Travelling allowance rules after the implementation of 7th CPC
No. 904302/2018-E.IV
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi -110001
Dated the 12th September, 2018
ToDated the 12th September, 2018
Sh. Ravi Karan
President, SSOA
A-16, Shradha Puri
Phase-II, Sardhana road
Kankar Khera, Meerut
U.P. – 250001
Sub: Clarification regarding Travelling allowance (TA) rules after the implementation of 7th CPC.
The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter dated 25.07.2018 on the above mentioned subject. In this regard, the following is clarified:-
The undersigned is directed to refer to your letter dated 25.07.2018 on the above mentioned subject. In this regard, the following is clarified:-
(i) As per rule position as mentioned in
SR-71 of FRSR part-II TA rules, TA for a local journey shall be
admissible if the temporary place of duty is beyond 8 km from the normal
place of duty irrespective of whether the journey is performed by the
Government servant from his residence or from the normal place duty.
Further, for local journeys, a Government servant will draw, for journey
involved, mileage allowance and in addition draw 50% of daily allowance
as per OM dated 13 07.2017
(ii). After the recommendations of 7th
CPC on Allowances, OM dated 13 07.2017 regarding TA rules has been
issued by this Department wherein Daily Allowance on tour comprises 3
components i.e. Hotel accommodation, travel within the city and food
charges. For local journey beyond 8 kms, the following may be
a. Hotel accommodation:- Not Applicable.
b. Travel within the city/Mileage Allowance:- As per para 2 (E) (i) of OM dated 13.07.2017.
c. Food charges – 50 % of amount payable on tour as mentioned in pare 2 (E) (v) of OM dated 13.07.2017as follows:-
b. Travel within the city/Mileage Allowance:- As per para 2 (E) (i) of OM dated 13.07.2017.
c. Food charges – 50 % of amount payable on tour as mentioned in pare 2 (E) (v) of OM dated 13.07.2017as follows:-
Length of absence | Amount payable on Tour |
Amount payable on Local journey (50% of amount payable on tour) |
If absence from headquarters is <6 hours | 30% of Lumpsum amount | 15% of Lumpsum amount |
If absence from headquarters is between 6-12 hours | 70% of Lumpsum amount | 35% of Lumpsum amount |
If absence from headquarters is >12 hours |
100% of Lumpsum
amount |
50% of Lumpsum amount
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary the Govt. of India
Deputy Secretary the Govt. of India