T-24; Atul Grove Road, New Delhi -110001
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
New Delhi -1.
Sir ,
Sub: Suggestions on GDS Pay Committee Report submitted by Sri.Kamalesh Chandra – Reg.
FNPO welcome the GDS Pay Committee Report submitted by Sri.Kamalesh Chandra on the following issues as that are somewhat nearer to the Memorandum submitted by our Federation.
1.We have suggested MACP I, II ,III for 10,20,30 years whereas the Committee has given the same for 12,24,36 years.
2.We proposed HRA ranging between Rs.800 to Rs.1520 with an annual raise of Rs.80. But the Committee recommended a flat rate of Rs.800 to ABPM’s and Rs. 2400 to 800 to Dak Sevaks.
3.We proposed OMA ranging between Rs.500 to Rs.950 with an annual increase of Rs.50. But the Committee recommended clubbing OMA & HRA to BPM’s from Rs. 1600 to Rs.1100.
4.We proposed all kinds of leaves admissible under CCS (Leave Rules) 1972 besides casual leave to departmental employees may be extended to GDS whereas the Committee has recommended General Leave 30 days with a maximum limit of accumulations for 180 days, emergency leave 5 days, maternity leave, paternity leave. We proposed to leave encashment facility besides 15 surrenders leave keeping in view in leave arrangements, but the Committee has recommended leave encashment in full at the time of retirement.
5.We have proposed request transfers and the same is given with a limitation of 3 times during the service.
6.We have proposed compassionate engagements to the families of all deceased employee and the same is recommended by the Committee.
7.We have proposed the payment of bonus on par with departmental employees and issue of identity cards and the Committee had recommended the same.
8.We proposed the date of superannuation at par with departmental employees and Committee has recommended the same.
9.We have proposed the payment of retirement/terminal benefits, the Committee has recommended gratuity only.
10.We have proposed basic amenities such as infrastructure, the Committee has recommended same.
However, we express our displeasure on the following issues as GDS Pay Committee has not considered the following issues in its report.
1.Conversion of rural B.O’s into Rural Post Offices.
2.Granting civil servant status to all GDS and converting them as departmental employees such as departmental Rural Post Master(RPM), departmental Rural Postal Assistant(RPA) for delivery, conveyance and packing duties. The Committee renamed our proposed Rural Postal Assistant as Assistant Branch Postmaster and attached some duties of Branch Post Master to ABPM’s as we proposed. We proposed to scrap the term part time in respect of GDS which was not looked into we proposed 7:30 mints. Workload to each official with statistical justification which was not recommended, we proposed to replace the term sevak by ‘employee’ which was not all considered.3.We clearly explained that no B.O.is running on loss in real terms as it is a mixture of many agency services and by considering it is a public essential service. It is otherwise taken by the Committee in the same sense recommending revenue generation in the place of income and cost.
4.We have proposed a detailed pay structure, without any anomaly but there are anomalies in the Committee report such as bunching etc.for which a report is submitted separately.
5.We proposed CCS Pension Rules available to departmental employees may be applied for these employees and GPF and all pensionary benefits including group insurance scheme may be applied to all GDS at par with departmental employees giving credit to their date of entry in the department. But the GDS Committee has recommended gratuity,, group insurance scheme and it has addressed Central Provident Fund Commissioner for Employee’s Provident Fund etc. And Employees State Insurance authorities for medical support. But the same could be recommended in their pay committee report which is the real security /welfare measure. We have submitted a separate letter in this regard and it is not all a burden on Government.6.Though the Committee has recommended general leave for 30 days per year in the place of 20 days paid leave and ignored half-pay leave , commuted leave on par with departmental employees.
7.We propose 5% leave reserve at sub-divisional level which was not considered by the Committee. Here one thing is to be considered by the department i.e; the department had already made a move in introducing bio-metric hand held devices and there by attracting many a business from the State Government and from public. If it is done all the work calculation existing now will go and the B.O.will be made a financial agency of the village and the increase of workload at B.O.level will be too high and the day will come the B.O’s cannot be managed without leave reserve .As such we have proposed 5%LR at Sub-divisional level in the interest of service only.
8.We have proposed loans and advances on par with department officials for self utilisation, but the Committee recommended a loan from circle welfare fund of Rs.10,000 for purchase of a tablet only. But our Federation under a deep discussion with all the members a conclusion could not be made for what purpose a Tab is required for this poor GDS by giving instead of that under welfare measure if a loan could be arranged for purchase of a site or for construction of a house. If this recommendation can be brought by the department it could be a welcoming welfare measure other than purchase of a Tab. And we also request the department to pay the face value along with interest of FG bonds which were deposited to the co-operative societies in term basis.
Finally we welcome all positive recommendations at part A above and displeasure at part B above and request the department to sort out those issues and resolve to the possible extent for which this Federation is thankful.
Though we have clearly welcomed certain recommendations of Sri.Kamalesh Chandra’s GDS Pay Committee and express our displeasure in respect of certain issues not recommended in the Committee Report should be clearly projected to the Department of Posts with figures and factors. As such we are submitting the following issues in detail for consideration.
1.Amendmend of Rule 3-A(i) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules :
In our written memorandum to the GDS Pay Committee and in our tendering evidence before the said Committee dated 27.5.2016, we have requested the Committee for amendment to Rule 3-A(i) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rule. We have submitted the information which was received through our RTI application that many GDS officials are working more than 5 hours. At the Committee simply considered the maximum workload as 5 hours and offered some commission for the additional workload. This rule 3-A (i) should be amended and full working hours to GDS officials may be allowedin view of forthcoming India Post Payment Bank and Rural Information and Communication Technology.
2.Revenue generation :
The GDS Pay Committee has given table 4.18 for calculation of monthly revenue of GDS Post offices. On observation on income side getting more income is very difficult as to rough calculations a B.O. transacted 2,000 RD transactions ,1,000SB ,1,000 MGNREGS ,500 Social Security Pensions payments ,Rs.50,000 RPLI collection etc. Will get around Rs.20,000 income per month. Where as per table no.4.19 (expenditure table) the expenditure on a B.O. will be around Rs.36,000 as given in the table in respect of double handed offices. Totally doing the above 4,000 above transactions is remote in a village. There is no chance to grow up from level 1 to level 2 and to 10% above 100% revenue will not be so easy for level 2. It appears that an official at one level will be at that level only for ever and getting 10% allowance for the revenue over 100% is not at all possible. Hence it is requested to re- examine revenue generation/ expenditure norms and may be fixed at a convincible stage.
3.Pay Fixation :
As per the table no.10.13 given at para no.10.43 and arrears tables 1 to 11 given at parano.10.51 of the GDS Pay Committee report , there is a great anomaly in fixing the pay of senior and junior. An official having one year service and another official having 11 years of service are placed at the same stage and the junior is more benefited and the senior is less benefited in all cases. For this we have proposed in our memorandum to the Pay Committee to allow bunching after completion of every five years to remove the anomaly to some extent.
4.Promotions : GDS to Postal Assistant
The Committee has recommended 40 years minimum age limit for entry into GDS cadre where as it is recommended only 35 years maximum age limit with 3 years of service for GDS to Postal Assistant. As such there is no chance of becoming PA who joined as GDS at his age of 38 or above though he joined in the GDS service which is not justified. As such the maximum age limit for GDS to PA may be fixed ad 45 years with due relaxation for reservations.
As per PA Gazette notification 2015 PA vacancies are fixed to be filled up as 50% open quota and 50% to LGO’s and LGO’s posts unfilled vacancies are asked to allot to GDS quota. Now a days there is no question of unfilled LGO quota as there are surplus officials awaiting absorption some where else from LGO quota on observation of last 2 years and it will be continued as more educated are coming in MTS/Postman cadre. As such the LGO quota may be shared with GDS officials 25:25. The Department
is allowing LGO’s with out skill test and imparting required training the same facility may be extended to GDS also.
5.Compssionate Engagement :
The committee has recommended 100% compassionate appointment to the GDS deceased cases and mentioned but not recommended in its report in respect of earlier rejected cases when it is reduced to 36 points from 51 points. We propose to consider the same . In the report there is no mention regarding medically invalidated retirement cases for providing compassionate appointment to the dependants of GDS. Moreover vide order no.19-19/2009-GDS dt.21.2.2012 it was considered the compassionate engagements to the dependants of GDS discharged on medical grounds. As such recruitment relaxation in these cases may also be considered.
6.Children Education Allowance :
The Committee has recommended Rs.6,000 per anum per child to GDS officials towards Children Education Allowance , there may be difference in the cadres of the officials are working in the Department and it should not be taken to their children supposed to be future citizens and they should not be demoralised in compared with other departmental children. The education is same, the expenditure is same, but the difference shown is not justified when the officials with more earnings could not meet the higher expenses for education of children, how a official getting less salary meets the same expenditure. As such this Federation proposes the Children Education Allowance should be granted to GDS also on par with departmental employees.
7.Substitute arrangement : Leave Reserve
Our Federation is thankful to the Committee for its recommendations at its para no.16.34 for recommending leave, leave encashment. But the committee suggesting that no full time substitute will be engaged against resultant vacancy. In this connection the orders issued by DoP vide letter no. Dt.17.12.2015 it was ordered to detach delivery duties and conveyance duties from GDSBPM and to create or restore GDSMC/MD posts in the B.O. on drafting from other places including drafting from other Circles. It is felt this has been ordered in view of forthcoming IPPB &RICT. If that additional workload attached to GDSBPM it is an additional burden to the GDSBPM who is already working for 9 hours 14 minutes as assessed in our memorandum to the GDS Pay Committee. Undoubtedly the Government has the same opinion and as such it is ordered to detach mail carrier and conveyance duties from GDSBPM. We have submitted in our memorandum to reduce 1 hour from GDSBPM and attach to other GDS by designating them as Rural Postal Assistant. During the tendering evidence dated 27.5.2016 the GDS Committee has agreed to our views and asked to attach some of the GDSBPM’s duties to the other GDS officials working in the office but he is suggested to designate them as Assistant Branch Postmaster.
It is a good attempt but its implementation is to be deeply thought off GDS Committee suggested so many leave facilities to the GDS officials which is undoubtedly a great offer to the GDS officials not only leave vacancies there may be vacancies on disciplinary grounds also. The Committee has suggested combination of duties up to 89 days at a stretch on paying Rs.65 or Rs.75 per day as the case may be per working day. Though he/ she receives Rs.65 or Rs.75 a day he has to perform the other officials duty after having worked his duties for 9 hours 14 minutes assumed by us and to go out for performing the Assistant Branch Postmaster’s work such as delivery, marketing etc. One may say this is in respect of some cases but not in all cases. In GDS Committee Report at annexure 15 the Committee it self has agreed that GDS officials are working for more than 6 hours in 18+141+47=206 cases out of 1584 cases studied. Then as per those calculations it will be
206×3,02,721÷1584 = 39,369.01 say around 40 thousand.
This is on sample survey but o physical observation it is more after introducing MGNREGS, SSPpayments all the GDSBPM’s are sitting at at their BPM tables from dawn to dusk as citizens of the village who are mostly illiterate compel the GDSBPM’s to finish their work at their convenience. If this is not fulfilled the values of the BPM will be spoiled and his survival in the village may be spoiled. As such combination of duties at a B.O.level is not all possible which may lead to unsolved problems besides the revenue will be drastically effected and the aim of earning more revenue from will be defeated.
As such proposed in our memorandum creation of leave reserve at sub-divisional level at least 5% is needed. If it is not ready to create leave reserve posts, present arrangement of substitute arrangement in leave vacancies by GDS on his responsibilities has to be continued.
The payment of combined duty allowance of Rs.65 and Rs.75 is also not scientific when minimum salary is taken as Rs.10,000 per month it will be Rs.400 (10,000÷25) per day. The work of the duties on clubbing will never be reduced if one may think the work hours of combination will some what reduced as it is viewed in the case of overtime allowance to departmental employees i.e; 3 hour for full day even then the combined duty allowance to the GDS will be 400×3÷5 = 240 but not Rs.65 or Rs.75.
In the case of departmental officials it is well known that the no departmental official on OT duty completes both the duties in a day. They are leaving something for next day, which hampers next day work. When it is aimed to get more revenue from B.O’s , it is nothing but a thunder on our aims which certainly leads to other losses.
Hence i) The orders issued vide letter No. Dated 17.12.2015 delivery and conveyance duties attached to GDSBPM may be detached.
ii) Leave Reserve GDS at sub-divisional level up to 5% may be created (or) else the present system of engagement of substitute system at B.O.level by the GDS himself/herself on the responsibility of the GDS himself/herself without intervention of higher authorities except approval may be continued.
8.Provident Fund , Pensionary and Life Insurance benefits :
As per the GDS Pay Committee report vide annexure -38 Central Provident Fund Commissioner vide his letter no.CAIU/011(87)2016/GDS/20607 said it is possible to implement the scheme consisting of EPF, EPS and EDLI as follows.
Contribution EPF. EPS EDLI
(% of wages)
Employer 3.67. 8.33. 0.50
Employee. 12.00. Nil Nil
Administrative 0.85. Nil. 0.01
For implementing the above social security benefit previous procedures are to be compared and necessary adjustments are to be done.
Severance amount: It was recommended by GDS Pay Committee at the rate of Rs.1500 up to 31.12.2015 and at the rate of Rs.4,000 from 1.1.2016. Besides SDBS introduced from1.4.2011 this Rs.1500 per anum was fixed when minimum basic allowance is Rs.2295 i.e. 2295÷12×100÷1500 i.e 12.75%. It does mean the Government is contributing 12.75% much earlier to the introduction of SDBS. Even on introduction of SDBS with effect from 1.4.2011 the Government is contributing Rs.200 besides the official contribution of Rs.200. This is 2295÷200 = 11.475. If EPF, EPS,EDLI are accepted as proposed by CPFO the Government share of contribution will be 3.67 for EPF,8.33 for EPS, 0.50 for EDLI totally 12%.
The proposal of the GDS Committee and CPFO readiness for implementation is not at all burden on the Department as it is already contributing 12.75% till 31.3.2011 and 11.475% with effect from 1.4.2011 to 31.12.2015. The Committee has recommended for severance amount Rs.4,000 per anum as Government contribution towards severance amount w.e.f.1.1.2016. It comes to only 3.33 besides this committee has recommended SDBS 3%towards Government contribution. Total Government contribution w.e.f.1.1.2016 will be 3.33+3 = 6.33. It is not justified to reduce the contribution of the Government to the GDS officials what he is getting 12.75 or 11.475 as the case may be . A Pay Committee framed for better security of the official may not have reduced the facility to almost 50%. This Government has to consider with a view of generously and keep the benefit what they are getting ie.Government contribution 12.75 or 11.475 as the case may be. Continuing age old system forever is also not advisable and it should be replaced by a new system which gives more benefits to the officials with out any burden on the Government. The average readiness of the Government i.e. 12.75 + 11.475 =24.225÷2 = 12.1125 just equalent to the proposal of CPFO views as aforesaid tables.
Hence this is high time to introduce EPF, EPS, EDLI to GDS officials and our Federation request to accept the same may be considered.
To resolve the problems our proposal is as follows.
1Rs.1500 per anum for completed year of service till 31.3.2011 subject to maximum of Rs.60,000.
2. w.e.f.1.4.2011 the Government contribution + official contribution from Oct’2013 till 31.12.2015 should be paid to the official along with interest.
3.As proposed by Central Provident Fund Commissioner the rates proposed in the above table may be implemented w.e.f.1.1.2016 or with a prospective date as proposed by the Department and accepted by CPF Commissioner may be implemented. In case it is not w.e.f.1.1.2016 and implemented with a subsequent date, till then the SDBS at point 2 above may be considered.
4.If EPF, EPS,EDLI scheme is implemented the amount to be paid to the officials till 31.3.2011 and 31.12.2015 or prospective date may be paid to the official on their attaining the age of superannuation or voluntary retirement or compulsory retirement on any grounds or death as the case may be.
A doubt may arise that Government has to spend 0.85% towards administrative charges on implementation of the above scheme . But 0.115 i.e. above 12% is already matched by the above narrations . The extra administrative charges on Government is 0.85% ÷0.115 = 0.735%.The average cost as per CPFO limitations is Rs.10,000 minimum + 21,000 maximum i.e. 31,000÷2 = 15,500.
Total extra expenditure by the Government will be Rs.15,500×0.735% per official per month = 113.925.
Sanctioned strength of GDS : 3,02,721
Total expenditure on sanctioned strength = 3,02,721×113.925 =3,44,87,489.925 per month
i.e. Per anum = 3,44,87,489.925 × 12 = 41,38,49,879.1 say suppose 42 crores per anum which is nothing to the Department as it may be ready to pay 1684 crores as per GDS Pay Committee Report.
NOTE 2 :
For a nacked view that Department has to pay 0.85% to Central Provident Fund Organisation indirectly the Department has to pay
15,500×0.85÷100 ×3,02,721× 12 = 48,01,45,778.1 say suppose 48 crores.
It is nothing but a drop in the ocean if the work of severance amount and SDBS is kept with the Department i.e. calculation, preparation of note , supervision at divisional level and checking at audit level. The average cost of these higher categories for doing this work will be many number of times to the administrative charges are paid to CPFO. If this EPF, EPS,EDLI scheme is introduced the establishment charges on the part of Department has drastically reduced.
Hence our Federation request the Department to introduce EPF, EPS, EDLI schemes as narrated above.
9.Employees State Insurance Corporation :
Introduction of medical facilities to the GDS employees on par with Departmental officials at thisjuncture may be herculean task to the Department. Thinking that , leaving these officials with out any medical aid may not be human. As such some alternative system is to be designed and there is no invention is needed , as Employees State Insurance Corporation is extending more facilities including medical .In GDS Pay Committee Report at annexure -36 the Committee has addressed ESI Corporation for which the reply is yet to come. On enquires it is revealed the ESI Corporation is following the under mentioned procedure.
ESI Corporation is collecting Rs. 1.75% from the employees and Rs.4.75% from employer.It is extending the following benefits.
The section 46 of the Act envisages following social security benefits:-
1. Medical Benefit
2. Sickness Benefit (SB)
i) Temporary Sickness Benefit
ii) Extended sickness Benefit (ESB)
iii) Enhanced sickness Benefit
3. Maternity Benefit
4. Disablement Benefit
i. Temporary disablement benefit (TDB)
ii. Permanent disablement benefit (PDB)
5. Dependants’ Benefit (DB)
6. Funeral Expenses
7. Others:
1. Rehabilitation allowance
1. Vocational Rehabilitation
2. Medical Benefit to Retired Insured Persons and Permanent Disabled Insured Persons.
An interesting feature of the ESI Scheme is that the contributions are related to the paying capacity as a fixed percentage of the workers wages and from employers, whereas, they are provided social security benefits according to individual needs without distinction.
Cash benefits are disbursed by the Corporation through its Local Offices (Los) / Mini Local Offices (MLOs) / Sub Local Offices SLOs) / pay offices, subject to certain contributory conditions.
1. Medical Benefit:
Medical benefit consists of "full medical care" including hospitalisation, free of cost, to the Insured Persons in case of sickness, employment injury and maternity.
2. Sickness benefit:
Sickness Benefit represents periodical cash payments made to an IP during the period of certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when IP requires medical treatment and attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds. Prescribed certificates are Forms 8,9,10,11 & ESIC-Med.13. Sickness benefit is roughly 50% of the average daily wages and is payable for 91 days during 2 consecutive benefit periods. i) Temporary Sickness Benefit: Sickness Benefit represents periodical cash payments made to an IP during the period of certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when IP requires medical treatment and attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds.
ii) Extended sickness Benefit:
In addition to 91 days of sickness benefit, insured persons suffering from certain long-term diseases are entitled to extended sickness benefit for 34 diseases. The list of diseases are enclosed in the Annexure.
iii) Enhanced Sickness Benefit:
The ESI Corporation has also extended additional cash incentive to insured persons to promote acceptance of sterilization method by providing sickness cash benefit equal to full wage for a period of 7 days for vasectomy and 14 days for tubectomy. The period for which cash benefit is admissible is extended beyond the above limits in the event of any complications after Family Planning operations.
3. Maternity benefit:
The benefit is payable in cash to an insured woman for confinement / miscarriage or sickness arising out of pregnancy / confinement or premature birth of child or miscarriage. For confinement, the duration of benefit is 12 weeks, for miscarriage 6 weeks and for sickness arising out of confinement etc. 30 days. The benefit is allowed at about full wages.
4. Disablement benefit:
The Act provides for cash payment, besides free medical treatment, in the event of temporary or permanent disablement as a result of employment injury as well as occupational diseases. The rate of temporary disablement benefit is about 72% of the wages as long as the temporary disablement lasts. In case of total permanent disablement, the insured person will be given life pension at full rate i.e., about 72% of his wages, while in cases of partial permanent disablement a portion of it will be granted as life pension. Cases where daily pension is upto Rs.1.50, it is commutable.
5. Dependant’s benefit
In case of death, as a result of employment injury, the dependants of an insured person are eligible for periodical payments. Pension at the rate of 40% more than the Standard Benefit Rate will be paid periodically to widow (s) and children in accordance with the prescribed share. An eligible son or daughter is entitled to dependant’s benefit up to the age of 18 without any proof of education; the benefit is withdrawn if the daughter marries earlier.
6. Funeral Expenses:
Funeral benefit is a cash payment payable on the death of an insured person towards the expenses on his funeral, the amount not exceeding Rs.2,500/-. 7. OTHERS:
i) Rehabilitation allowance:
Disabled IPs who remain admitted in an Artificial Limb Centre for fixation or repair or replacement of the artificial limb are entitled to a rehabilitation allowance for each day on which they remain admitted at Artificial Limb Centre at double the Standard Benefit rate. This is not subject to any contributory condition.
ii) Vocational Rehabilitation:
This scheme has been designed to provide financial assistance to IPs who are referred to Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for training. Under the scheme, IPs aged not more than 45 years who are permanently disabled as a result of an employment injury (EI) with loss of earning capacity of not less than 40% and are not in gainful employment subsequent to EI are entitled to receive cash allowance equal to the expenditure charged by the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre or Rs.45/- per day whichever is more during his stay at the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre. Such IPs are also paid conveyance charges for the journey undertaken by them from their normal residence to the centre and back.
iii) Medical Benefit to Retired IP’s and Permanent Disabled IP’s
On payment of Rs.10/- P.M. or Rs. 100/- Per annum in limp sum for one year in advance, Medical Benefit can be provided to: a. An Insured Person and his or her spouse who leaves insurable
employment on attaining the age of superannuation after being insured
for not less than five years, till the period for which contribution is paid.
ii) An Insured Person and his/her spouse who ceases to be in
insurable employment on account of permanent disablement due to
employment injury shall be entitled to medical benefit.
The above benefits are besides medical facility up to 10 Lakhs per anum for self and the family of the official. These are main benefits offered by ESI besides some other facilities being offered by the ESI Corporation. For this Department has to pay 4.75% of salary of the official per month. The average cost of a GDS post is Rs.10,000 minimum fixed by the Department + 21,000 maximum fixed in another sector like EPF ÷ 2 = 15,500
Government contribution for ESI per official per month is 15,500 ×4.75 = 736.25 i.e. 736.25×12 = 8835
Normally the Department is paying more than that amount on departmental officials for normal illness on out patient. The payment on inpatient is very high which can be easily examined by perusing CGHS payments and departmental sanctions to corporate hospitals. The expenditure on this head will be Rs.8835 × 3,02,721 = 267,45,40,035 say 267 crores which is not at all a burden to the Government, but its officials will be more secured.
As such our Federation request the Department to introduce ESI facility in the place of medical reimbursement as a welfare measure.
Yours sincerly
D.Theagarajan P.U.Muraleedharan
Secretary General, FNPO General Secretary,NUGDS
T-24; Atul Grove Road, New Delhi -110001
The Secretary,
Department of Posts,
New Delhi -1.
Sir ,
Sub: Suggestions on GDS Pay Committee Report submitted by Sri.Kamalesh Chandra – Reg.
FNPO welcome the GDS Pay Committee Report submitted by Sri.Kamalesh Chandra on the following issues as that are somewhat nearer to the Memorandum submitted by our Federation.
1.We have suggested MACP I, II ,III for 10,20,30 years whereas the Committee has given the same for 12,24,36 years.
2.We proposed HRA ranging between Rs.800 to Rs.1520 with an annual raise of Rs.80. But the Committee recommended a flat rate of Rs.800 to ABPM’s and Rs. 2400 to 800 to Dak Sevaks.
3.We proposed OMA ranging between Rs.500 to Rs.950 with an annual increase of Rs.50. But the Committee recommended clubbing OMA & HRA to BPM’s from Rs. 1600 to Rs.1100.
4.We proposed all kinds of leaves admissible under CCS (Leave Rules) 1972 besides casual leave to departmental employees may be extended to GDS whereas the Committee has recommended General Leave 30 days with a maximum limit of accumulations for 180 days, emergency leave 5 days, maternity leave, paternity leave. We proposed to leave encashment facility besides 15 surrenders leave keeping in view in leave arrangements, but the Committee has recommended leave encashment in full at the time of retirement.
5.We have proposed request transfers and the same is given with a limitation of 3 times during the service.
6.We have proposed compassionate engagements to the families of all deceased employee and the same is recommended by the Committee.
7.We have proposed the payment of bonus on par with departmental employees and issue of identity cards and the Committee had recommended the same.
8.We proposed the date of superannuation at par with departmental employees and Committee has recommended the same.
9.We have proposed the payment of retirement/terminal benefits, the Committee has recommended gratuity only.
10.We have proposed basic amenities such as infrastructure, the Committee has recommended same.
However, we express our displeasure on the following issues as GDS Pay Committee has not considered the following issues in its report.
1.Conversion of rural B.O’s into Rural Post Offices.
2.Granting civil servant status to all GDS and converting them as departmental employees such as departmental Rural Post Master(RPM), departmental Rural Postal Assistant(RPA) for delivery, conveyance and packing duties. The Committee renamed our proposed Rural Postal Assistant as Assistant Branch Postmaster and attached some duties of Branch Post Master to ABPM’s as we proposed. We proposed to scrap the term part time in respect of GDS which was not looked into we proposed 7:30 mints. Workload to each official with statistical justification which was not recommended, we proposed to replace the term sevak by ‘employee’ which was not all considered.3.We clearly explained that no B.O.is running on loss in real terms as it is a mixture of many agency services and by considering it is a public essential service. It is otherwise taken by the Committee in the same sense recommending revenue generation in the place of income and cost.
4.We have proposed a detailed pay structure, without any anomaly but there are anomalies in the Committee report such as bunching etc.for which a report is submitted separately.
5.We proposed CCS Pension Rules available to departmental employees may be applied for these employees and GPF and all pensionary benefits including group insurance scheme may be applied to all GDS at par with departmental employees giving credit to their date of entry in the department. But the GDS Committee has recommended gratuity,, group insurance scheme and it has addressed Central Provident Fund Commissioner for Employee’s Provident Fund etc. And Employees State Insurance authorities for medical support. But the same could be recommended in their pay committee report which is the real security /welfare measure. We have submitted a separate letter in this regard and it is not all a burden on Government.6.Though the Committee has recommended general leave for 30 days per year in the place of 20 days paid leave and ignored half-pay leave , commuted leave on par with departmental employees.
7.We propose 5% leave reserve at sub-divisional level which was not considered by the Committee. Here one thing is to be considered by the department i.e; the department had already made a move in introducing bio-metric hand held devices and there by attracting many a business from the State Government and from public. If it is done all the work calculation existing now will go and the B.O.will be made a financial agency of the village and the increase of workload at B.O.level will be too high and the day will come the B.O’s cannot be managed without leave reserve .As such we have proposed 5%LR at Sub-divisional level in the interest of service only.
8.We have proposed loans and advances on par with department officials for self utilisation, but the Committee recommended a loan from circle welfare fund of Rs.10,000 for purchase of a tablet only. But our Federation under a deep discussion with all the members a conclusion could not be made for what purpose a Tab is required for this poor GDS by giving instead of that under welfare measure if a loan could be arranged for purchase of a site or for construction of a house. If this recommendation can be brought by the department it could be a welcoming welfare measure other than purchase of a Tab. And we also request the department to pay the face value along with interest of FG bonds which were deposited to the co-operative societies in term basis.
Finally we welcome all positive recommendations at part A above and displeasure at part B above and request the department to sort out those issues and resolve to the possible extent for which this Federation is thankful.
Though we have clearly welcomed certain recommendations of Sri.Kamalesh Chandra’s GDS Pay Committee and express our displeasure in respect of certain issues not recommended in the Committee Report should be clearly projected to the Department of Posts with figures and factors. As such we are submitting the following issues in detail for consideration.
1.Amendmend of Rule 3-A(i) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules :
In our written memorandum to the GDS Pay Committee and in our tendering evidence before the said Committee dated 27.5.2016, we have requested the Committee for amendment to Rule 3-A(i) of GDS Conduct & Engagement Rule. We have submitted the information which was received through our RTI application that many GDS officials are working more than 5 hours. At the Committee simply considered the maximum workload as 5 hours and offered some commission for the additional workload. This rule 3-A (i) should be amended and full working hours to GDS officials may be allowedin view of forthcoming India Post Payment Bank and Rural Information and Communication Technology.
2.Revenue generation :
The GDS Pay Committee has given table 4.18 for calculation of monthly revenue of GDS Post offices. On observation on income side getting more income is very difficult as to rough calculations a B.O. transacted 2,000 RD transactions ,1,000SB ,1,000 MGNREGS ,500 Social Security Pensions payments ,Rs.50,000 RPLI collection etc. Will get around Rs.20,000 income per month. Where as per table no.4.19 (expenditure table) the expenditure on a B.O. will be around Rs.36,000 as given in the table in respect of double handed offices. Totally doing the above 4,000 above transactions is remote in a village. There is no chance to grow up from level 1 to level 2 and to 10% above 100% revenue will not be so easy for level 2. It appears that an official at one level will be at that level only for ever and getting 10% allowance for the revenue over 100% is not at all possible. Hence it is requested to re- examine revenue generation/ expenditure norms and may be fixed at a convincible stage.
3.Pay Fixation :
As per the table no.10.13 given at para no.10.43 and arrears tables 1 to 11 given at parano.10.51 of the GDS Pay Committee report , there is a great anomaly in fixing the pay of senior and junior. An official having one year service and another official having 11 years of service are placed at the same stage and the junior is more benefited and the senior is less benefited in all cases. For this we have proposed in our memorandum to the Pay Committee to allow bunching after completion of every five years to remove the anomaly to some extent.
4.Promotions : GDS to Postal Assistant
The Committee has recommended 40 years minimum age limit for entry into GDS cadre where as it is recommended only 35 years maximum age limit with 3 years of service for GDS to Postal Assistant. As such there is no chance of becoming PA who joined as GDS at his age of 38 or above though he joined in the GDS service which is not justified. As such the maximum age limit for GDS to PA may be fixed ad 45 years with due relaxation for reservations.
As per PA Gazette notification 2015 PA vacancies are fixed to be filled up as 50% open quota and 50% to LGO’s and LGO’s posts unfilled vacancies are asked to allot to GDS quota. Now a days there is no question of unfilled LGO quota as there are surplus officials awaiting absorption some where else from LGO quota on observation of last 2 years and it will be continued as more educated are coming in MTS/Postman cadre. As such the LGO quota may be shared with GDS officials 25:25. The Department
is allowing LGO’s with out skill test and imparting required training the same facility may be extended to GDS also.
5.Compssionate Engagement :
The committee has recommended 100% compassionate appointment to the GDS deceased cases and mentioned but not recommended in its report in respect of earlier rejected cases when it is reduced to 36 points from 51 points. We propose to consider the same . In the report there is no mention regarding medically invalidated retirement cases for providing compassionate appointment to the dependants of GDS. Moreover vide order no.19-19/2009-GDS dt.21.2.2012 it was considered the compassionate engagements to the dependants of GDS discharged on medical grounds. As such recruitment relaxation in these cases may also be considered.
6.Children Education Allowance :
The Committee has recommended Rs.6,000 per anum per child to GDS officials towards Children Education Allowance , there may be difference in the cadres of the officials are working in the Department and it should not be taken to their children supposed to be future citizens and they should not be demoralised in compared with other departmental children. The education is same, the expenditure is same, but the difference shown is not justified when the officials with more earnings could not meet the higher expenses for education of children, how a official getting less salary meets the same expenditure. As such this Federation proposes the Children Education Allowance should be granted to GDS also on par with departmental employees.
7.Substitute arrangement : Leave Reserve
Our Federation is thankful to the Committee for its recommendations at its para no.16.34 for recommending leave, leave encashment. But the committee suggesting that no full time substitute will be engaged against resultant vacancy. In this connection the orders issued by DoP vide letter no. Dt.17.12.2015 it was ordered to detach delivery duties and conveyance duties from GDSBPM and to create or restore GDSMC/MD posts in the B.O. on drafting from other places including drafting from other Circles. It is felt this has been ordered in view of forthcoming IPPB &RICT. If that additional workload attached to GDSBPM it is an additional burden to the GDSBPM who is already working for 9 hours 14 minutes as assessed in our memorandum to the GDS Pay Committee. Undoubtedly the Government has the same opinion and as such it is ordered to detach mail carrier and conveyance duties from GDSBPM. We have submitted in our memorandum to reduce 1 hour from GDSBPM and attach to other GDS by designating them as Rural Postal Assistant. During the tendering evidence dated 27.5.2016 the GDS Committee has agreed to our views and asked to attach some of the GDSBPM’s duties to the other GDS officials working in the office but he is suggested to designate them as Assistant Branch Postmaster.
It is a good attempt but its implementation is to be deeply thought off GDS Committee suggested so many leave facilities to the GDS officials which is undoubtedly a great offer to the GDS officials not only leave vacancies there may be vacancies on disciplinary grounds also. The Committee has suggested combination of duties up to 89 days at a stretch on paying Rs.65 or Rs.75 per day as the case may be per working day. Though he/ she receives Rs.65 or Rs.75 a day he has to perform the other officials duty after having worked his duties for 9 hours 14 minutes assumed by us and to go out for performing the Assistant Branch Postmaster’s work such as delivery, marketing etc. One may say this is in respect of some cases but not in all cases. In GDS Committee Report at annexure 15 the Committee it self has agreed that GDS officials are working for more than 6 hours in 18+141+47=206 cases out of 1584 cases studied. Then as per those calculations it will be
206×3,02,721÷1584 = 39,369.01 say around 40 thousand.
This is on sample survey but o physical observation it is more after introducing MGNREGS, SSPpayments all the GDSBPM’s are sitting at at their BPM tables from dawn to dusk as citizens of the village who are mostly illiterate compel the GDSBPM’s to finish their work at their convenience. If this is not fulfilled the values of the BPM will be spoiled and his survival in the village may be spoiled. As such combination of duties at a B.O.level is not all possible which may lead to unsolved problems besides the revenue will be drastically effected and the aim of earning more revenue from will be defeated.
As such proposed in our memorandum creation of leave reserve at sub-divisional level at least 5% is needed. If it is not ready to create leave reserve posts, present arrangement of substitute arrangement in leave vacancies by GDS on his responsibilities has to be continued.
The payment of combined duty allowance of Rs.65 and Rs.75 is also not scientific when minimum salary is taken as Rs.10,000 per month it will be Rs.400 (10,000÷25) per day. The work of the duties on clubbing will never be reduced if one may think the work hours of combination will some what reduced as it is viewed in the case of overtime allowance to departmental employees i.e; 3 hour for full day even then the combined duty allowance to the GDS will be 400×3÷5 = 240 but not Rs.65 or Rs.75.
In the case of departmental officials it is well known that the no departmental official on OT duty completes both the duties in a day. They are leaving something for next day, which hampers next day work. When it is aimed to get more revenue from B.O’s , it is nothing but a thunder on our aims which certainly leads to other losses.
Hence i) The orders issued vide letter No. Dated 17.12.2015 delivery and conveyance duties attached to GDSBPM may be detached.
ii) Leave Reserve GDS at sub-divisional level up to 5% may be created (or) else the present system of engagement of substitute system at B.O.level by the GDS himself/herself on the responsibility of the GDS himself/herself without intervention of higher authorities except approval may be continued.
8.Provident Fund , Pensionary and Life Insurance benefits :
As per the GDS Pay Committee report vide annexure -38 Central Provident Fund Commissioner vide his letter no.CAIU/011(87)2016/GDS/20607 said it is possible to implement the scheme consisting of EPF, EPS and EDLI as follows.
Contribution EPF. EPS EDLI
(% of wages)
Employer 3.67. 8.33. 0.50
Employee. 12.00. Nil Nil
Administrative 0.85. Nil. 0.01
For implementing the above social security benefit previous procedures are to be compared and necessary adjustments are to be done.
Severance amount: It was recommended by GDS Pay Committee at the rate of Rs.1500 up to 31.12.2015 and at the rate of Rs.4,000 from 1.1.2016. Besides SDBS introduced from1.4.2011 this Rs.1500 per anum was fixed when minimum basic allowance is Rs.2295 i.e. 2295÷12×100÷1500 i.e 12.75%. It does mean the Government is contributing 12.75% much earlier to the introduction of SDBS. Even on introduction of SDBS with effect from 1.4.2011 the Government is contributing Rs.200 besides the official contribution of Rs.200. This is 2295÷200 = 11.475. If EPF, EPS,EDLI are accepted as proposed by CPFO the Government share of contribution will be 3.67 for EPF,8.33 for EPS, 0.50 for EDLI totally 12%.
The proposal of the GDS Committee and CPFO readiness for implementation is not at all burden on the Department as it is already contributing 12.75% till 31.3.2011 and 11.475% with effect from 1.4.2011 to 31.12.2015. The Committee has recommended for severance amount Rs.4,000 per anum as Government contribution towards severance amount w.e.f.1.1.2016. It comes to only 3.33 besides this committee has recommended SDBS 3%towards Government contribution. Total Government contribution w.e.f.1.1.2016 will be 3.33+3 = 6.33. It is not justified to reduce the contribution of the Government to the GDS officials what he is getting 12.75 or 11.475 as the case may be . A Pay Committee framed for better security of the official may not have reduced the facility to almost 50%. This Government has to consider with a view of generously and keep the benefit what they are getting ie.Government contribution 12.75 or 11.475 as the case may be. Continuing age old system forever is also not advisable and it should be replaced by a new system which gives more benefits to the officials with out any burden on the Government. The average readiness of the Government i.e. 12.75 + 11.475 =24.225÷2 = 12.1125 just equalent to the proposal of CPFO views as aforesaid tables.
Hence this is high time to introduce EPF, EPS, EDLI to GDS officials and our Federation request to accept the same may be considered.
To resolve the problems our proposal is as follows.
1Rs.1500 per anum for completed year of service till 31.3.2011 subject to maximum of Rs.60,000.
2. w.e.f.1.4.2011 the Government contribution + official contribution from Oct’2013 till 31.12.2015 should be paid to the official along with interest.
3.As proposed by Central Provident Fund Commissioner the rates proposed in the above table may be implemented w.e.f.1.1.2016 or with a prospective date as proposed by the Department and accepted by CPF Commissioner may be implemented. In case it is not w.e.f.1.1.2016 and implemented with a subsequent date, till then the SDBS at point 2 above may be considered.
4.If EPF, EPS,EDLI scheme is implemented the amount to be paid to the officials till 31.3.2011 and 31.12.2015 or prospective date may be paid to the official on their attaining the age of superannuation or voluntary retirement or compulsory retirement on any grounds or death as the case may be.
A doubt may arise that Government has to spend 0.85% towards administrative charges on implementation of the above scheme . But 0.115 i.e. above 12% is already matched by the above narrations . The extra administrative charges on Government is 0.85% ÷0.115 = 0.735%.The average cost as per CPFO limitations is Rs.10,000 minimum + 21,000 maximum i.e. 31,000÷2 = 15,500.
Total extra expenditure by the Government will be Rs.15,500×0.735% per official per month = 113.925.
Sanctioned strength of GDS : 3,02,721
Total expenditure on sanctioned strength = 3,02,721×113.925 =3,44,87,489.925 per month
i.e. Per anum = 3,44,87,489.925 × 12 = 41,38,49,879.1 say suppose 42 crores per anum which is nothing to the Department as it may be ready to pay 1684 crores as per GDS Pay Committee Report.
NOTE 2 :
For a nacked view that Department has to pay 0.85% to Central Provident Fund Organisation indirectly the Department has to pay
15,500×0.85÷100 ×3,02,721× 12 = 48,01,45,778.1 say suppose 48 crores.
It is nothing but a drop in the ocean if the work of severance amount and SDBS is kept with the Department i.e. calculation, preparation of note , supervision at divisional level and checking at audit level. The average cost of these higher categories for doing this work will be many number of times to the administrative charges are paid to CPFO. If this EPF, EPS,EDLI scheme is introduced the establishment charges on the part of Department has drastically reduced.
Hence our Federation request the Department to introduce EPF, EPS, EDLI schemes as narrated above.
9.Employees State Insurance Corporation :
Introduction of medical facilities to the GDS employees on par with Departmental officials at thisjuncture may be herculean task to the Department. Thinking that , leaving these officials with out any medical aid may not be human. As such some alternative system is to be designed and there is no invention is needed , as Employees State Insurance Corporation is extending more facilities including medical .In GDS Pay Committee Report at annexure -36 the Committee has addressed ESI Corporation for which the reply is yet to come. On enquires it is revealed the ESI Corporation is following the under mentioned procedure.
ESI Corporation is collecting Rs. 1.75% from the employees and Rs.4.75% from employer.It is extending the following benefits.
The section 46 of the Act envisages following social security benefits:-
1. Medical Benefit
2. Sickness Benefit (SB)
i) Temporary Sickness Benefit
ii) Extended sickness Benefit (ESB)
iii) Enhanced sickness Benefit
3. Maternity Benefit
4. Disablement Benefit
i. Temporary disablement benefit (TDB)
ii. Permanent disablement benefit (PDB)
5. Dependants’ Benefit (DB)
6. Funeral Expenses
7. Others:
1. Rehabilitation allowance
1. Vocational Rehabilitation
2. Medical Benefit to Retired Insured Persons and Permanent Disabled Insured Persons.
An interesting feature of the ESI Scheme is that the contributions are related to the paying capacity as a fixed percentage of the workers wages and from employers, whereas, they are provided social security benefits according to individual needs without distinction.
Cash benefits are disbursed by the Corporation through its Local Offices (Los) / Mini Local Offices (MLOs) / Sub Local Offices SLOs) / pay offices, subject to certain contributory conditions.
1. Medical Benefit:
Medical benefit consists of "full medical care" including hospitalisation, free of cost, to the Insured Persons in case of sickness, employment injury and maternity.
2. Sickness benefit:
Sickness Benefit represents periodical cash payments made to an IP during the period of certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when IP requires medical treatment and attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds. Prescribed certificates are Forms 8,9,10,11 & ESIC-Med.13. Sickness benefit is roughly 50% of the average daily wages and is payable for 91 days during 2 consecutive benefit periods. i) Temporary Sickness Benefit: Sickness Benefit represents periodical cash payments made to an IP during the period of certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when IP requires medical treatment and attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds.
ii) Extended sickness Benefit:
In addition to 91 days of sickness benefit, insured persons suffering from certain long-term diseases are entitled to extended sickness benefit for 34 diseases. The list of diseases are enclosed in the Annexure.
iii) Enhanced Sickness Benefit:
The ESI Corporation has also extended additional cash incentive to insured persons to promote acceptance of sterilization method by providing sickness cash benefit equal to full wage for a period of 7 days for vasectomy and 14 days for tubectomy. The period for which cash benefit is admissible is extended beyond the above limits in the event of any complications after Family Planning operations.
3. Maternity benefit:
The benefit is payable in cash to an insured woman for confinement / miscarriage or sickness arising out of pregnancy / confinement or premature birth of child or miscarriage. For confinement, the duration of benefit is 12 weeks, for miscarriage 6 weeks and for sickness arising out of confinement etc. 30 days. The benefit is allowed at about full wages.
4. Disablement benefit:
The Act provides for cash payment, besides free medical treatment, in the event of temporary or permanent disablement as a result of employment injury as well as occupational diseases. The rate of temporary disablement benefit is about 72% of the wages as long as the temporary disablement lasts. In case of total permanent disablement, the insured person will be given life pension at full rate i.e., about 72% of his wages, while in cases of partial permanent disablement a portion of it will be granted as life pension. Cases where daily pension is upto Rs.1.50, it is commutable.
5. Dependant’s benefit
In case of death, as a result of employment injury, the dependants of an insured person are eligible for periodical payments. Pension at the rate of 40% more than the Standard Benefit Rate will be paid periodically to widow (s) and children in accordance with the prescribed share. An eligible son or daughter is entitled to dependant’s benefit up to the age of 18 without any proof of education; the benefit is withdrawn if the daughter marries earlier.
6. Funeral Expenses:
Funeral benefit is a cash payment payable on the death of an insured person towards the expenses on his funeral, the amount not exceeding Rs.2,500/-. 7. OTHERS:
i) Rehabilitation allowance:
Disabled IPs who remain admitted in an Artificial Limb Centre for fixation or repair or replacement of the artificial limb are entitled to a rehabilitation allowance for each day on which they remain admitted at Artificial Limb Centre at double the Standard Benefit rate. This is not subject to any contributory condition.
ii) Vocational Rehabilitation:
This scheme has been designed to provide financial assistance to IPs who are referred to Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for training. Under the scheme, IPs aged not more than 45 years who are permanently disabled as a result of an employment injury (EI) with loss of earning capacity of not less than 40% and are not in gainful employment subsequent to EI are entitled to receive cash allowance equal to the expenditure charged by the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre or Rs.45/- per day whichever is more during his stay at the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre. Such IPs are also paid conveyance charges for the journey undertaken by them from their normal residence to the centre and back.
iii) Medical Benefit to Retired IP’s and Permanent Disabled IP’s
On payment of Rs.10/- P.M. or Rs. 100/- Per annum in limp sum for one year in advance, Medical Benefit can be provided to: a. An Insured Person and his or her spouse who leaves insurable
employment on attaining the age of superannuation after being insured
for not less than five years, till the period for which contribution is paid.
ii) An Insured Person and his/her spouse who ceases to be in
insurable employment on account of permanent disablement due to
employment injury shall be entitled to medical benefit.
The above benefits are besides medical facility up to 10 Lakhs per anum for self and the family of the official. These are main benefits offered by ESI besides some other facilities being offered by the ESI Corporation. For this Department has to pay 4.75% of salary of the official per month. The average cost of a GDS post is Rs.10,000 minimum fixed by the Department + 21,000 maximum fixed in another sector like EPF ÷ 2 = 15,500
Government contribution for ESI per official per month is 15,500 ×4.75 = 736.25 i.e. 736.25×12 = 8835
Normally the Department is paying more than that amount on departmental officials for normal illness on out patient. The payment on inpatient is very high which can be easily examined by perusing CGHS payments and departmental sanctions to corporate hospitals. The expenditure on this head will be Rs.8835 × 3,02,721 = 267,45,40,035 say 267 crores which is not at all a burden to the Government, but its officials will be more secured.
As such our Federation request the Department to introduce ESI facility in the place of medical reimbursement as a welfare measure.
Yours sincerly
D.Theagarajan P.U.Muraleedharan
Secretary General, FNPO General Secretary,NUGDS