All India Online Music and Dance Competition-2020 for wards of Central Government Employees
Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board
(Registration No. 2621)
Department of Personnel & Training
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Government of India
361, B-Wing, 3rd Floor
Lok Nayak Bhawan New Delhi – 110 003
No. 18/03/2018-19/CCSCSB
The Secretaries of All Regional Sports Boards
The Welfare Officer of all Ministries/Departments
Subject: All India Online Music and Dance Competition-2020 for wards of Central Government Civilian Employees only
Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board is organising the CCSCSB online Music and Dance competition 2020 for wards of Civilian Central Government Employees. The event shall be held online on Facebook Group – “CCSCSB Online Music & Dance Competition-2020” on 28-29 November, 2020. Parents of the participants are required to join the group for live participation. All the parents of the wards must have their own Facebook profile and necessary equipment’s such as Mobile/Camera and internet connection for live performance. Details of the event are as under:

The entry for the competition should be sent in the prescribed entry form latest by 10 November, 2020 through email at only. Proforma of the entry form is attached. No entry by physical mode (by hand or by post) will be accepted.
The Wards of the following Categories of employees are not eligible for participation in Competition:
a) Uniform personnel in Defence Services/Para Military Organisations /Central Police Organisation/Police/RPF/CISF/BSF/ITBP/NSG etc.
b) Employees of Autonomous bodies/undertaking/Public Sector Banks even
though administratively controlled by the Central Ministries.
c) Casual/Daily wages workers.
d) Employees attached to offices on temporary duty.
e) A newly recruited employed who has put less than 6 months in regular
Decision of the judges shall be final and no appeal against their decision shall be entertained. 5. All the participants shall be given digital participation certificate. Besides this Winners (1st, 2nd & 3rd) will also be given Winners’ Certificate. 6. After last date of receipts of entry, a whatsapp group shall be created for coordination with the participants.
Any information regarding change in dates/venue/cancellation etc about the Competition will be available on And Orders Sports-Misc.
For any further queries relating to the above programme, Shri Pradeep Kumar Khanna (9871021440) Convener, CCSCSB (Music, Dance and Short Play) may be contacted.
The circular may be given wide publicity.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Secretary (CCSCSB)
Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board
(Department of Personnel & Training)