“Forward ever, backward never: onwards with Breaking Through”
Payment of wages to Part-time/Daily Rated Mazdoor (DRM)
                 And outsourced   persons during lock down period –reg

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--------------------------------------------            SECRETARY GENERAL
Ref: No.12/FNPO/Covid-19/2020                                   Date: 10/04/2020
The Secretary
The Department of Posts
DakBhavan, Samsad Marg                                                                                              New Delhi -110001
Respected Sir
          Sub: Payment of wages to Part-time/Daily Rated Mazdoor (DRM)
                 And outsourced   persons during lock down period –reg

          I would like to bring to your kind attention to the Finance ministry memo No OM F.No.23 (4)/E. Coord/202O/I dated 23/3/2020. Where in it has been specified that the wages to the part time workers/ Daily Rated Mazdoor and outsourced persons should be paid during the lock down period though they have not discharged duties during the said period. The Finance ministry has endorsed this memo to all the departments to take further action. But so far the Directorate has not issued orders to all the heads of circles directing to take action as per this order of the Ministry of Finance. However the Delhi Circle has taken cognisance of this order and issued order for necessary action.

          As there are no specific orders from the department of posts in almost all the circles barring one or two till date the wages are not paid to the said workers. Therefore it is requested for immediate action to direct all the heads of circles to cause action as per the memo of Ministry Of finance referred above.

Thank You,
        In anticipation of early reply
                                                                                   Yours Sincerely
Secretary General [FNPO]