Relaxation has been given to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir with certain conditions.
As per instant instructions, the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is applicable for travel by Air India and in Economy class only. However, relaxation has been given to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir with certain conditions
As per instant instructions, the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is applicable for travel by Air India and in Economy class only. However, relaxation has been given to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir with certain conditions
As per instant instructions, the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is applicable for travel by Air India and in Economy class only. However, relaxation has been given to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir with certain conditions
As per instant instructions, the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) is applicable for travel by Air India and in Economy class only. However, relaxation has been given to travel by private airlines to visit Jammu & Kashmir with certain conditions