Sri Gulam Rabbani, VP FNPO, President NUPE PM &MTS ,CHQ New Delhi and CS
Telangana retaired from the service.
Sri Gulam Rabbani, President NUPE PM &MTS ,CHQ New Delhi and CS Telangana who's name is popular in FNPO family was retired from service on 28/2/2019. A grand farewell arranged by the Tenalngana FNPO on 3-3-2019 at Indirapriyadarshini Hall, Publicgardens, Hyderabad. Sri BV Sudhakar, former Chairman Postal Board and DOP Secretary, Sri D. Kishanrao, NCJCM Member, Ex SG FNPO & Ex GS Nape c, Sri TN Rahathe, SG FNPO, Sri Sivaji Vasireddy, GS NAPE c, Sri Suresh GS Riv NFPE, Sri BM Ghosh, Sri Gadgil, CHQ office bearers/Circle secretaries of NUPE PM &MTS, Postal staff of AP and Telangana and near/dear of Sri Rabbani were participated. All the guests remembered his uncountable and committed service to the members during 41 years of Departmental service. FNPO wish his post retirement may be healthy, prosperous, and happy.

Sri Gulam Rabbani, President NUPE PM &MTS ,CHQ New Delhi and CS Telangana who's name is popular in FNPO family was retired from service on 28/2/2019. A grand farewell arranged by the Tenalngana FNPO on 3-3-2019 at Indirapriyadarshini Hall, Publicgardens, Hyderabad. Sri BV Sudhakar, former Chairman Postal Board and DOP Secretary, Sri D. Kishanrao, NCJCM Member, Ex SG FNPO & Ex GS Nape c, Sri TN Rahathe, SG FNPO, Sri Sivaji Vasireddy, GS NAPE c, Sri Suresh GS Riv NFPE, Sri BM Ghosh, Sri Gadgil, CHQ office bearers/Circle secretaries of NUPE PM &MTS, Postal staff of AP and Telangana and near/dear of Sri Rabbani were participated. All the guests remembered his uncountable and committed service to the members during 41 years of Departmental service. FNPO wish his post retirement may be healthy, prosperous, and happy.