Agenda items of the Standing Committee meeting of National Council JCM.
JCM Agenda before Central Government
Click here to download1. Removing the anomalous situation in the representation in the JCM.The JCM was set up as a machinery to enable the employees to hold discussions with the Government and avoid confrontation and strike. At the beginning all the non gazette employees had representatives at the JCM, National, Departmental and regional level Councils. However, in the case of CSS and CSSS the Government had permitted even the Group B. Gazetted officers at the level of the Section officers to have representations both at the National and Departmental levels as a special case taking into account the characteristics of their job content. The classification of posts in Central Civil services underwent change thereafter. The Class I, II, III and IV were assigned the nomenclature of Group A B C and D. Later, the Department of Personnel introduced Group B Non Gazetted as another category. They specifically prohibited the Group B Non-gazetted category of officials from the purview of the JCM. Most of them became Group B Non Gazetted due to the assigning of higher scale of pay by the Successive Pay Commissions or by the Government in appreciation of their representations. It could be seen that there had been no change either in the level of responsibilities or in the duties assigned to these categories.They continue to do the job as was the case earlier i.e. at the time of setting up of the JCM. Precluding them from the JCM scheme was therefore not only untenable but also resulted in their grievances not being able to be presented at the highest negotiating forum. After the 6th CPC recommendations were accepted and implemented most of the grades and cadres with the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200 and 4600 were classified as Group B.Non-Gazetted.The entire Group D cadres were abolished and the functions in most of the Departments were either outsourced or contractorised. The reclassification of the erstwhile Group C Cadres as Group B. Non Gazetted resulted in their having no representation in the council. We, therefore, request that the matter must be reviewed to ensure that the cadres and grades which had representation when the JCM was initially set up is not taken out of the scheme. In other words, all non-gazetted cadres must have representation in the JCM with the special exceptions in the case of CSS and CSSS.2. Recognition under CCS(RSA) Rules, 1993. Inordinate delay in the grant of recognition Streamlining procedure and fixing time frame for taking decision.The revamping of the recognition rules in 1993 resulted in the promulgation of the new rules. After procrastinated discussions in the JCM, certain difficulties and problems emanating from the new rules were sorted out. It was decided that all Federations/Unions/Associations must seek fresh recognition under the new rules. Procedure to ascertain whether an organsiation seeking recognition does have at least the support of 35% of the members was also evolved in the form of obtaining declaration from the members by the respective organisation.The Department of Personnel was to approve the constitution of one organisation in each department, and the respective Ministries were to scrutinize the bye-laws and constitution of the other organizations to ensure that the provisions of the constitution so drafted is in consonance with the conditions and rules laid down . It has been reported to us by many organizations that the concerned Ministry/Department is taking enormous time to complete the formalities and afford recognition. Specifically in the case of the National Library Employees Association, Chief Controller of communication, Department of Telecommunication and Directorate General of Mine Safety Associations the recognition issue is pending for a long time. We, therefore, request that the Department of Personnel may fix a time frame for the grant of recognition.If the concerned Association/Union is not entitled for the grant of recognition, the same may be communicated to them in writing with the reasons for the rejection.3. Central Government health Scheme. Empanelling of hospitals – streamlining the procedure to provide in-patient treatment to the beneficiaries.The demand placed by the Staff Side earlier to set up CGHS hospitals at all CGHS centres could not be acceded to by the Government due to the prohibitive cost involved. The alternate method of empanelling and recognizing private hospitals for the benefit of CGHS subscribers, who require in-patient treatment, received the appreciation from all concerned. However, the tendering procedure evolved and due to many other reasons, the number of such hospitals in almost all centers except Delhi came down very heavily and in certain places it was reduced to one or two at the maximum. This apart, some of the recognized and empanelled hospitals do not have even basic facilities to treat the patients. In certain other cases, the hospitals which were recognized and were functioning well and catering to the requirement of the CGHS beneficiaries refused to entertain the patients as there had been huge pending bills, the payment of which had not been received by them. To illustrate the point further, we send along with this a Note we have received from the Central Government Pensioners Association , Kerala. We, therefore, request you to(a) Ensure that each CGHS Centre five private reputed hospitals are recognized for the purpose of general treatment; The Government may hold bilateral negotiations on the basis of a pre-determined norms.(b) Recognize at least three super specialty hospitals in each centre so that the patients who suffer from chronic diseases, Cardiac problems and cancer related illness could get immediate treatment without hassles.(c) Some mechanism is evolved that the bills are not allowed to pile up and the recognized hospitals are made the payment within a fixed time frame.4. Payment of equal pay to equal work to the workers/employees engaged in all Government officers either through contractors or directly as daily rated/contingent/casual workers as per the direction of the Supreme Court.Please refer to the judgement delivered by their Lordship in the Supreme court in Civil Appeal No. 213 of 2013 in the case of State of Punjab Vs. Jagjit Singh and others.The Honourable Supreme Court have cited the obligation of the Government of India to abide by the International covenant on Economic , social and Cultural rights 1966 to which the Central Government is a signatory. We reproduce the provisions of Article 7 of the Covenant.Article 7.The States Parties to the present covenant recognize the right of every one to the enjoyment of just and favourable conditions of work which ensures in particular :(a) Remuneration which provides all workers as a minimum, with :(i) Fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal value without distinction of any kind, in particular women being guaranteed conditions of work not inferior to those enjoyed by men, with equal pay for equal work;(ii) A decent living for themselves and their families in accordance with the provisions of the present covenant;(b) Safe and healthy working conditions;(c ) Equal opportunities for everyone to be promoted in his employment to an appropriate higher level, subject to no consideration other than those of seniority and competence;(d) Rest, leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours and periodical holidays with pay as well as remuneration for public holidays.The Honourable Supreme Court has also cited various Previous rulings and judgments of the Court under Article 141 of the Constitution and directed the State of Punjab to provide equal pay for equal work to all daily wage employees, adhoc appointees, employees appointed on casual basis, contractual employees and the like. In conclusion the Court has decided that all such employees are entitled for wages at the minimum of the pay scale.We, therefore, request that the Government may issue explicit instructions that the employees/workers engaged on casual/contingent/temporary/daily rated basis including those through contractors are given the wages at the rate of the minimum of the lowest pay scale and a scheme for regularization of such appointees is drawn so that these employees would be absorbed as permanent workers over a period of time.5. Extending the benefit of pension revision to the employees and officials who are absorbed in the Central Public Sector undertakings.In the case of Civil Servants who are initially on deputation to Central Public sector undertaking but later absorbed in those organsiations and who had drawn lump sum payment by commutation of their central pension, orders are yet to be issued by the Government extending the benefit of pension revision of 7th CPC recommendation to them. We request that the requisite orders may please be issued without further loss of time.6. Revision of Ex-gratia to CPF/SRPF (C)retirees.
In acceptance of the demand of the Staff side at the National Council, JCM, ex-gratia payments were made to the CPF/SRPF© retirees. These rates fixed in 1088 was revised on 1.11. 1997 and again in 2006. Presently the rates are as under:Group A. Rs. 3000
Group B. Rs. 1000
Group C. Rs. 750
Group D. Rs. 650.Taking into account the fact that pay and pension were revised on the basis of the 7th Central Pay Commission’s recommendation a revision of rates of the ex gratia to the CPF/SRPF© retirees whose number is dwindling every day is warranted. We, therefore, request that the rates may be appropriately revised applying the very same rationale adopted in the case of civil pensioners.7. Dispense with the practice of ignoring the fraction while computing the Dearness allowance.For the sake of easy computation of DA the practice of ignoring the fraction was initiated. The quantum loss to the beneficiaries in the beginning was meagre . Now that the administrative difficulties which promoted for ignoring the fraction has been greatly eased due to computerization and taking into account the loss for six months is no more meagre, it is necessary that the practice is dispensed with.For example, the next installment of DA is likely to be 2.95%whereas the orders would be issued for grant of only 2% in the case of an employee, whose basic pay is Rs. 50,000, the loss per month in that case would be Rs. 475/-. It is pertinent to mention in this connection that in the case of Bank employees, the practice of ignoring the fraction is not followed. We, therefore, request that the DA hereafter be computed without ignoring the fraction.8. Include unmarried sister in the definition of family for family pension.The scope of Family pension under Rule 52 of the CCS(Pension) Rules, 1972 was extended to the dependent disabled siblings (brother and sister) of Central Government servants/pensioners vide DOP & pW O.M. No. 1/15/2008-P&PW (E) dated 17th August, 2009. There are cases wherein an employee/pensioner remains unmarried and leaves behind dependent unmarried sister/sisters. Though cases of such types may be few and far between, nonetheless, such hapless ladies need to be taken care by the Government lest they should be left to fend for themselves, after the death of Government Servant/pensioner on whom they were fully dependent before his/her death. We request to include dependent unmarried sister/sisters in the definition of family for the purpose of family pension .9. Removal of conditions of being at the CHQ for a few days in a month to claim the Transport allowance.Transport allowance was introduced as a compensation for those working in the classified towns to meet the ever increasing conveyance expenses in connection with the travel between office and residence. Employees had to per force take accommodation in suburban areas as the cost of renting houses had become prohibitive. However, it was not appreciated that burden of the expenses had been more in the case of low paid employees as the senior officers could afford houses within the city or were provided with quarters nearer to their offices. Logically the higher rates ought to have been recommended for the lower paid employees. Initially there was a condition that those who were residing within one KM from the office should not be entitled for transport allowance. This condition was later removed. In many organizations, employees are required to be in field formations on duty for months together. Viz. Central Ground Water Board, survey of India, Geological Survey of India, Indian Bureau of Mines, Postal workers and certain segment of the employees of Indian Audit and Accounts Department etc. Because of the condition stipulated that the employees must be at the Head Quarters for certain number of days in a month, many of them are denied transport allowance as the exigencies of work entrusted to them make them to be away from H.Qrs for months together. The denial is, therefore, a double punishment in as much they are to be away from their family and also are asked to bear the financial loss due to the denial of transport allowance. This apart, once the Transport allowance is denied they automatically do not become entitled for City Compensatory allowance also. We, therefore, request that this condition may be removed for the grant of Transport allowance.10. Fill up vacant posts. Restore the Regional level recruitment for lower level categories of employees say Up to Level. 6.We refer to the 7th CPC report , Chapter 3, Annexure 1.Page No. 40 and 41 Where the vacancies in different cadres in various departments of the Government of India is indicated. This gives an alarming picture in respect of certain departments. The situation has worsened thereafter and the vacancies have piled up consequent upon which enormous workload has been imposed on the existing employees and also increased the outsourcing of various functions and contractor employment and engaging daily rated workers. The Staff selection Commission, which is the recurring agency for all Civil departments of the Government except the Railways and Postal organizations, ( to some extent) had not been able to cope with the task. This apart, the earlier practice of recruiting personnel through regional level examination has now been dispensed with. Because of all India recruitment especially for the lower level posts, certain difficulties both administrative as also to the recruited personnel have arisen. Those who are so recruited are often posted to places outside their home states. They are to suffer financially and socially. They find it difficult to cope with the strange situation in an alien place. Since most of them are posted to lower level grades, the remuneration is not good enough to meet the expenses in the place of posting and help their parents financially. They seek transfer immediately after joining creating administrative difficulties. They turn out to be de-motivated workers, disturbed and become incapable of giving their best to the task assigned to them. We, therefore, request that steps may be taken to fill up all existing vacancies in the Government service and resort to regional recruitment to the posts at least up-to the level 6 so as to improve the well functioning of the Governmental Departments.11. Delegation of authority to the State Welfare Co-ordination Committee to determine at least 5 holidays.Of the 17 holidays, the State welfare co-ordination Committee have presently authority to determine only three holidays from the given list. There are quite a number of holidays, which are State specific and are nevertheless important to the residents of that State. While the entire people of the State celebrate and observe those occasions or festivals, the Central Government offices would remain open with no customers visiting. Conversely, some of the all India holidays will have no relevance to a particular State and the Central Government offices on that occasion remain closed. To address this issue, we feel it would be better if the Government of India increases the Number of holidays, which could be determined from among the list by the concerned State Welfare Co-ordination Committees. We, therefore, request that the number of holidays to be chosen by the State Welfare Co-ordination Committee may be increased from the present three to five.12. Grant of revised option under the CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016.Under the CCS(Revised Pay) Rules, 2016, officials are given option to come to the new pay scale either on 1st January, 2016 or any other date which would be beneficial to them. The said option was to be exercised within three month of the promulgation of the notification. Many of the employees have exercised option without fully understanding the entire gamut of benefit or loss. On fixation of pay as per the option, they have faced objected from the concerned Zonal Accounts officers stating that the fixation of pay has been erroneous. In a similar situation and at the instance of the Staff Side, the government allowed the revision of that option vide F/No. /14/2010/EIII(A) dated 5th July, 2010. We, therefore, request that necessary orders may kindly be issued as was done in 2010 allowing the officials to revise the option if such revision is beneficial to them.13. Transport allowance in the case of Physically handicapped person at the double rate and deduction of the same if one is on short leave. To be dispensed with.Transport allowance is admissible for physically handicapped persons at the double the rates as per the extant instructions on the subject. This is provided for the reason that the physically handicapped person has to take the help of another person to travel and reach the office. However, if the physically handicapped person is on leave (EL, HPL etc) proportionate amount of transport allowance pertaining to the helper is deducted. Normally transport allowance is denied only when a person is on Earned leave for a period exceeding one month. There appears to be no rationale to deduct the proportionate amount of transport allowance pertaining to the helper in the case of physically handicapped person. Either a clarification may be issued to dispense with the practice if the same has been initiated by the Zonal Accounts officers on an interpretation of the rules. If the pertinent rule itself has to be amended, the same may be done as no helper can be asked that he must suffer and sacrifice the allowance because the physically handicapped persons for some domestic reason could not go to office on a particular day in a month.14. DISCREPANCIES IN THE AMOUNT IN VARIOUS STAGES IN THE PAY LEVELS OF PAY MATRIX INTRODUCED AS PER CCS (Revised Pay) RULES 2016 , CONSEQUENT ON IMPLEMENTATION OF 7th CPC RECOMMENDATIONS7th CPC has recommended that the rate of increment will be 3% of the Revised Pay and Govt has accepted the recommendation. But , contrary to this , in many pay levels in the pay matrix , annual increment is less than 3%. Rounding of the increment to the nearest 100 rupees instead of next 100 rupees resulted in working out of the increment to less than 3%. This also results in the employees drawing less pay for their entire service and also drawing less pension after retirement for life. As 7th CPC itself recommended that increment rate will be 3% , in any case , increment should not be less than 3% at any stage. Hence to set right the discrepancy , increment should be rounded off to the next 100 rupees instead of to the nearest 100 rupees.15 REMOVAL OF THE 3% CONDITION FOR GRANT OF BUNCHING INCREMENT IN THE PAY LEVELS OF 7th CPC PAY MATRIX.Under the existing orders of the Finance Ministry the grant of bunching increment to an official is subject to the condition that the difference of higher pay and lower pay should not be less than 3% of the revised basic pay. There is no logic in imposing such a condition for bunching by the Finance Ministry. If the difference between the higher pay and lower pay is less than 3% , it is not due to the fault on the part of the the employees. It is due to the faulty increment rate at each stage of the pay level in the pay matrix , as the amount of increment is rounded off to the nearest 100 rupees instead of the next 100 rupees. Hence it is requested that the condition of 3% difference between the higher pay and lower pay may be removed for grant of bunching increment.16. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUPREME COURT JUDGEMENT ON “EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK” IN ALL CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.The two judge bench of the Supreme Court in its landmark judgement delivered on 20th October 2016 has held that the temporarily engaged employees such as daily wage employees, adhoc appointees , employees appointed on casual basis, contractual employees and the like are entitled to minimum of the regular pay scale on account of performing the same duties, which are discharged by those engaged on regular basis against sanctioned posts. Action may be taken to implement the above judgement in all central Government departments by extending the benefit of “equal pay for equal work” to all similarly placed casual and contract workers.17. EXTENSION OF BENEFITS OF REVISED PENSION RULES -2016 IN RESPECT OF PENSIONERS OF CENTRAL GOVERNMENT AUTONOMOUS BODIES.Orders revising the pension of Central Government pensioners was issued by the Government in August 2016 . But extending the same benefit to autonomous body pensioners is yet to be issued , even though seven months are over. It is requested that action may be taken for implementation of the revised pension structure in respect of autonomous body pensioners also. It may also be noted that one instalment of Dearness Relief payable from 01.01.2016 is also not yet paid to autonomous body pensioners , even though the DA from 01.01.2016 is already paid to autonomous body employees long back.18. ENSURE PARITY IN PAY SCALE OF ALL STENOGRAPHERS , ASSISTANTS AND MINISTERIAL STAFF IN SUBORDINATE OFFICES AND IN ALL ORGANISED ACCOUNTS CADRES WITH CENTRAL SECRETARIAT STAFF BY UPGRADING THEIR PAY SCALES.The question of parity , as has been rightly pointed out by 7th CPC , is a settled matter .It is the Department of Personnel which is the Cadre Controlling department of Central Secretariat Cadre that unsettle the parity every time. What is required is to grant higher pay scale at par with Ministerial and Stenographer cadres of Central Secretariat and the similarly placed cadres in the field and subordinate offices and IA&AD and Organised Accounts cadre.19. GRANT OF ONE ADDITIONAL INCREMENT TO THOSE OFFICIALS WHO RETIRE FROM SERVICE ON 30th JUNE AND 31st DECEMBER AFTER COMPLETING ONE FULL YEAR SERVICE IN THEIR PAY SCALE.As per the existing orders , an official retiring from service on 30th June or 31st December after completing one full year service are not eligible to draw their next increment . on the technical grounds that on 1st July or 1st January which is the normal increment date , the official is not in service or cease to be a Govt servant. It is requested that , in such cases , as the official has completed one year service , one additional increment may be granted to the last pay drawn by the official.20. Counting OF PRE-APPOINTMENT INDUCTION TRAINING PERIOD AS QUALIFYING SERVICE FOR GRANT OF FINANCIAL UPGRADATION UNDER MACP SCHEME.As per MACP orders “service rendered on adhoc/contract basis before regular appointment on pre appointment training shall not be taken into reckoning as qualifying service for financial upgradation under MACPS”. It is requested that pre-appointment induction training period followed by regular appointment may be reckoned as qualifying service for grant of MACPS , as it is already counted as qualifying service for the purpose of increment.21.ENSURE CASHLESS MEDICAL TREATMENT FACILITIES TO ALL CENTRAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES AND PENSIONERS IN ALL RECOGNISED GOVERNMENT AND PRIVATE HOSPITALS.22.REVISION OF OVERTIME ALLOWANCE AND NIGHT DUTY ALLOWANCE WITH EFFECT FROM 01.01.2016 BASED ON 7th CPC PAY SCALES .23.REJECT STIPULATION OF 7th CPC TO REDUCE THE SALARY TO 80% FOR THE SECONDLY YEAR OF CHILD CARE LEAVE (CCL) AND RETAIN THE EXISTING PROVISION24. COUNTING OF LOSS OF PAY PERIOD (WITH OUT MEDICAL CERTIFICATE) AS QUALIFYING SERVICE FOR GRANT OF FINANCIAL UPGRADING UNDER MACPS.25 . ENHANCEMENT OF BONUS CEILING LIMIT OF CASUAL LABOURERS CONSEQUENT ON ENHANCEMENT OF BONUS CALCULATION CEILING OF CENTRAL GOVT EMPLOYEES.At present , casual labourers are paid Rs 1200 as maximum bonus. This amount was fixed when the bonus calculation ceiling of Central Govt employees were enhanced to 3500. As the bonus calculation ceiling of Central Government employees is enhanced to 7000 , it is requested that the ceiling of casual labourers may also be enhanced.26. NON-GRANT OF ELIGIBLE PAID WEEKLY OFF AND COMPENSATION FOR NATIONAL HOLIDAYS TO CASUAL LABOURERS – — c/o SALAR JUNG MUSEUM HYDERABAD.In spite of clear orders from DOP&T , the full time casual labourers who are working in the Salar Jung Museum Hyderabad under Ministry of Culture , are not being granted eligible paid weekly off and compensation for National holidays. Necessary instructions may be issued to the authorities concerned to implement DOP&T orders in letter and spirit.27. GRANT OF CORRESPONDING 7th CPC PAY SCALE TO THOSE OFFICIALS WHO ARE APPOINTED ON COMPASSIONATE GROUNDS AND DRAWING PRE-REVISED PAY (WITH OUT GRADE PAY) FOR WANT OF MATRICULATION QUALIFICATION.As per DOP&T orders , those compassionate appointment candidates who do not posses 10th standard qualification are to be appointed in the minimum pay scale (without grade pay) till they acquire 10th standard qualification. The minimum pay of such candidates fixed as per 6th CPC pay scale is yet to be revised. Action may be taken to revise the minimum pay as per 7th CPC recommendations.28. GRANT OF PAY SCALE OF DRIVERS OF LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT TO DRIVERS WORKING IN OTHER CENTRAL GOVT DEPARTMENTS.29. REVISION OF THE RESTORED ONE – THIRD PENSION AND NOTIONAL FULL PENSION OF CENTRAL GOVT EMPLOYEES WHO HAVE BEEN PERMANENTLY ABSORBED IN AUTONOMOUS BODIES AND HAVE DRAWN ONE TIME LUMPSUM TERMINAL BENEFITS EQUAL TO 100% OF THEIR PENSION AND HAVE GRANTED RESTORATION OF ONE – THIRD COMMUTTED PORTION OF PENSION.In the Pension revision orders issued by Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare on 4th August 2016 , it is stated that the cases of the above mentioned category of Pensioner’s is not covered by the 4th August orders and that orders for regulating pension of such pensioners will be issued separately. Even though seven months are over , the orders revising the pension of above category of pensioners is yet to be issued . Action may be taken to expedite orders.