Benchmark for financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme Accepted by the Government
Directorate General
Sashastra Seema Bal
East Block-V, R.K. Puram
New Delhi 110066
No. 1/Org/MACP/2018(186)/ J17Sashastra Seema Bal
East Block-V, R.K. Puram
New Delhi 110066
Dated : 10th January, 2019
This is in reference to DoP&T OM F.
No. 35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 27/28.09.2016 regarding enhancement of
Benchmark for financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme as per
recommendations of the 7th CPC accepted by the Government.
Of late, field units have been seeking
clarification regarding the applicability of benchmark ‘Very Good’ for
considering financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme. The matter has
been examined at FHQ and the following clarifications arc issued for
compliance by all concerned:-
(i) For grant of financial up-gradation
under the MACPS, the prescribed benchmark would he ‘Very Good’ for all
the posts w.e.f. 25.07.2016.
(ii) APAR grading ‘Good’ for the period
prior to 25.07.2016 i.e. the date from which the new Benchmark made
applicable, may be treated as ‘Very Good’ while considering such cases
by the Screening Committee/BOO.
(iii) There should be at least three
‘Very Good’ grading and other two not below ‘Good’ grading out of last
five ACRs/APARs considering point No. (i) & (ii) in view for
arriving at the prescribed Benchmark ‘Very Good’. Some illustrations are
given in the enclosed Annexure-A for guidance.
Encl:-As above
(Rakesh Kumar)
Commandant (Org)
Commandant (Org)
Benchmark ‘Very Good’. Some illustrations