Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017 GDS result GDS Merit list cut off ग्रामीण डाक सेवक all Circle Result 2017
Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017 GDS result GDS Merit list cut off ग्रामीण डाक सेवक all Circle Result 2017: Gramin Dak Sevak Merit list 2017, Gramin Dak Sevak Cut off marks 2017, Indian Post Office GDS result whatever you are searching for in the whole internet we have the answer for all your question here in this post. We have specially crafted this post to deliver you with the result of Indian Post office which released the notification of recruiting Gramin DAK Sevak for all its circle across India. Following the announcement of the Indian Honourable Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Damodardas Modi to restructure the Indian Post Office from its core, Indian Post office is all geared up to recruit plenty of GDS/Gramin Dak Sevak in all Indian Postal circle. To regain the Indian post office glory once again, Indian Government announced that they will take every possible measure and they have already started taking initiative by releasing Indian Post office recruitment vacancies for all its circle. They started the procedure by releasing Gramin Dak Sevak or GDS vacancies earlier in March and April 2017 and in altogether they have the plan to recruit over 50,000+ vacancies all over India which will be sweet enough to run the Indian Postal circle smoothly.
Gramin Dak Sevak Recruitment result:
If you took the golden opportunity and filled up the application form via or then we are thrilled that Indian Post office is all set to release Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017 along with GDS Merit list and Gramin Dak Sevak cut off and ग्रामीण डाक सेवक all Circle Result 2017.
Update 1: Kerala Circle recruitment is temporarily Held up.
Update 2: Odisha Circle Result is out now. Check your result below.
Update 3: 9 Circles application process has ended and the result will be out soon.
Update 4: Kerala Zone recruitment notification is finally out and will be going on now.
Contents [hide]
- 1 Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017 GDS Merit list cut off ग्रामीण डाक सेवक all Circle Result 2017:
- 2 Expected Gramin Dak Sevak Result Date in 2017:
- 3 GDS result 2017:
- 4 Selection procedure of Indian Post office Gramin Dak Sevak result 2017:
- 5 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Result 2017 merit list and cut off 2017
- 6 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) merit list 2017:
- 7 GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) expected cut off marks 2017:
- 8 How to check the Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Result 2017
- 9 Important points regarding Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017:
- 10 Closing Note of Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017:
Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017 GDS Merit list cut off ग्रामीण डाक सेवक all Circle Result 2017:
India post office is the Department of Posts (DoP). This is the renown prestigious body and Indian Government operated Postal Service System in India. India Post office which is commonly referred as ” Post Office” is the largest and widely distributed postal network in the world. Under the Indian government Department of Posts which is formed and operated by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology controls the Indian Post and take all the measurements.This renown and prestigious concern of India has more than 154,939 post offices of which 139,222 around (89.86%) were in rural areas and 15,826 around (10.14%) in urban areas as of 31st March 2015 and the figure has definitely increased in last few years since the new government took the initiative to make the Indian Postal circles great again. To add more diversified glory to this postal system, India post office has over 25,560 departmental Post Offices and 129,379 Gramin Dak Sevak, Branch Post Offices across India which is indeed delightful fact.
Currently, Indian Post Office has 23 circles operating all over India and they all had released the recruitment notification for GDS post and many other. If you have not check our India Post Office Recruitment post yet, we strongly recommend you to do that at once that not Indian Post office job go unnoticed from your radar. In this post, we are covering result for all Indian Post office circles result for Gramin Dak Sevak post.
Expected Gramin Dak Sevak Result Date in 2017:
Well, this would certainly be the ultimate question hovering in your mind for sure since you have applied for the Gramin Dak Sevak post. Rightly so, because after appearing in any exam this is what we look for and as Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment had no written examination and merit list would be prepared for the exam marks obtained in class 10 level. So exam result is expected to come out soon then normal exam procedure. Indian Post office has separately issued the recruitment notification for all 21 circles so quite obviously the result will come out separately for all circles. But as there is no specific information and Post office has not released any official announcement about the result declaration date for all circles so we can figure out the result for each circle will come out in the different time. Though Indian Postal circle has not declared the exact result publication date but as there is no initial screening test and merit list will decide the provisionally selected candidates’ list so the result will be declared soon right after all circles application process come to the end.
We, Naukri Helper team will inform you right away as soon as there is any information about Gramin Dak Sevak Result date here on this post. GDS result 2017:
As we have mentioned above that All Indian post office circles released the official recruitment notification separately so the result of each circle will come separately. In this post, we are going to list all circle’s Gramin Dak Sevak’s result. For your ready convenience you well even make individual result page for all circles that you can have all the detail and latest announcement at your fingertips. Before putting them in the list here we request you to send your thoughts across by commenting the discussion section of this page. If you need any clarification or need to know any things about GDS result, do not hesitate to comment. We Naukri Helper team will do our best to reply you as early as possible. Here we are going to notify Gramin Dak Sevak result 2017 for all circles as they come out:
Selection procedure of Indian Post office Gramin Dak Sevak result 2017:
The selection procedure of the Gramin Dak Sevak of India post office can not be simpler. As per the official notification of the Indian Post office, selection will be based on the basis of automatically generated merit list on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in class 10th standard of approved Boards. To make the selection at the highest quality standard, Percentage to the accuracy of 4 decimals will be taken into account for finalizing the selection of the candidates.
As we have indicated above the selection of the GDS is not completed at all and will be made on the basis of merit list but Indian post office has given some special norms which are as follows:
- Only class 10th standard marks will be taken into consideration preparing the merit list. Candidates holding higher qualification are entitled to apply for the Gramin Dak Sevak Post but will not be granted any extra marks for having the higher qualification.
- In the case of the tie or getting the same marks, candidates will secure position in the merit list ordering SOB (Higher age), ST Female, SC Female, OBC Female, UR Female, UR female, ST Male, SC Male, OBC male and finally UR male.
- Candidates may choose 5 posts on the priority basis on their respective circles applied and in case they get selected for more than one post, they will be offered the job on the first priority and rest all posts candidature will be forfeited.
- Candidates should exactly mention their marks obtained in the class 10th standard if they willfully or mistakenly upload any wrong documents or erroneously enter high or low marks obtained in the exam they candidature will be forfeited.
- Provisionally selected candidate will get an SMS from the department of their provisional selection confirmation within the stipulated date after the selection. Only getting an SMS or any other communications such as email will not entitle the candidates or ensure them the appointment or final selection. Candidates will have to produce all original document for verification including educational and identity proof in front of the recruiting authority.
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Result 2017 merit list and cut off 2017
- Job Recruiter: Indian Post office/Department of Post office
- Circles: Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Telangana, Odisha, Delhi, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana, Rajasthan, Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Tamilnadu and West Bengal total 23 Postal Circles.
- Official Websites: and
- Vacancy: Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)
- Available Positions Till now about 20,000 including all circles
- Selection Procedure: Merit list preparation on the basis of 10th standard result
- Documents Verification: After the merit list announcement for the provisionally selected candidates
- Result Status: Yet to publish
As we have already listed the individual result page for all the circle’s result you can check your result from those pages for your state otherwise you can visit the and, the official pages of Indian post office.
The selection structure of all zone’s GDS result is same as prescribed by the Indian post office and it will be only based on the marks obtained by all individual students in class 10 examination and no extra marks will be granted for holding any higher education. Provisionally selected candidates will be informed through SMS and e-mail and called for documents verification though candidates should keep in mind, getting the SMS or email will not guarantee of getting the final joining letter and Indian post office holds the complete authority regarding this matter.
Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) merit list 2017:
At the time of releasing the Gramin Dak Sevak recruitment announcement Indian Post office authority has given the solid and clear instruction that there will be no initial screening test in terms of written examination and the provisional selected candidate list will be made solely on the basis of class 10th level result merit list. Successful candidates who will secure their position on the merit list will be provisionally selected and called for documents verification and medical test on scheduled date prescribed by the Indian Post office authority.
As the total vacancy reach about 20,000 + for all circles so there was a huge buzz among the Government job seekers all over India which escalated the total number of application submission and went as high as more than 75,00,000. Which is simply unbelievable and due to this circumstance we are not ruling out the possibility of the second round of selection procedure after the primary merit list published by the Post office. This might shock you but it could be possible that there will be another written test with the provisionally selected candidates. Though Indian post office has not mentioned anything about the written examination on their recruitment advertisement and this is completely our own judgment. But if there is any development about the further round of selection procedure, rest assured, we Naukri Helper team will be the first to shade light on it.
GDS (Gramin Dak Sevak) expected cut off marks 2017:
According to the official notification of Indian Post office GDS recruitment, there will not be any written examination as the initial screening and the selection will be based on merit list made of marks obtained by each candidate on the calss 10th level. As the standard of the class 10th examination varies for each state or postal circles so the cutoff marks or the merit list will be different for each state.
How to check the Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Result 2017
- First of all, candidates are required to go to the official website of India Post office @
- When they are at the home page of Indian Postal circle they have to locate the Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017 at the middle of the page in “current notification” section.
- Click on that and a new window will appear containing all circles result list.
- Click on your circle’s GDS result and a new pop-up window will appear and that will prompt you to download the PDF file. Download it on your local drive.
- That PDF file will contain all successful candidates list for that circle.
- Look for your registration number or Name. If it is present there then your are provisionally selected.
- Wait for the next instruction from the Indian Postal Circle Authority.
Important points regarding Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017:
As there is no written examination and selection will be based on merit list so candidates are requested keep these following points in mind:
- FURNISHING OF SECURITY: – Candidates who are applying for the post shall furnish
- Candidates who will be selected for the post of BPM has to arrange the accommodation within 30 days near the branch office village and notify the authority. The candidate has to bear the Accommodation fee.
- Candidate can easily view his/her result status in the official website of the Indian Post office by providing the registration number till the results are announced. Once the result is announced officially candidates can follow the instruction we have provided above to see the complete selected candidates list.
Closing Note of Gramin Dak Sevak Result 2017:
GDS recruitment is certainly one of the most important and large stuffing notification by the Indian Government this year. We understand how seriously applicants are taking this recruitment and we Naukri Helper team is trying our best to provide all recent updates and notification of Gramin Dak Sevak Result through this post. If you need to make yourself clear about any particular things or simply want to put your thoughts across, we invite you to drop your message into the comment section. We wish all the applicants very good luck and happy government job hunting. We would like to request everyone not to repeat the same question again and again. Please read the previous comments and if that not suffice your query then only post your comment.