NJCA MEETING ON 19/11/2018

Meeting of the NJCA on 19-11-2018 – New Delhi
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Raod, New Delhi – 110055
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Raod, New Delhi – 110055
Dated: November 9, 2018
All Members of the NJCA
Sub: Meeting of the NJCA
It has been decided to hold meeting of
the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) on 19th November, 2018 from
16.00 Hrs. in JCM Officer, 13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi, to take
stock of the current situation in regard to non-settlement of major
pending issues, viz.
(i) Improvement in Minimum Wage and Fitment Formula
(ii) No Progress in respect of NPS Covered Central Government Employees
(iii) Other pending issues related to National and Departmental Anomalies.
All of you are requested to make it
convenient to attend the aforementioned meeting of the NJCA, so as to
take the consensus decision for future course of action in the prevalent
With Fraternal Greetings,
(Shiva Gopla Mishra)
(Shiva Gopla Mishra)