T-24,Atul Grove Road, New Delhi - 110 001. Phone : 011-23321378
Ref: 9/NUR-C/35/2017 12/05/2017
Mrs.Usha Chandrasekhar,
Member (O),
Postal Services Board.
New Delhi-110 001
Respected madam,
Sub: Modifications/changes in the MNOP
It is learnt that the Department is planning to change/promote MNOP to the next level.
Based on the suggestions of Mckinsey & Co (Consultancy Service) our RMS offices were restructured as L1 & L2. We paid their consultancy fees, of Rs.12.66 crores for the project. Against MNOP the Postal JCA issued a strike notice, after which the Department appointed a high-level committee consisting two Secretary Generals of Federations under the chairperson of then Member (O). The committee met 4 times and the staff side suggested many changes, most of them were not accepted. Federations submitted a dissent note, however, MNOP was implemented as anticipated by the Federations within 3 months. The mail volume was drastically reduced, again the then Member (O) convened a meeting and revised the orders diluting earlier orders, but to our dismay, we are unable to get our old business.
During this period Dept. of Posts launched a new operational network for Parcel Products from 18/19-11-2013 vide DG Posts O.M. No. 10-23/2013-BD & MD. Before introducing this, the blueprint of the new operational network was circulated to the Heads of Circles. Federation/Unions were not consulted before introducing the scheme. According to the information we received, the introduction of Express Parcel Hub is an utter flop. We are not getting considerable business through this scheme. Because we already have Speed post service which permits, booking of the article up to 35 kilogrammes. It is quiet but natural that customers will prefer Speed Post service instead of Express Parcel Service, as a Speed Post service has become well known among the general public since 25 years. My union suggestion/ modification was not accepted.
Circle like Tamilnadu constructed a building to house the Express Parcel Hub spending 32 lakhs to rectify the administrative mistake. The circle administration also shifted old Parcel Hub to the new place. However, this is not the issue, it is only an example.
At the same time in the international level E-Commerce business has increased in countries like the UK, Canada and Germany earned maximum revenue, our Former Chairman, Postal Services Board presented a paper in the UPU Meeting however due to Postbank issue he was unable to concentrate much in the E.commerce.
In general, our Department is of the opinion that Mail business is not profitable, but this is not true. There are many countries doing mail business profitably by using their network properly.
In view of the above my union request the Member (O) to call staff side to discuss the proposed plan before any changes/ modification in MNOP.
Anticipating your reply,
Yours sincerely,
Secretary General.Click here to view our letter (PDF)