“Forward ever, backward never: onwards with Breaking Through”
 Deposits into Post Office Savings Accounts are excluded 
From: Director (CBS)

Subject: SB Order No. 13 dated 23.11.16 regarding acceptance of WOS (old notes ) notes in SB Account.

​Respected Sir/Madam,

Please find attached the SB Order No. 13/2016 dated 23.11.2016 regarding acceptance of  WOS currency notes in Post Office Saving Bank Account only and not in other accounts like RD, TD,MIS,SSA,SCSS,PPF,KVP, NSC etc for information and necessary action.

Note : Copy  of the Notification  No. 1/04/2016-NS from Department of Economic Affairs (Budget Division), Ministry of Finance, dated 22/11/16 and 23/11/16  is enclosed for reference. 

With regards,

Sachin Kishore