“Forward ever, backward never: onwards with Breaking Through”
Central Working Committee meeting of the National association of Postal Employees, Group C
No.  11-1/CWC                                                                                         Dated:  01-05-2018


It is hereby notified that the Central Working Committee meeting of the National association of Postal Employees, Group C will be held from   29-06-2018  to 01-07-2018 at “Hotel Mahavir, Kachiguda Railway Station Road, Hyderabad”.

The following will be the agenda for the CWC meeting.

It is further notified no further fresh notice will be issued if the date(s)/or venue of the CWC meeting is changed; but only an intimation thereof will be sent.

1.         Adoption of the minutes of the last CWC meeting.
2.         Adoption of the report on activities of the union for the period from 5.02.2017 to
3.         Adoption of the Audited Accounts of the CHQ of the union for the period from 
            01-04-2017 to 31-03-2018.
4.         Policy and Programme.
5.         Filling up of vacant posts
6.         Any other item with the permission of the chair.

                                                                                                                 (D KISHAN RAO)
Copy to:
1.    The Secretary,
Department of Posts, New Delhi-110001 for taking action.
2.    All the CHQ office bearers
3.    All the Circle Secretaries

                                                                                                               (D KISHAN RAO)
                                                                                                                GENERAL SECRETARY