26th NUR “C” Circle Conference of Tamilnadu
Today 26th NUR “C” Circle Conference of Tamilnadu Circle being held at WUS Centre Chennai 600008. In the Morning hours our National Flag and the FNPO flag hoisted with a thundering slogan FNPO ! Zindabad! By Dy.G.S. Shri Rabindra Patnaik. Before noon the biennial report of the NUR”C” TN Circle adopted by the subject committee. In the evening the Open Session welcome address given by the Circle Secretary shri P.Kumar and it was inaugurated by our Secretary General B.Shivakumar. He enlightened about the present position of cadre restructuring of RMS & MMS pending The covid-19 pandemic leave and the present scenario prevailing in the DOP
Shri Sivaji Vasireddy General Secretary NAP “C” also participated in the conference. He pointed out the disparity of salary to the PA cadre and case filed in the CAT Hyderabad for the higher scale. He insited the point made by SG on covid-19 infected leave and quarantine leave besides quarantine leave due to infection caused in the family of the employee. He parroted the line of SG FNPO and also informed orders on these lines expected from DOP anytime.
Shri Rabindra Patnaik DY.GS NUR “C” highlighted the detail proposal sent to DOP on the cadre restructuring of RMS and MMS by the CHQ. The leaders shri B.Shivakumar SG, Shri Sivaji Vasireddy GS NAP “C” and Rabindra Patnaik Dy.GS NUR “C” were felicitated by Shri P.Kumar Circle Secretary & Shri R.Murali AGS(TN).