Economy Measures - Mandatory installation Of LED based lighting in all Government buildings
Ministry Of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 4th August, 2017
Subject: Economy Measures - Mandatory installation Of LED based lighting in all Government buildings - regarding
Honble Prime Minister on 5th January 2015 launched the National LED
programme to facilitate rapid adoption of LED based home and street
lighting across the country. The programme components, Unnat Jyoti by
Affordable LEDs for All (IJJALA) and Street Lighting National Programme
(SNLP) are under implementation in 34 States and UTS. This programme
along with Building Energy Efficiency Programme (BEEP) is being
implemented by Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL), a joint
venture company of four power sector Central PSUs. EESL works on Energy
Services Company (ESCO) model wherein upfront investment is done by EESL
and the investment is recouped on annuity basis with performance based
guaranteed energy saving during the project period.
Pursuant to the above the Central Government has taken a decision for
mandatory installation of LED based lighting and energy efficient
equipments (Fans & ACS) in all Government buildings.
Government buildings is a major source of energy consumption. Usage of
LED based lightings and energy efficient equipments in Government
buildings will lead to economy in expenditure and savings in the long
run through reduction in energy consumed
Keeping in view the economy in expenditure and savings that will
entail, all Ministries/Departments are requested to convert the existing
lightings/equipments into LED based lightings and energy efficient
equipments on priority utilizing the services of CPWD/EESL.
The model Agreement/Contract to be entered in to between the Client
Ministry/Department and EESL is enclosed for reference, The Client
Ministry/Department and EESL on mutual agreement can modify/amend the
provisions of the model AgreementJContract to suit their specific
In respect of those Government buildings maintained by CPWD but where
the electricity bill is borne/paid by the respective
Ministries/Departments, CPWD (as third party) will countersign the
agreement to provide comfort to the Ministry/Department as well as
extending help for implementing the contract.
Action taken in this regard be reported to Ministry of Power and
Department of Expenditure by 15.08.2017 for monitoring purposes.