25th Circle Conference of NUPE,Postman/MTS,Group-C. W.B.Circle....................Silver Jubilee Conference of NUPE, Postman/MTS.Group -C. W.B.Circle was held from 9th to 11th April 2017 at Tamluk...............The open session of the conference was inaugurated on 9th April at 10 a.m. by Sri. T.N.Rahate President FNPO after a colourful procession. Smt. Soma Ghosh C/S W.B. Circle submitted a good biennial report in the subject committee meeting on 10th April,2017. Sri. D.Theagarajan S/G FNPO and Sri Dipak Mukherjee CHQ Advisor NUR Gr-C attended the subject committee meeting on 10th April. More details will be published in the federal sentinal.