“Forward ever, backward never: onwards with Breaking Through”
Second UNI Post & Logistics virtual discussion- 
2nd UNI Post & Logisics virtual discussion held on 07/05/2020 at UNI HQ, the meeting was chaired by Bro Jens Saverstam and inaugurated by Sister Christy Halfmen thematic discussion of the meeting is  The challenges of Last-Mile Delivery for trade unions.during virtual discussion UNI Post & Logistics presented PPT on thought exchange -3 main areas of action for postal unions to tackle mile delivery challenges. 

* Lobby - Gain citizen & Government support.

** USO/Network/ Parcel -maintain, extend USO combine parcel and letter-delivery network.

*** Sect-oral organsing- organize the  workers in the competitors and push for sect-oral CBA.  

Universal Postal union presented PPT on Joint projects of old 2005 to 2018 and new agreement with uni.