Madras High court "direct the Department to absorb the GDS and as Casual Labourers on part time/full time basis in the Postal Department. in group D posts in accordance with Part-II of the Schedule under the Department of Posts (Group-D) posts) from the year 2002 and absorb
the applicants with effect from the date when their turn reached in accordance with
their seniority and grant them all
consequential benefits.Read more

3. The relief sought for in OAS reads as follows:
"To direct the respondents to absorb the applicants in group D posts in accordance with Part-II of the Schedule under the Department of Posts (Group-D) posts) Recruitment Rues, 2002 and in the light of the orders passed by the Hon'ble Division Bench of the Kerala High Court in W.P. (C) No.28574/2009 etc confirming the orders passed by the Ernakulam Bench of this Hon'ble Tribunal in OA 314/2008 etc. and the orders issued by the Department of Post, Office of the Chief Post Master General, Kerala Circle in CO/LC/OA 47/08 dated 12.10.2009 by taking into account the vacancies that have occurred year wise from the year 2002 and absorb the applicants with effect from the date when their turn reached in accordance with their seniority and grant them all consequential benefits.