin had a busy day as well, telling us: “We went to units in Belfast, Ballymena and Derry. We hit the lines from 6.30am and only got home this evening. It was well worth the trip because it gave us a real snapshot of our three branches over here. “Our people are angry and 100 per cent with the union,” he continued, adding that there has been “a real pendulum swing” in terms of what members are angry about. “There still is feeling as strong as ever over the derisory 2 per cent pay, but today we got more references to the terms and conditions issues, and the annualized hours is a real bugbear. “Members are saying how they’d lose out financially with the erosion of overtime and their work-life balance would be impacted too – particularly on their family and domestic circumstances and picking up their children from school for example.” “I’ve been 37 years as a rep and I’ve never seen resolve like this – you see the same face son the lines as before, but it’s also empowering the younger members too and the camaraderie is great to see.
South Central & Midlands – ‘stakes have never been as high’
Divisional reps Dermot Fuller and Paul Garraway reported a successful day across the South-Central area, with Dermot saying that the important Swindon site was “tight” and that “the whole post code area is tight actually. There are units, even those that have not previously been so strong, but which are 100 per cent now.” Paul spent the day at Greenford, where his impression was: “It’s staying strong – people are up for it and asking when the next strike’s happening.” He also considers this to be the most strongly supported action he has seen but adds: “The stakes have never been as high as they are now.” Looking ahead to the run-up to the festive period, he predicts that Mr Thompson’s attack on the workforce will fail, saying: “My personal view is we’re going to sink his Christmas.” Up in the Midlands, Simon Edmunds tells CWU News that “I was at Nottingham, Sleaford and Derby and there are real worries among members about the company’s agenda, particularly in delivery.” These concerns reflect feelings expressed elsewhere by workers fearing that their childcare arrangements could be thrown into turmoil by the changes to duty times envisaged in the company’s current plans. “Midlands members are solid – there’s a real feeling that people are fully justified in the action they’re taking, members understand fully the reasons for the dispute and how important it is that we get a fair resolution.”
South West & South East – ‘cool heads and keep our discipline to win’
Duty times are “the biggest issue” for many members in the South East, according to divisional rep Steve Wisley, who adds that, from feedback he has received, “members now believe the change agenda is more serious than the pay agenda. I was talking to one lad on the line at Dartford and he said even a 30-minute change would mean he’d have to put his child into after-care,” Steve continued, adding that management have said they want to move everyone by minimum of 30 minutes. “I’ve never seen members more resolute. We’ve got to win this one.” Over in the South West, regional secretary Kevin Beazer agrees that members seem more resolute as the dispute develops. “The picket lines I;ve been at have been well-attended, upbeat and buoyant and from what I’ve heard from area reps elsewhere in the region, it’s a similar picture all over. “We’re going to see this through until the end. We need to keep our discipline and we need cool heads – this is a long fight and we’ll make sure we win it.”
Source: https://www.cwu.org/news/royal-mail-strike-six-bigger-pickets-angrier-memberscompany-plan-rejected/
3.Posten Norge rolls out 1,500 Swipbox locker locations October 13, 2022
Posten Norge is building a nationwide SwipBox Infinity locker network with 1,500 locations across Norway, from the very south to well north of the Arctic Circle. The network has taken just 18 months to establish and has seen end-user rating satisfaction levels reach 97%.
“The Infinity solution supports our vision of making everyday life easier and the world smaller. With an installation time of just 15 minutes per parcel locker, we can quickly build dense networks of lockers in locations close to our customers, creating maximum convenience,” said Camilla De Verdier, head of parcel lockers at Posten Norge. “Now we want to make the parcel locker network even more dense to further increase customer satisfaction.” The rollout has been done in close collaboration with SwipBox, who has acted as Posten Norge’s technological and strategic partner, drawing on many years of experience with building parcel locker networks. “We have developed a battery-powered locker which is app operated and communicates via Bluetooth and therefore needs no wiring at all. This reduces installation time dramatically, enabling customers like Posten Norge to roll out a nationwide network ultra-fast. In addition, it makes the parcel locker network highly cost-effective” said SwipBox CEO Jens Rom. “The soaring electricity prices exacerbates the benefits of being independent from power. The SwipBox Infinity locker is solely powered by a battery module with a 10-year life span.”
4.NZ Post opens new Wellington 'super
depot' October 11, 2022 NZ Post has opened a new
"super depot" in Wellington, the first automated processing hub in
the lower North Island, fit with state-of-the-art sorting technology to make
processing parcels faster.
NZ Post chief executive David Walsh said the company was "incredibly proud" to be opening the new depot. At over 10,000sq m, the site is bigger than a rugby field. It will process 11,000 parcels an hour. "This is the single largest material handling investment programme within New Zealand in recent history. This investment will allow us to process parcels more efficiently and accurately through automated sortation and address reading technology," Walsh said. "With all trends indicating that online shopping is here to stay, we're investing over $200 million across our network so we can increase our parcel processing capacity across the country to 190 million parcels annually by 2033." Walsh said if parcel volumes continued growing up to 11 new automated sorting centres may be built across the country. "This gives us greater ability to scale our business to match the growth of parcels into the future and deliver great service to our customers, and their customers.
NZ Post partnered with Daifuku Oceania, which specialises in sorting systems for parcel delivery systems, airports, and manufacturing and distribution businesses, to introduce the new scanning and sorting technology. It will give NZ Post greater visibility of where parcels are at any given time in its network. Shirley Povey, NZ Post Wellington super depot manager, said her team were excited to work in the new space. "Our new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology will read labels, including handwriting, to extract the information it needs to then talk to the sorter to send parcels down the right chute. At the moment this is done manually through video coding," Povey said. NZ Post said all building materials and appliances for the depot were selected with "sustainability in mind". Thermal insulation, products with the environmental choice tick, and on-site detention ponds and rain-water harvesting. Carpet tiles are biodegradable and appliances have a minimum 4-star energy rating. Walsh said, "we are proud to continue to rise to the challenge of being the best delivery business for New Zealand, and the critical role NZ Post has in the recovery and growth of the New Zealand economy."
Source : https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/news/national/nz-post-opens-new-wellington-super-depot
5.FedEx Express readies major European facilities with charging infrastructure to support electrification at scale October 11, 2022
FedEx Express Europe is readying six of its major facilities to support widespread use of electric vehicles in its future operations.
October 11, 2022 [LONDON] FedEx Express Europe, a subsidiary of FedEx Corp. (NYSE: FDX) and the world’s largest express transportation company, is readying six of its major facilities to support widespread use of electric vehicles in its future operations. Fulfilled by Shell Recharge Solutions, the first 114 electric vehicle charging points will be installed at parcel pick-up and delivery stations in north and south London, Madrid, Amsterdam, Paris and Strasbourg. An order has simultaneously been placed for 98 Mercedes-Benz eSprinter vans which are anticipated to arrive in these facilities next year. “Besides identifying specific electric vehicles that fit our operational needs across the fleet, there are complex considerations to electrification that go beyond the vehicle. For electric vehicles to become the norm in an optimised and resilient network, it’s critical that we take the time to get the foundations right, ahead of the physical introduction of the vehicles themselves. “By starting first with six major stations, we’ll quickly reach an informed position from which to roll-out broader electrification plans in Europe. Getting ahead of our future energy and infrastructure needs is a priority, then integrating electric vehicles in increasing numbers as we continue the retirement of diesel delivery vans,” said Vinay D’Souza, Senior Vice President of Planning and Engineering, FedEx Express Europe.
The stations benefitting from the charging infrastructure roll-out were chosen following a comprehensive assessment of the facility’s energy capacity, the availability of low- or zerocarbon renewable energy supply, and the maximum number of vehicle routes that could be transitioned to electric vehicle in the near-term future. Having prioritised cities and locations next in line for electrification, FedEx Express Europe aims to install an additional 200 charging points in its facilities this year. FedEx continues to modernize its global fleet with the procurement of further electric vehicles for Europe set to follow this second phase of infrastructure expansion. The move marks a significant step in FedEx Express Europe’s electrification roadmap, which already sets out procurement targets for new electric vehicles. In March 2021, FedEx Express set a global target for 50% of all newly-procured parcel pickup and delivery vehicles to be electric by 2025. This should rise to 100% of new vehicle orders by 2030, contributing to a desired position of carbon-neutral operations around the world by 2040.
1 POSTAL NEWS No 81-2022
Formulated by UNI Apro Post and Logistics Sector
1.Royal Mail to cut up to 10,000 jobs. October 14, 2022.
2.Swiss Post continues expansion of INFORM’s yard management system. October 13, 2022.
3.DHL Express remains the world's No. 1 Best Workplace (TM) in 2022. October 13, 2022.
4.Major cleaning in Posten and Bring - from casual work to permanent positions for van drivers. October 13, 2022.
5.Canada Post and TD delivers simple and affordable loans for more Canadians. October 12, 2022.
1.Royal Mail to cut up to 10,000 jobs October 14, 2022 Delivery giant Royal Mail has blamed industrial action for a multi-million pound financial loss of £350 million.
Parent company International Distribution Services announced a trading update today where it laid out its full year estimate for Royal Mail. Royal Mail experience an adjusted operating loss of £219 million in H1 2022-23, which included £70 million of direct negative impacts from 3 days of industrial strike action. In response to the financial loss, IDS is will be starting the consulting process for ‘rightsizing’ the business in response to the industrial action taken, along with delays in delivering agreed productivity improvements, and lower parcel volumes. As part of this, the company will cut 5,000 full time roles, by March 2023, and c.10,000 by the end of August 2023. Based on current estimates, it says, c.5,000-6,000 jobs may be cut by August 2023. Royal Mail’s estimated full year financial loss is set to be £350 million, which could go up to £450 million if customers move volumes away for longer periods. The Communication Workers Union (CWU), has threatened 16 further days of strikes spanning across November and December, and if these do go ahead, IDS has said that further ‘restructuring’ may be needed to account for the financial loss which will be incurred.
Source : https://www.logisticsmanager.com/royal-mail-to-cut-up-to-10000-jobs/
2. Swiss Post continues expansion of INFORM’s yard management system October 13, 2022
Swiss Post has decided to continue its expansion of INFORM’s yard management system as it looks to reconfigure part of its existing letter centre in Härkingen into a regional parcel centre to accommodate increasing parcel volumes.
As the broader trend of letter volumes decreasing and parcel volumes increasing continues, Swiss Post has decided to reconfigure a section of their existing letter center in Härkingen, installing a parcel sorting system that effectively creates a new “Regionales Paketzentrum” or regional parcel centre in Härkingen. The selection of INFORM’s Syncrotess Yard Management System (YMS) at Swiss Post’s newly planned Härkingen parcel centre marks the fifth deployment of the YMS within the Swiss Post network of parcel distribution centers and closely follows the selection of INFORM for their Pratteln regional parcel centre earlier this year. The Härkingen site is scheduled to go live in 2023. Dr. Eva Savelsberg, SVP of INFORM’s Logistics Division, said, “We continue to prove value to one of our oldest customers through innovation and exceptional customer service. Swiss Post’s continued business with INFORM in a market of ample alternatives highlights the value our YMS brings to their national parcel operations.”
The software solution will be delivered to Swiss Post’s newly planned regional parcel centre in Härkingen, Switzerland, which is approximately 58 km (36 miles) away from Bern. The new facility has some unique characteristics, which the Syncrotess YMS will be accounting for in its configuration. Dr. Ingo Marko, Senior Consultant and Project Manager for INFORM’s Logistics Division, said, “Unlike most other Swiss Post sites, the Härkingen site will only be handling road transports, and the site’s loading and unloading docks will be mutually used by both the letter centre and regional parcel centre.” “This mutual use requires special attention within the software and how dock door availability and usage are communicated to the internal centre. Displays in the building at dock doors will indicate which centre – letter or parcel – the dock is currently assigned to,” he added.
“In addition, shunting operations will also be shared between the existing parcel centre and the new regional parcel centre. When starting a shift, shunter drivers will indicate which ‘centre’ they are working at to ensure they connect to the correct system for shunting instructions.” he added. INFORM’s YMS has been purpose-built from the ground up to service post and parcel operators as well as distribution centres globally. At its core, INFORM’s powerful optimisation engine helps to ensure that all areas of yard management are running smoothly and efficiently, from storage area utilisation and dock door allocation to internal vehicle move orders. With the ability to run as a decision support tool or a fully automated decision-making AI system, the YMS leads the industry in both optimisation and automation capabilities. INFORM specialises in AI and optimisation software to improve operational decision-making. Based in Aachen, Germany, the company has been in the optimisation business for 50 years and serves a wide span of logistics industries, including distribution centres as well as post and parcel operators. With a broad range of standalone and add-on software modules, INFORM’s unique blend of algorithmic-based software expertise, rich industry experience, and “big-world thinking” delivers enormous value for their customers
3.DHL Express remains the world's No. 1 Best Workplace (TM) in 2022 October 13, 2022
the work of its employees is key in DHL Express and the company invests
annually in a number of employee initiatives. ▪ For the second consecutive
year, the company tops the global list of the Great Place to WorkTM ranking ▪
Employees' pride and commitment to DHL Express as a result of a workplace
culture of respect and appreciation
left to right:Thomas Ogilvie (CHRO Deutsche Post DHL Group); Dirk Olufs (CIO DHL Express); Joe Joseph (CFO DHL Express); Travis Cobb (COO DHL Express); Ken Lee (CEO APEC DHL Express); Frank Appel (CEO Deutsche Post DHL Group); Christoph Sprenger (SVP Staff, Programs & Strategic Projects DHL Express); Alberto Nobis (CEO Europe DHL Express); Mike Parra (CEO Americas DHL Express); John Pearson (CEO DHL Express); Fadzlun Sapandi (EVP HR DHL Express); Michael Bush (CEO Great Place to WorkTM)
Bonn - For the second consecutive year, DHL Express has been named the number one best workplace worldwide in the annual list published by Great Place to WorkTM (GPTW) in collaboration with Fortune Magazine. "The recognition by Great Place to WorkTM acknowledges our continuous efforts and dedication to creating an inclusive, positive and fair workplace. For a company of 120,000 colleagues operating in different settings across 220 countries, this is a remarkable achievement," said John Pearson, CEO DHL Express. "Since the onset of the pandemic and various geopolitical challenges, each person involved in the supply chain, from couriers to hub workers, and supervisors to co-ordinators, played a critical role in helping the world navigate the emerging logistical challenges. We are a people-first company and motivated employees remain key to the excellence of our global operations. While we are truly delighted about the achievement, we will continue to strive for improvement and invest in further nurturing the best possible working environment for our teams."
Valuing the work of its employees is key in DHL Express and the company invests annually in a number of employee initiatives: The 'DHL's Got Heart' initiative enables and encourages colleagues to support charitable causes they are passionate about. The 'DHL4All' framework which is centered on creating a culture of belonging for employees regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, ability, gender or sexual orientation is a strong driver of fair and inclusive practices. And the 'Certified International Specialist' (CIS) program includes inspiring training and engagement content delivered by senior leaders - employees are empowered with the knowledge they need to deliver outstanding customer service every day
"Our people are our top priority and we are proud to contribute to the motivation of our colleagues and to create an environment where everyone can bring their authentic self, feel valued and belong," said Fadzlun Sapandi, Executive Vice President HR, DHL Express. "Being named the World's Best WorkplaceTM for the second year in a row is a fantastic achievement by our employees and our management at all levels at DHL Express. I could not be prouder of our teams and their contribution." "Topping the world's Best WorkplaceTM ranking for the second year in a row is an impressive success for DHL Express and makes us all proud," said Thomas Ogilvie, Chief Human Resources Officer at Deutsche Post DHL Group. "The award confirms our sustained efforts to create an attractive working environment for our employees throughout the Group, where outstanding performance goes hand in hand with appreciation and respect. This is also confirmed by Great Place to WorkTM, recognizing DHL business units across multiple countries and regions," he added. Since joining the World's Best list for the first time in 2017, DHL Express more than quadrupled the number of surveyed employees, and the number of participating countries, positively impacting the most people around the globe of all multinational corporations Great Place to WorkTM considered in 2022. It is the only company culture award in the world that selects winners based on how fairly employees are treated. Companies are assessed on their ability to create a great employee experience that cuts across race, gender, age, disability status, or any aspect of employee identity or job role. "For companies with a global workforce, achieving a consistent experience for every employee is exponentially more difficult - and impressive," said Michael Bush, CEO of Great Place to WorkTM. "Despite the many challenges facing global businesses in 2022, DHL Express has demonstrated being a powerhouse great workplace across the globe! Such exemplary achievements are backed up by an exceptional culture with a welcoming and caring environment from day 1, making safety and physical well-being top priorities and having fairness at the core of all employees' experience across the globe."
Source : https://www.dpdhl.com/en/media-relations/press-releases/2022/dhl-express-remainsthe-worlds-no-one-best-workplace-in-2022.html
4.Major cleaning in Posten and Bring - from
casual work to permanent positions for van drivers October 13,
Posten is leading the industry when they now employ 200 van drivers to carry out their van services, says head of the Post and Finance Trade Union, Gerd Øiahals. The Post and Finance Trade Union has for many years worked for Posten and Bring to have permanent employees, also in this part of the business. Posten is now finally changing its operating model.
Permanent employment is security for drivers and the company -With permanent employees, we get a professional environment among the drivers who will provide more quality in Posten's and Bring's services. It gives us a greater opportunity to follow up that the drivers have safe pay and working conditions, says Øiahals, who wants to work for the 200 new employees to organize themselves. In the van industry, there has been extensive use of sole proprietorships. The drivers have not had the security that lies in an employment relationship with, among other things, regulated working hours, pension rights, earned holiday pay and the right to sick pay.
Requests the government to regulate the van industry
Permanent employment in Posten and Bring will not solve all problems in the industry and the government must come up with regulations. The Post and Finance trade union has given input to the government about getting registration and approval schemes, driving and rest time and working time regulations regardless of the car's weight. - We demand acceleration in the government's work so that there is a level playing field in the industry. It doesn't help to have permanent employees and a collective agreement if you lose all tenders to rogues who can underbid, says Øiahals. The trade union encourages consumers to make a conscious choice of supplier. - There is no such thing as free shipping and returns, there is always someone who has to bear the costs. Until now, it has been the drivers who have taken the bill in the form of worse pay and working conditions, says Øiahals and encourages consumers to shop with companies that contribute to orderly conditions in the industry. - We are happy that those who drive for Posten and Bring get decent wages and working conditions, she says.
Source: https://kommunikasjon.ntb.no/pressemelding/storrengjoring-i-posten-og-bring-fra-losarbeid-til-faste-stillinger-for?varebilsjaforene?publisherId=8191471&releaseId=1742980 &lang=no
Note: The original article was written in Norwegian and the above article is an automatic translation
5.Canada Post and TD delivers simple and affordable loans for more Canadians October 12, 2022
National launch aims to increase access to financial services for Canadians from coast to coast to coast.
TORONTO – Canada Post and TD Bank Group (TD) today announced the national launch of a personal loan product, the Canada Post MyMoneyTM Loan, after an extensive market test confirmed strong consumer demand for more accessible lending products.
The Canada Post MyMoneyTM Loan is a simple and flexible personal loan product designed to expand access to more Canadians looking for fair, transparent and affordable loans. The goal is to improve access to financial services across the country, combining the reach and trust of Canada Post’s national post office network with personal loans for amounts as low as $1,000 and competitive interest rates. The national launch makes the Canada Post MyMoney Loan available to Canadians across the country, including rural, remote and Indigenous communities. “We’re proud to be delivering an inclusive and more accessible loan to Canadians by partnering with TD and after working closely with the Canadian Union of Postal Workers and the Canadian Postmasters and Assistants Association,” said Doug Ettinger, Canada Post President and CEO. “We’re focused on meeting the changing needs and expectations of Canadians and believe expanding our financial service business will help us to further connect and strengthen the country.” “We’re delighted to work with Canada Post to provide access to the MyMoney Loan to Canadians in communities across the country,” said Michael Rhodes, Group Head Canadian Personal Banking at TD Bank Group. “Financial service is an essential service, and this alliance enables TD to play a meaningful role in helping to expand access to banking to more Canadians.” The market test demonstrated the potential of the MyMoney Loan to help meet the needs of many Canadians, including those who are new to credit. As a result, Canada Post is also exploring additional financial products and services designed to meet the evolving banking needs of Canadians. As part of the strategic alliance between TD and Canada Post, Canada Post employees in post offices are trained to direct customers about how to apply for a Canada Post MyMoney Loan through an online application or toll-free number. TD supports customers through the application, decision-making and funding process. Customers also have access to financial literacy information and other customer support. The Canada Post MyMoney Loan’s features include flexible repayment terms at TD’s competitive interest rates. Canada Post is already a trusted provider of a wide range of financial products and services. Every year, post office employees in Canada handle five million financial service transactions for customers, including domestic and international remittances, money orders, and the sale of payment options such as prepaid reloadable gift cards and eVouchers.
Source: https://www.canadapost-postescanada.ca/cpc/en/our-company/news-andmedia/corporate-news/news-release/2022-10-12-canada-post-and-td-delivers-simpleand-affordable-loans-for-more-canadians