Modi Report Card: Between Good and Satisfactory, But Best Is Yet To Be
To seal a durable path to political longevity, Modi has to use his authority to roll back political divisiveness and focus on jobs and growth. He has to live up to the ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ slogan by speaking up when the fringe erupts.
There is a rough-and-ready way to
judge the three-year-old Narendra Modi government by: take the assessments of
his critics, and the assessments of his supporters, get the midpoint, and you
will get somewhere near the truth.
Critics, including those who believe
Modi can do no good, say the following: he has unleashed or emboldened violent
Hindutva in many BJP-ruled states, and they are targeting minorities and
Dalits; his ministers are trying to rewrite history to make it more
Hindu-biased; he has done little to improve India’s security abroad despite
zillions of foreign trips; internally, Kashmir is close to being “lost” and the
Maoist threat in Chhattisgarh remains unresolved due to mishandling; despite
promises of achche din, economic growth is nowhere near where the UPA
took it (8-9 percent), and jobs growth is absent.
Mixed record on Hindu agenda,
Those who are inclined to back Modi,
both the uncritical supporters and those who do not mind calling out his
follies despite being favourably inclined to his rule, have the following
things to say in his favour. In fact, we also tend to forget that Modi’s
strongest critics are the Hindutva forces, who believe he is doing little to
take forward even the positive aspects of the Hindu agenda, including the
rollback of laws that discriminate against Hindus and appease minorities
(Example: state control of thousands of temples, lack of freedom to manage
Hindu-run educational institutions, imposition of RTE only on majority-run
institutions, special treatment to madrassas and Haj subsidies). The only thing
they can laud Modi for is the government’s strong support for banning triple
talaq, which the so-called “liberals” have copped out of.
Modi supporters also point to the
high legislative and economic reforms record of the NDA government, and its
excellent performance in maintaining price and fiscal stability. They note that
despite temptations to blame every problem on the previous government, the NDA
has not taken the easy route to popularity by abandoning fiscal rectitude,
raising foodgrain support prices excessively and/or announcing loan waivers (UP
being an exception, but the populism is state-led) to gain instant popularity.
Nor has a major dole been given to any segment beyond the ultra-poor. If
anything, the government, by demonetising high value notes in November last
year, has angered its core voter base – the trading community and middle
classes which have been the backbone of the BJP for decades. Nor has it
pandered to any business lobby, and cronyism and corruption – a key feature of
the UPA – are conspicuously absent at the centre.
For a more neutral and non-expert
analysis, a look at the latest approval ratings of the government show that
popular support is not only holding up, but seems unlikely to flag in the
foreseeable future. It might well hold up all the way to 2019, assuming the
government does not shoot itself in the foot by letting violent groups get away
with murder, and scuttling growth through economic mismanagement.
Only a broad right-ward shift in
terms of political preferences can explain why, despite the headline-grabbing
murders and lynching of Muslims or Dalits by gau rakshaks, the sluggish
recovery of the economy, the paucity of job creation, and the wringer
of notebandi, the average voter still has faith in Modi.
The latest LocalCircles
Governance Survey says 61% of the 40,000 people polled online said
Modi had met their expectations of him. Online surveys may remain suspect in
terms of validity, since the respondents are self-selecting, but other surveys last
year and the year before
recorded the same high ratings despite the government’s many mis-steps. This trend
has been confirmed by emphatic recent electoral victories of the BJP in Uttar
Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
Even though Atal Bihari Vajpayee and
Narendra Modi are poles apart in terms of personality and operating styles, one
thing is common to them: they are both head-and-shoulders above their party in
terms of popularity. Vajpayee’s avuncular charisma is more than matched by
Modi’s image as someone who is at least trying to do the right things for the
country. This is significant, for the media in Vajpayee’s time thought of the
prime minister as different from his party (“the right man in the wrong
party”), but Modi is not seen as different ideologically from his party.
In fact, he is seen as the very embodiment of the party’s Hindutva moorings, a
conflation that began with Gujarat’s communal conflagration of 2002, where
Modi’s role has been questioned even though no court has found any evidence
that he did wrong.
Since Modi’s image has been built
despite the hostility of the mainstream Lutyens’ media and establishment, what
his continuing popularity really means is that there has been a broad
right-ward shift of the Indian citizen in terms of political preferences. This
is the only thing than can explain why, despite the headline-grabbing murders
and lynching of Muslims or Dalits by random gau rakshaks, despite the
sluggish recovery of the Indian economy, despite the paucity of job creation,
and despite putting the entire population through a wringer during notebandi,
the average voter still has faith in Modi.
Tabulating Modi’s scorecard

Prime Minister Narendra Modi
deserves an A+ for image management and political messaging. Credit: Reuters
However, the job of the political or
economic analyst is not to validate what the average voter thinks or does not
think about Modi but to arrive at a scorecard on his government’s performance
independent of popular perceptions.
That the prime minister is an
excellent manager of his own image is well-recognised. While some people look
on this self-promotion with disdain, the reality is different. In a political
economy, if a politician is not capable of managing his image and making
himself electable, he cannot deliver on his promises or get things done. Modi
is one of the first politicians in India to realise that image and perceptions
are important to achievement – a truth that most western democracies have known
for decades.
Since 2001, when he was pitchforked
into the chief ministership of Gujarat, Modi has repeatedly reinvented himself
every five years. In 2002, in order to win in Gujarat, he was willing to play
‘Hindu hriday samrat’. In 2007, he saw that political longevity needed
him to deliver economic results to his people and overcome his “communal”
image. He duly focused on making Gujarat a global investment destination.
In 2012, as Gujarat became his
private pocket borough, Modi realised that his ambitions for Delhi needed him
to win over his western enemies, who were wary about his Hindutva credentials,
with the US even refusing to issue him a visa. This time he positioned his
state as the most business-friendly in India. Thus, he was constantly
schmoozing with business leaders and foreign delegations, impressing them with
his earnest efforts to ease life for businesses in his state. He succeeded in
making western businessmen, and then western politicians, buy his story.
Reason: where business is willing, politicians will follow.
R. Jagannathan’s
Scorecard for Modi @ 3
An ‘A+’ for image management and broad political messaging
An ‘A’ for legislative and reforms achievement
A ‘B’ for economic outcomes and results (but with the possibility of a better score in next two years)
A ‘C’ in bringing down inter-community tensions within India and peace with neighbours.
An ‘A+’ for image management and broad political messaging
An ‘A’ for legislative and reforms achievement
A ‘B’ for economic outcomes and results (but with the possibility of a better score in next two years)
A ‘C’ in bringing down inter-community tensions within India and peace with neighbours.
But post-2012, when the target was
the whole of India, he changed tack again. As the party’s prime ministerial
candidate, Modi no longer flaunted his pro-business credentials, but his
concern for the poor. He realised that an overtly pro-business party can easily
be junked by his political opponents, with both Rahul Gandhi and Arvind
Kejriwal alleging that he was beholden to Ambani and Adani. Modi shifted his
rhetoric to the poor – moving his party decidedly to the Left of its earlier
stance. Leaving aside some elements of detail, the BJP under Modi is no more
Right-wing in economic policy than the UPA. The Sangh parivar that is in awe of
him, is all for this too.
It is this Left-ward shift in the
party’s positioning that allowed his party to gain more state assemblies
post-2014. Business leaders who hailed him as another Thatcher or Reagan soon
realised that at best he was not anti-business, and was willing to help in a neutral
sort of way by easing regulations. But his priorities had shifted from being
business-friendly to being anti-crony. This image shift, which has been
followed up by two black money disclosure schemes (only one of which could be termed successful), a draconian law to check benami property transactions,
and demonetisation of high-value notes last November, has been central to his
reinvention as messiah of the poor. Politicians tried hard to paint Modi as
anti-poor since they were made to stand in long queues for days to get their
high-value notes exchanged, but the poor saw in demonetisation a prime minister
who was not afraid to take on the moneybags. They knew this instinctively,
since the rich used the poor to launder their black money.
This messaging has been amplified by
other programmes that sealed his image as someone with good intentions. The
Swachch Bharat mission, the ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ initiative, the Jan Dhan
financial inclusion scheme, the plans to double farm incomes and enabling
everyone to live in a pucca house by 2022 are part of this makeover. None of
these schemes is likely to deliver in spades, but as a statement of intent and
direction, they have served a major purpose.
Conclusion #1: Modi is now the tallest and most credible politician in
India for he has shifted his party to the Left and replaced the other centrist
parties from this position. If he can win 2019, he will have enormous power to
deliver on his promises. Hence the A+ score.
Reforms count …

Finance Minister Arun Jaitley and
Prime Minister Narendra Modi (right). Credit: Reuters
Barring the Narasimha Rao government
of 1991-96, and to a lesser extent the Vajpayee government of 1998-2004, no
government has passed as many enabling and reformist legislations as has
Modi’s. Between mid-2014 and now, the Modi government has passed bills to
enhance foreign investment in insurance, pensions, defence, rail
infrastructure, brownfield aviation, construction, and e-commerce marketplaces,
to name just a few. India became the world’s No 1 foreign direct investment destination in
2015, replacing China.
Subsidy reforms have gone further
and deeper than ever before, with Aadhaar being used extensively to eliminate
fake and duplicate beneficiaries, direct cash transfers replacing physical
subsidies in LPG, petrol and diesel prices being deregulated and kerosene being
gradually phased out. Over Rs 1,50,000 crore has been disbursed through direct
cash transfers in government schemes. In its eagerness to use Aadhaar for
expanding the tax base and eliminate subsidy-related corruption, the Modi government is taking a huge risk: it has
given less attention to privacy and data protection, at a time when the Aadhaar
database is being shared with companies for business reasons.
Laws to sell coal mines only by
auctions have been passed, and the first auctions held, and coal mining is no
longer a state monopoly. The moribund power sector has been revived by the Uday
scheme which transferred state electricity board debts directly onto state
balance-sheets, thus removing constraints on power generation and distribution.
Some 25 out of 27 states or Union Territories have revised power tariffs, and
solar power has been given a huge liftoff, with the latest bids for solar tariffs falling below Rs 2.50 per
unit. India’s solar capacity is set to cross 20 Gw by 2018 end.
And, for the first time ever, India
now has a bankruptcy law that is comparable in terms of provisions with the
best in the world.
Where the opposition was in a
position to thwart legislative action, the government used the money bill route
to pass laws, as in the case of the Aadhaar Bill last year.
Modi’s biggest legislative success
has, of course, been the enactment of the constitutional amendment bills to
enable the imposition of a combined goods and services tax (GST), which got
passed last year by the centre and more than half the states. This could not
have been done without Modi investing a huge amount of personal political capital,
given the strong animosity between the BJP government at the centre and various
opposition-ruled states.
Conclusion #2: Despite huge political blocks and an opposition veto in the
Rajya Sabha, this government’s legislative record is second to none. It
deserves an ‘A’, even though the benefits flowing from these reforms will take
years to accrue.
… But growth, job creation, lag
As a Crisil report on three
years of Modi says it, his signal achievement has been to implement
disruptive change without loss of political capital. It is not business as
usual. Notes the report: “GST, the most significant indirect tax reform in
decades, will be a game changer. It may not be the optimal GST structure, but
let the best not be the enemy of the good. Even with its imperfections, it is
expected to usher in significant efficiencies and benefits in the logistics
chain across sectors and lift India’s growth trajectory over the medium run.
Although somewhat disruptive in the short run, demonetisation is being
leveraged to move India towards a ‘less-cash’ economy.”
While the jury is out on whether
demonetisation’s gains have outweighed its economic costs, Crisil’s takeaway is
this: “One of the most important lessons from the demonetisation drive of last
year is that it is possible for a government to take hard decisions without
eroding political capital.” That is a big gain in a country where elections are
always won with freebies.
Next, we need to consider how good
has the Modi government’s economic management been? The short answer is “good
in parts”, but not good enough overall.
The plus points are clear. The price
situation is benign after the UPA’s wildly inflationary era, and fiscal
management has been sensible, with Arun Jaitley staying the course on fiscal
consolidation despite there being good reason to dump P Chidambaram’s fiscal
roadmap in the first two years of the NDA regime, when growth was sluggish.
Despite two consecutive drought years, food prices are moderate, and the latest print on retail inflation is less than 3 percent.
The export engine sputtered and died
between 2014 and late 2016 before registering a revival; corporate investment
has dwindled to low levels; and the consumption story was stopped dead in its
tracks by demonetisation last November, though it will surely revive from this
As the Crisil report notes, “the
recent data from the Central Statistics Office shows a small and transitory hit
to India growth from demonetisation. We, too, expect India’s GDP growth to lift
to 7.4 percent in fiscal 2017-18 from 7.1 percent in the preceding fiscal. GST
together with the move towards a ‘less cash’ economy will also give speed to
the formalisation of the economy.”
The biggest black mark for the Modi
government is its failure to fix public sector banks and their mounting bad
loans: many banks are teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, with bad debts
crossing over Rs 7 lakh crore by now.
Three years is simply too long a
time for a government to have failed to come to grips with a serious economic
problem that was evident as far back as in May 2014, if not earlier. Even
though efforts have been made to give the Reserve Bank of India
enhanced powers to force a resolution of bad loans with banks, this
process is not going to happen overnight.

Not enough work to go
around. Credit: Stephen Geyer/ Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0
As a regulator, there are limits to
how far the RBI can push banks to settle bad loans with promoters, when most of
these banks belong to the government. This is also an abdication of duty: if
the owner of public sector banks does not have the courage to clean up its act,
how can the RBI do it any better?
The single biggest constraint on a
sustained economic recovery is weak banks, and for this problem the only real
solution is larger infusion of capital into public sector banks. But in the
2017-18 budget, the government has provided all of Rs 10,000 crore for
recapitalisation, when just one investor, Softbank, is putting in as much money
($1.4 billion, or Rs 9,000 crore) in a small private sector
payments bank called Paytm.
The second big economic failure is
in jobs. This government has been making all the right noises on jobs – using
the Mudra bank to funnel money into self-employment schemes, focusing on skill
development, and even offering tax sops and law changes for increasing
apprenticeships and full-time employment – but jobs are simply refusing to
To be sure, the
faltering jobs machine is both the result of under-investment (as
companies are still trying to reduce their loan burdens), and a secular dip in
new jobs creation due to the spread of automation and labour-saving
technologies. An HDFC Bank jobs report in 2016 noted that India’s employment
elasticity – which measures the growth in jobs relative to every 1 percent
increase in GDP – has been dropping sharply. Fifteen years ago, the employment
elasticity was 0.39 – that is, when GDP grew 1%, jobs grew by 0.39%. But this
elasticity is down to 0.15 – more than halving the rate of job creation. We are
close to make the frightening term “jobless growth” a reality.
While chief economic advisor
Arvind Subramanian is right to
say “you can’t have employment growing if the economy is growing at
3-4 percent,” the problem is that job creation is being challenged by
the rise of technology and automation not only in India, but the whole world.
A political volcano is building up under the surface in many economies.
In the US, it threw up a Donald Trump. In Britain, it has led to Brexit. In
France, a sharp nationalist upsurge was nipped in the recent presidential
election, but the far-Right National Front of Marine Le Pen is now that
country’s main opposition. In India, we are seeing tiny manifestations in terms
of demands for job reservations from castes that were hitherto not in need of
it: the Patidars in Gujarat, the Jats in Haryana, the Marathas in Maharashtra,
among others.
Conclusion #3: India elected a pro-growth Modi three years back; this is
where his delivery is weak, hence a ‘B’ for actual economic performance.
His chances of re-election depend not only on his image and other legislative
triumphs, but on his ability to get growth and jobs growing faster in the
remaining two years of his tenure. Sure, our GDP is growing at a rate above 7%,
but this is largely the result of a change in how growth is measured.
Divisiveness hurts growth
Just as a person’s height does not
increase because you use centimetres to measure it instead of inches, the
higher GDP growth using the new methodology is not supported by the revival of
animal spirits in the economy. Animal spirits seem more evident among fringe
groups than businessmen. Growth cannot return to its old levels if fringe
groups loosely associated with Modi’s party create mayhem on the streets,
exacerbating the country’s many fault lines of caste, religion, language and
Conclusion #4: Modi has rarely used divisive rhetoric post-2012, except
occasionally on the campaign trail. But this rhetoric was never over-the-top.
His real challenge is to avoid giving the appearance that he supports the
violent fringe by keeping quiet on issues like the Dadri lynching or the Una
violence for a bit too long. He has to speak up. Only he has the authority to
check the fringe. In the absence of that, he get’s a ‘C’ for social harmony.
Modi’s three years have been a great
political success; the economic success could follow in the
remaining two years. To seal a durable path to political longevity, he has to
use his unchallenged authority to roll back political divisiveness and focus on
jobs and growth. He has to live up to the ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas’ slogan
by speaking up when the fringe erupts.
My final word on the Modi report
card: Good in parts, satisfactory in others, but not good enough given the
scale of the mandate. He should try harder in the remaining two years.
R. Jagannathan is Editorial
Director, Swarajya